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Zelda: FAQ and Walkthrough

Frequently Asked Questions, codes, maps and alkthroughs of Zelda games

                  _____         _____  ____  _     ___     __
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                |  / \  |        / /  | \_  | |   | |\ | | /\ |
                |` \_/ ´|       / /_  | /__ | |__ | |/ | | ¯¯ |
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                  | / |            ___          _  _   ____   ____  ___   _  _
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               \_________/             _  _   ____ _____
                 |  |  |              | \| | / __/|     |
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                 |  |  |          /\  | |  | | /__  | |    Proudly Presents...
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            /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/   T H E      L E G E N D     O F
           | _________      /________ ______    ______        ____
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             /  /  /|  |    /|       |/        |/     //  |    /   \
            /      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯¯
           /________________/     S P I R I T     T R A C K S
                 |  |  | 
                 |  |  |     -------------------------------------
                 |  |  |     O U R    O F F I C I A L    G U I D E
                 |  |  |     -------------------------------------
         ________|  |  |______________________________________________
+------+  =======|  |  |=============================================  +------+
 \  1)  \  ------|  |  |---={  Table of Contents  }=----------------  /  (A  /
  \  2)  \       |  |  |            [TABLE]                          /  (B  /
   \  3)  \      |  |  |                                            /  (C  /
    \  4)  \     |  |  |                                           /  (D  /
     \  5)  \    \  |  /  http://www.zeldadungeon.net/            /  (E  /
      \  6)  \  --\ | /----------------------------------------  /  (F  /
       +------+  ==\|/========================================  +------+
                   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                 -'                                         '-
              .-'  I will be updating this guide frequently,  '-.
            .-     adding more sections and improving the        -.
            '-     walkthrough with sweet maps, boxes and        -'
              '-.  diagrams. Keep this guide bookmarked! =D   .-'
                 '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'

[TABLE]... Table of Contents
[INTRO]... Introduction
[CTRL].... Controls
[BASICS].. Game Basics
[WALK].... Walkthrough
[BOSSES].. Bosses
[HEART]... Heart Containers
[STAMP]... Stamp Stations
[RABBIT].. Rabbit Locations
[FORCE]... Force Gems
[LEGAL]... Legal/Closing

 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.   #                                  #
 |  HOW TO GET TO EACH SECTION FAST!  |   #   A complete guide written by    #
 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|   #    staff of ZeldaDungeon.net:    #
 | --> Ctrl/Apple + F                 |   #                                  #
 |                                    |   #  Mases Hagopian   Josh Zelinsky  #
 | --> Copy-paste the commands        |   #  Caleb Simpson    Matthew Davis  #
 |             [EXAMPLE]              |   #  Alex Hansen                     #
 |                                    |   #                                  #
 | --> Click "Find" until you get     |   #             contact:             #
 |     there                          |   # stud_zeldarevolution@hotmail.com #
 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'   # ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ #

         /\  _____________________________________________________  /\
        /  \  ===================================================  /  \
       /    \  ---------------={  Introduction  }=--------------  /    \
      /      \                      [INTRO]                      /      \
     /________\                                                 /________\
    /\        /\                                               /\        /\
   /  \      /  \         http://www.zeldadungeon.net/        /  \      /  \
  /    \    /    \  ---------------------------------------  /    \    /    \
 /      \  /      \  =====================================  /      \  /      \
/________\/________\  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  /________\/________\

|                           Everything Looks Funky!                           |

If everything above doesn't align correctly, try widening your window. This
guide was designed to be viewed using a "fixed-width" font like:

      * Consolas
      * Courier
      * Courier New    <--   GOOD
      * Fixedsys
      * Lucida Console    <--   BEST

This whole guide fits within the exact width of 79 characters, as required by
GameFAQs.com (because it will print the exact width of 8.5x13" standard
printing paper). If you're not sure if you're using a "fixed-width" font,
look below:

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII                 (Copyright to Bedman at bedman@mail.com)
WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW                (thanks for coming up with the test man!)

If those two lines align perfectly together, than the font you are using is a
fixed width like Lucida Console and many other fonts. This means that each
character takes up the same amount of space, both in height and width. In this
case, the "I" should be just as wide as the "W".

If all else fails, try copy-pasting the guide into a program on your computer
that has some fixed-width fonts (Notepad works best in my opinion).

|                          Getting Started: Comments                          |

Hey guys! This guide is a collaborative effort of our staff at
                         --Mases Hagopian
                           --Caleb Simpson
                             --Alex Hansen
                               --Josh Zelinsky
                                 --Matthew Davis

I have placed links throughout this guide that take you to the site versions
of each of these sections we are about to dive into. Our website is equipped
with screenshots, maps, videos and a whole lot of other cool stuff that makes
it an overall better experience. At any point, feel free to check out that

For this text version, however, I will try to copy down the maps and pictures
in fancy word art to make it easier to read.

With all that being said, tally-ho! Onward! Victory! Ice Cream!

 _________                                                       _________
| ____   /   _______________________________________________    | ____   /
|/   /  /     ===============================================   |/   /  /
    /  /____   -------------={  About This Guide  }=----------      /  /____
   /  /  __ \                       [ABOUT]                        /  /  __ \
  /  /| |  \ \                                                    /  /| |  \ \
 /  / | /|  | |                                                  /  / | /|  | |
/   ¯¯¯¯ |  | |           http://www.zeldadungeon.net/          /   ¯¯¯¯ |  | |
¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯|   | |   --------------------------------------------  ¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯|   | |
      | |  / /   ==============================================       | |  / /
     /   ¯¯ /   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯     /   ¯¯ /
     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                                         ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|                           Versions Of This Guide                            |

Version: v1.04       1/10/10
 - Major updates to chapters 9, 10 and 11

Version: v1.03
 - Major updates to chapters 1 and 8
 - Added Rabbit Locations and Force Gems sections

Version: v1.02
 - Major updates to chapters 5, 6 and 7

Version: v1.01
 - Major updates to chapters 1 and 4

Version: v1.00
 - Established Dec 11, 2009.

|                               Finding Stuff: []                             |

 - Whenever you see anything with brackets around it [EXAMPLE], you can use
  that same batch of symbols to quickly find what you're looking for. For
  example, every Heart Container has a code that goes with it: [H##]. There's
  13 Heart Containers in total, but each one only has two codes: one in the
  walkthrough and one in the guide. Simply use that code to find that Heart
  Containers in either location!

        .                                                             .
     .-'.\                                                           /.'-.
  .-'.-' |  ______________________________________________________   | '-.'-.
.'.-'.-| |    =================================================      | |-.'-.'.
|| -'  | |      ----------------={  CONTROLS  }=-------------        | |  '- ||
|| |  .- | /|                        [CTRL]                       |\ | -.  | ||
|| |-' .-'//                                                       \\'-. '-| ||
||  .-' .//\                                                       /\\. '-.  ||
||-' .-'//  \             http://www.zeldadungeon.net/            /  \\'-. '-||
|\  \  |/ \  \     -----------------------------------------     /  / \|  /  /|
 \\  \ .-' .-'    ===========================================    '-. '-. /  //
  \\  ' .-'.-'   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   '-.'-. '  //
   \\.-'.-'                                                         '-.'-.//
    '.-'                                                               '-.'
                                 / |
 _______________________________/ /             ============
|                              / /              ~ Movement ~
| O O O                       / /               ============
|                            / /|  Simply use the stylus anywhere on the touch
|                           / / |  screen to make Link move towards it. Close
|              /\          / /  |  to him and he'll walk, far away and he'll
|              \/ /       / /   |  run. Run at ledges to jump across them.
|             O||¯       / /    |
|              /\       | /     |                ===========
|                       |/      |                ~ Rolling ~
|                               |                ===========
|                               |  Double tap to make Link roll in that
|                               |  direction. You can use this to bonk into
|                         ______|  trees and other objects or to avoid enemies.
|                        | MENU |  If you roll three times in a row, he gets
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   dizzy.

    ====================                         ===========
    ~ Talking/Interact ~                         ~ Jumping ~
    ====================                         ===========
Simply tap on an object or         Simply run at a ledge to jump over/off it.
person to talk, pick up, read,
interact, etc.

        /|                                   ===================
       //                                    ~ Using The Sword ~
      //                                     ===================
    |/                    Stab--   Tap an enemy at close range.
                   Jump Attack--   Tap an enemy at a far range to make Link run
                                   over to them and do a jumping attack. Does
        /|                         the damage of two regular attacks!
      //                 Slash--   Make a swiping motion in front of Link, side
     //                            to side, to make him slash.
---->              Spin Attack--   Draw a circle around Link to do a spinning
                                   attack. Use this when you're surrounded!
                                   Watch out, three in a row makes him dizzy!
        //          Great Spin--   Do three Spin Attacks in a row to perform
       //                          the Great Spin, causing Link to do a massive
  __  //                           continual Spin Attack while zooming across
 /  \|/                            the ground! You have to learn this ability
 \__/                              from Niko, after collecting all 20 Stamps.
                                   See the Stamp Book section for more details.

 _______________________________             ===================
|   \ \                      || |            ~ Using The Train ~
| O O\O\O                    || |            ===================
|     \ \                    || |  Press and hold the stylus anywhere, then
|      \ \                      |  drag it across the screen to change the
|       \ \                    _|  direction of your view.
|        \ ____               /^|  
|         /\ __\           <=| ||  Once you get the first Rail Map, you can
|        /O||__|_            |  |  press the Route button at any time to
|        \ |/\   \           | ^|  "pre-set" your course through the overworld
|        O\ \ \___\          | -|  and the tracks you will take. You can always
|         O |\/____\          \v|  do it manually once you get there by
|           \ |    |            |  dragging the Rail Switch that appears at the
|_______    O\|----|      ______|  bottom of the screen.
| Route |    O ¯\¯\      | MENU |
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯           --Whistle--
                      At the top right of the screen is a rope that dangles
                      there all the time. Some enemies (the earlier ones in
 ---                  particular) can be scared off by simply pulling down on
| ^ |                 the rope to blow your whistle.
| ^ | Fast
| ^ | Slow                                 --Gear Box--
|---|                 Along the right side of the screen is a box with various
| = | Stop            symbols on it. Drag the lever atop it to your desired
|---|                 speed. Generally, you have it on fast while traveling,
| v | Reverse         then use stop (or even reverse) to slow down at stations
 ---                  in order to enter an area.
(also emergency stop)

Once you get the cannon, you can use it to shoot stuff by simply clicking on
the screen. You can use it to blast enemies or things like boulders. (To find
those hidden bunnies! Check out our Rabbitland Rescue section for more info.)

   /   _________________________________________________________________   \
  / _   ===============================================================   _ \
 / / \   ---------------------={  Game Basics  }=---------------------   / \ \
o  \_/_                             [BASICS]                            _\_/  o
\\/| |o|                                                               |o| |\//
 \/| | |                                                               | | |\/
   |_|/                   http://www.zeldadungeon.net/                  \|_|
   | |    -----------------------------------------------------------    | |
   | |   =============================================================   | |

  Small Keys--   Gather these in to open locked doors and progress through
                 the dungeon.

     Big Key--   Temples have a large key that is needed to gain access to the
                 room where the boss of the dungeon lurks. They're so big that
                 Link has to carry them above his head and walk slowly. Take
                 them to the large colorful block with a keyhole in it before
                 Key Masters appear and try to take it from you!

        Menu--   Press the Menu button at any time to Save, switch items, drink
                 potions, use the Spirit Flute, or look at your inventory. You
                 can get to the Menu by pressing Right or A.

         Map--   Press Up, Down, B or X to move swap your duel screens,
                 allowing you to draw on your map.

 Using Items--   Press the item icon in the top right corner of the screen to
                 start or stop using your item. Alternatively, you can press
                 and hold L or R, then use the Stylus to use your items, which
                 can be quite a bit faster.

                                                                         o o o
        ____________________________________________________________   () ___ o
 o o o   ============================================================    /   \
o ___ ()  ---------------------={  Walkthrough  }=--------------------  |     |
 /   \                               [WALK]                              \    |
|     |                                                                   |   |
|    /                                                                    |   |
|   |  http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough.php /    |
|   |  ----------------------------------------------------------------  \   /
|    \  ================================================================  ¯¯¯
 \   /   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  ¯¯¯                .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
                     |  HOW TO GET TO EACH SECTION FAST!  |
                     | --> Ctrl/Apple + F                 |
                     |                                    |
                     | --> Copy-paste the commands        |
                     |             [EXAMPLE]              |
                     |                                    |
                     | --> Click "Find" until you get     |
                     |     there                          |

  Chapter 1 - The Beginning  \\
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-01.php       [W1]
[W1.1] Aboda Village
[W1.2] Train Tutorial
[W1.3] Hyrule Castle
[W1.4] Sneaking Out
[W1.5] Tower of Spirits

  Chapter 2 - Forest Realm  \\
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-02.php       [W2]
[W2.1] Whittleton Village
[W2.2] Lost Woods
[W2.3] Forest Sanctuary
[W2.4] Forest Temple

  Chapter 3 - Tower of Spirits Revisited  \\
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-03.php       [W3]
[W3.1] Castle Town Goodies
[W3.2] Tower of Spirits, Part 2

  Chapter 4 - Snow Realm  \\
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-04.php       [W4]
[W4.1] Back to Aboda Village
[W4.2] Some Extras In The Forest Realm
[W4.3] Anouki Village
[W4.4] Snow Sanctuary
[W4.5] Getting to the Snow Temple
[W4.6] Snow Temple

  Chapter 5 - Tower of Spirits 3  \\
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-05.php       [W5]
[W5.1] Get to the Tower!
[W5.2] Tower of Spirits Secrets
[W5.3] Tower of Spirits, Part 3

  Chapter 6 - Ocean Realm  \\
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-06.php       [W6]
[W6.1] Repairing The Bridge
[W6.2] Ocean Sanctuary
[W6.3] Papuchia Village
[W6.4] Find the Ocean Temple
[W6.5] Ocean Temple

  Chapter 7 - Tower of Spirits 4  \\
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-07.php       [W7]
[W7.1] Lots of Goodies
[W7.2] Tower of Spirits, Part 4

  Chapter 8 - Fire Realm  \\
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-08.php       [W8]
[W8.1] Goron Village
[W8.2] Mega Ice!
[W8.3] Fire Sanctuary
[W8.4] Force Gem Galore
[W8.5] Enter The Fire Temple
[W8.6] Fire Temple

  Chapter 9 - Tower of Spirits 5  \\
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-09.php       [W9]
[W9.1] Tons of Goodies
[W9.2] Tower of Spirits, Part 5

  Chapter 10 - Sand Realm  \\
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-10.php      [W10]
[W10.1] Sand Sanctuary
[W10.2] Reaching the Sand Temple
[W10.3] Sand Temple

  Chapter 11 - Tower of Spirits 6  \\
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-11.php      [W11]
[W11.1] The Final Collection
[W11.2] Tower of Spirits, Part 6

  Chapter 12 - Dark Realm  \\
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-12.php      [W12]
[W12.1] The Dark Realm
[W12.2] The Demon Train
[W12.3] Cole and Possessed Zelda
[W12.4] Malladus, Demon King

    /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\                              /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\
   /__\  Chapter 1  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯        /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\
  /\  /\   The Beginning             ____________________/     [W1]     /\  /\
 /__\/__\  _________________________/           \____________________  /__\/__\
|                                                                             |

   /\  1.1 Aboda Village                                                 [W1.1]
  /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-01.php#c1
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

As soon as you enter your character name on the select screen and begin the
game, a series of slides will be shown giving some back story about the game.
The tale that is told discusses the first settlers of the land and a great
battle between demons and the spirits of good that resulted in the Demon King
being sealed underground. Shackles were built to imprison the Demon King and a
tower acted as a lock.

                    |                                 |
                    |  This is a tale from long ago.  |
                    |  It’s the tale of the first     |
                    |  settlers of this land.         |
                    |                                 |
                    |  In the beginning, the people   |
                    |  followed the spirits of good   |
                    |  and all was peaceful.          |
                    |                                 |
                    |  But that era of peace soon     |
                    |  came to an end.                |
                    |                                 |
                    |  The evil Demon King rose the   |
                    |  power, destroying everything   |
                    |  in his path.                   |
                    |                                 |
                    |  The spirits of good has no     |
                    |  choice but to face him in      |
                    |  battle.                        |
                    |                                 |
                    |  The war that ensued seemed     |
                    |  to last an eternity, and       |
                    |  much blood was shed.           |
                    |                                 |
                    |  Finally the spirits subdued    |
                    |  the Demon King, though they    |
                    |  could not destroy him.         |
                    |                                 |
                    |  Their powers were greatly      |
                    |  depleted.                      |
                    |                                 |
                    |  With their remaining power,    |
                    |  they buried the Demon King’s   |
                    |  spirit in the ground.          |
                    |                                 |
                    |  They built shackles to         |
                    |  imprison him, and a tower      |
                    |  that acted as a lock.          |
                    |                                 |
                    |  These shackles cover the       |
                    |  land to this day.              |
                    |                                 |
                    |  With their power drained,      |
                    |  the spirits of good            |
                    |  returned to the heavens.       |
                    |                                 |
                    |  Suddenly bereft of both        |
                    |  demons and spirits, this       |
                    |  land was entrusted to us.      |
                    |                                 |

After the slideshow is complete, an elderly man is shown as the person who is
telling the back story. This elderly man is actually a familiar face to the
Zelda series. It is Niko, who was in the Wind Waker and also was responsible
for a slide show back story in Phantom Hourglass.

The story was so interesting... that it put our hero Link to sleep. Link will
eventually awaken and Niko rants out toward Link for falling asleep during his
lovely story. Niko mentions how, because Link is his roommate, he is so lucky
to be hearing Niko's great stories.                    o--------o
                                        .--------------|  Niko  |-------------.
                                        |              o--------o             |
             o-----------o              | The first person that you meet in   |
.------------|  Alfonzo  |------------. | the game, Niko is actually from two |
|            o-----------o            | | previous zelda games, Wind Waker    |
| The first in commmand in the train  | | and Phantom Hourglass. He is the    |
| world, Alfonzo is Link's mentor. He | | same old storyteller he was back    |
| trained Link to be a conductor      | | then, and gives you the basic plot  |
| before the game's events, and has   | | for the game. He is also Link's     |
| great pride in him.                 | | roommate in this game.              |
'-------------------------------------' '-------------------------------------'

Link and Niko will eventually be joined by Link’s mentor, Alfonzo, who picks
up and shakes Link to awaken him, and then reminds him that today is an
important day as Link is going to meet the princess to get his engineer
certificate! Yes that’s right, our hero Link is graduating today and will now
be able to be the conductor of his own locomotive! Alfonzo will then head off
and tells Link to meet him at the station. Niko will give you some instructions
on how to use the Nintendo DS to control Link’s movement. If you’ve played
Phantom Hourglass, you should already be familiar with these basic controls.
If not, it doesn’t take much time to get use to it. Exit the house at the
bottom of the screen. 	

You will then get a quick cinema of Aboda Village, which is a small town along
the coast that has just three small houses and a train station. This village
acts as an introductory area, much like many of the first villages in all the
Zelda games. The girl near the house on the right will teach Link how to pick
up rocks and asks you to clear the rocks in front of the house. Clear the four
rocks by picking them up and tossing them aside. Speak with the girl and she
will reward you with a red rupee! You can enter the house to meet an older
woman, but there isn’t much to learn here.
              -|_o| |           |   .---'
       .-----'      '----. .----'__/                   .------.
      |                         /       o-------------/  Bees  \--------------o
    .-'          Boy            |       |             '--------'              |
   /                           _|       |  Attacks:                  Threat:  |
  |                    _      /         | (1/2) Stings                   1/10 |
  |                   /_\    |          |                                     |
  \  _                |O|    |          | The bees found in this game act     |
   |/_\           Girl:.:    /          | just like they do in real life, and |
  / |O|                     |           | attack you in the exact same way.   |
  |                         |           | They swarm around you and make      |
.-'                         /           | contact with you by stinging you.   |
|                          |            | This is their only real move, and   |
|_.-.                     .'            | the only way to defeat them is to   |
     \                  .'              | run far away.                       |
      \__    _--_    _-'                o-------------------------------------o
         '--'    '--'
Near the center of the village, you’ll see a young boy who is standing near a
tree with a beehive. The boy will teach Link how to do a somersault and will
tell you to somersault into the tree with a beehive. Do just that and the
beehive will fall to the ground and the bees will start flying everywhere.
After the boy calls you a klutz, the bees will start chasing you. Just run
around the village doing somersaults to get away faster and eventually the bees
will stop following you. They aren’t too damaging but can be quite annoying if
you don’t move quickly enough.

There isn’t much else of use in this village. There is a man near the top-left
portion of town who someday wants to raise cuccos... interesting. There is also
a stamp station, but we have no use for it at this point in time. Walk over to
the station entrance and you’ll see the young boy we just spoke with. Talk to
him and he’ll say that he was just kidding, and he will give you a wood heart!
Wood hearts are one of the many Treasures that link will obtain in the game
and we’ll have a use for them later on. 	

Now head onto the station and a short cinema will pop up showing a door open
and Alfonzo riding out on his train. Speak with Alfonzo and he repeats that
you need to meet Princess Zelda in order to be able to operate a train
yourself. Hop on board and Alfonzo will allow Link to operate the train as he
calls it Link’s “Final Exam”. He says that he needs to reach Hyrule Castle in
300 seconds.

   /\  1.2 Train Tutorial                                                [W1.2]
  /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-01.php#c2
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Once Link is on board the train, Alfonzo will teach Link how to use some of the
features. Right off the bat you’ll see a gearbox along the right side of the
screen and it has a lever with four speeds. Moving the lever to the very top
will allow the train to go at top speed. Just below it is the standard, slower
speed. Below that is the slow down button that will bring the train to a halt.
At the very bottom is the emergency brake, and it will also allow Link to
travel in reverse on the train. At the top-right of the screen is the whistle.
Link can pull on it and it will blow the train’s whistle, which can be used to
scare animals of the tracks. Lastly, if
you tap any part of the screen, it will                .-------.
change the camera angle so you can see  o-------------/  Moink  \-------------o
your surroundings.                      |             '---------'             |
                                        |  Attacks:                  Threat:  |
You can see the first portion of the    | (1/4) Ram                      3/10 |
path outlined on the top screen and     |                                     |
it's pretty straight forward. Given     | Moinks are found all over this      |
this portion of the game is very        | game, but they only become a        |
introductory, there is very little to   | problem when they walk over your    |
do. Just let the train ride around the  | tracks. Give them a honk with your  |
corner and you'll eventually see some   | whistle to get them off the tracks  |
cow-like Moinks in the path of the      | and make them no danger to your     |
train, so you will have to blow the     | train.                              |
whistle to get them to scram.           o-------------------------------------o

You can see the first portion of the path outlined on the top screen and it’s
pretty straight forward. Given this portion of the game is very introductory,
there is very little to do. Just let the train ride around the corner and
you’ll eventually see some cow-like Moinks in the path of the train, so you
will have to blow the whistle to get them to scram.

You will eventually come to the first fork in the road. Alfonzo will explain
that the rail switch will appear at the bottom of the screen and this controls
the actual tracks. Looking at the map above, you have the option of heading
straight or turning to the right. We cannot go straight ahead since another
train is in our path. Adjust the handle so that you are heading to the right.
The tracks will highlight in red in the direction that you are going to be

Continue along until you get to the next fork in the road. At this point, you
want to take the path to the right, so make sure the handle is facing the
right. Take the next right at another fork in the road and while it appears
that you are almost going to hit another train, you should be in the clear.
There really is no set path that you must take here, as long as you don’t bump
into other trains and you make it to the castle in 300 seconds.

When you ride on the tracks near the northeast corner of the map, Alfonzo will
point out the Tower of Spirits. He’ll also mention that you are almost at the
castle and that you need to use the lever on the gearbox to stop at the
station. As you draw near, slow down a bit by adjusting the gear box and come
to a complete stop.

   /\  1.3 Hyrule Castle                                                 [W1.3]
  /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-01.php#c3
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

                              ~ /  Castle Town  \ ~
A short cinema will play as you are  .--.___________.--.___.--.___________.--.
introduced to Castle Town. After    |    ___________    ___    ___________    |
some kind words from Alfonzo, you   \   / _____     '--'   '--'     ___   \   /
will be able to run around town.     | | |     |  ___  *      ___  |   |   | |
You can run around and enter the     | | |     | |   |       |   | |   | __| |
various builders found within        | | |_____| |_O_|       |_O_| |_O_| --. |
Castle Town and talk to some of the  | |             .-o   o-.             | |
residents. There aren’t too many     | |   ____     '-'     '-'   __   __  | |
things of interest, just some back  /   \ |    |   _          _  |  | |  |/   \
story about the history of the      |   | |__O_|  //     _    \\ |  | |__||   |
kingdom and some characters that    \   /         ¯     /_\    ¯ |__|     \   /
we’ll speak with much later in the   | |    _____   _         _      __    | |
game.                                | |   |     |  \\       //   .-'  '-. | |
                                     | |   |  _.-'   ¯       ¯    |      | | |
You can enter the Castle Town Shop   | |   |_|                    '-._O.-' | |
which is just to the right of the    | |                                   | |
entrance to Hyrule Castle. It       /   \________.--.      --..--.________/   \
currently had five items for sale,  |    ________   |-_.---. ||   ________    |
two of which are pieces of           '--'        '--'|       |'--'        '--'
treasure. Also for sale are some    ===========================================
prize postcards, which Link can put
them in the mail them and might get a large return if he’s lucky. Red Potion is
also for sale for 100 rupees. The most notable item is the shield, selling for
a more reasonable 80 rupees. Everything is a bit pricey for Link’s wallet at \
this point in time, so we’ll likely retain later on.

Just to the left of the entrance to Hyrule Castle, you will see a mailbox
bouncing, similar to the mailboxes from Phantom Hourglass. Walk towards it and
Link will meet up with the new Postman. Unlike the postman from Phantom
Hourglass who had wings, this particular postman runs around, similar to the
Postman from Twilight Princess or Majora’s Mask. More notable however, is the
humorous way he imitates a train as he
walks, ha! The postman already has a                 o-----------o
letter to you, but their new policy is  .------------|  Postman  |------------.
that they do not read the letters out   |            o-----------o            |
loud. After giving you your first       | The Postman reappears in Spirit     |
letter,  he'll then run off,            | Tracks from a previous game,        |
presumably delivering more mail. You    | Phantom Hourglass. Things are       |
can tap the menu at the bottom right of | different for him this time though, |
the screen and then tap collection.     | as he can no longer read people's   |
Next go to the letters to see that the  | letter's out loud, and he takes a   |
first letter is actually from the       | train from place to place instead   |
postmaster, who tells you of the new    | of flying.                          |
postal system.                          '-------------------------------------'

Now that all this is out of the way, lets head north to Hyrule Castle. Upon
entering just walk straight ahead and you’ll see two guards doing that
"guarding thing" the entrance. They're both wearing the green tunic that is
usually the garment worn by Link in previous Zelda titles. Speak to the chubby
guard and they’ll move out of the way for you. Enter the Castle.

                             ~ /  Hyrule Casle  \ ~
Walk straight ahead and speak with               o-------------------o
another guard who tells Link to get     .--------|  Chancellor Cole  |--------.
lost. However, the two are interrupted  |        o-------------------o        |
by a man who goes by the name           | Chancellor Cole is on of the        |
Chancellor Cole. He’s an odd looking    | highest ranking people in this      |
fellow who had two hats on his head.    | land, and has quite an attitude     |
After giving Link a bit of a hard time, | problem. He thinks the Award        |
he’ll allow you to pass the guard and   | Cermonies are pointless, and        |
head to your "ridiculous ceremony”.     | they're just a waste of time. He is |
This Cole dude really has quite an      | very short and wears two hats on    |
attitude towards Link and the Castle    | his head to hide what he really is. |
Guards. Walk up the stairs to the       '-------------------------------------'
Next we see, Link is kneeling down on   .---------|  Princess Zelda  |--------.
the red carpet and... Princess Zelda    |         o------------------o        |
appears! After the two make eye         | Princess Zelda is the highest known |
contact, Chancellor Cole jumps in and   | power in this land, and is the one  |
calls Link an ‘ill-mannered urchin’ for | in charge of the Award Ceremony.    |
looking up at Princess Zelda without    | She is quite suspicious and sick of |
permission. This continues on and on,   | the way that Chancellor Cole is,    |
with Princess Zelda and Link talking    | and asks Link for help with her     |
and Cole constantly interrupting in a   | problem.                            |
very rude fashion. Eventually Teacher   '-------------------------------------'
will appear and Zelda will grab the
certificate and give it to Link,                     o-----------o
officially promoting him to a royal     .------------|  Teacher  |------------.
engineer!                               |            o-----------o            |
                                        | Teacher is the teacher, doctor, and |
Princess Zelda also moves in closer to  | presenter of things in Hyrule       |
Link and slips him a note. She tells    | Castle. He gives Zelda Link's       |
Link to read this later and to beware   | Graduation Certificate, and also    |
of the chancellor. Princess Zelda will  | helps him recover later on from     |
then leave for her chamber. Chancellor  | various injuries.                   |
Cole gives off some more words for      '-------------------------------------'
Link, followed by a very cynical
statement filled with an awkward                .----------------------.
looking smile and evil sounding music.  +------´  Engineer Certificate  `-----+
                                        |      `------------------------´     |
Once we’ve gained control of Link, open | The Engineer Certificate is the     |
up Princess Zelda’s letter and you’ll   | piece of paper received from        |
read that she wants you to meet up with | Princess Zelda, allowing Link to    |
her and she includes a map with her     | conduct the trains by himself.      |
letter. Click the map icon and jot down +-------------------------------------+
the directions that she gave you your
map the bottom screen. Leave the Castle      Break                   Training
Chamber and at this point, Link can           Room                   Room
wander around the Castle. On the left         _| |_   _         _   _| |_
side there is a room where the guards        |.   .| | | Throne| | |.   .|
rest up. On the right side there is a        |     | | |  Room | | |     |
room where the guards practice their         |.   .| | |  |2|  | | |.   .|
swordsmanship. We’ll get to these a bit      |     | | |__|*|__| | |     |
later, but for now, let’s head up the        |.   .| |__   *   __| |.   .|
stairs found at the bottom-right of the      |     |____|   * |____|     |
screen.                                       \   _______    *********  /
                                             _ | |       \   /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|*| _
                                           _|2|| |        | |        |*||2|_
     ____                           ____  |______|        Out        | ***  |
 ___| |2|| To Zelda's Chambers --> ||2| |___                          ¯¯¯¯¯¯
|   |____|                         |_*__|   |
|       ||                         |*       |
| .-.  _||                         |*_  .-. |
| | | |  |	      _            |* | | | |  ...And follow the skinny path
| '-' | _|           |2|           |_*| '-' |  along the side of the castle.
|     ||    .--------' '--------.    *|     |
|    .'|___/                     \___*'.    |              ^
| .. |                _              * | .. |              |
| '' |   _    _______|1|_______    _ * | '' |
| .. |  |1|  |                 |  |1|* | .. | <--- Come up these stairs here...
| '' |       |  .--.     .--.  |    *  | '' |
|    |_______|  '--'     '--'  |_______|    |
|                                           |
|      .-----.  .--.     .--.  .-----.      |
|      '-----'  |__|     |__|  '-----'      |
 \______________/  \     /  \______________/
                \__/     \__/

If you jotted down the route Princess Zelda showed you in the letter, than
you’ll see that our destination is that door near the top-right of map. Just
follow the path, jump down, and enter the door. Make your way to the staircase
near the north end of the map and head upstairs to enter Princess Zelda’s

Upon entering, Link will see Princess playing the Spirit Flute, an item that
will be of importance in just a bit. Princess Zelda talks to Link about the
Tower of Spirits and how it crisscrosses the land with the Spirit Tracks.
However, the Spirit Tracks have been vanishing and she thinks something is
wrong at the tower. Princess Zelda wants to go to the tower to meat a special
Sage, but needs Link’s help to sneak
outside. Chancellor Cole forbids Zelda            .-----------------.
from leaving the Castle, but Zelda      +--------´  Recruit Uniform  `--------+
suspects that Cole is really hiding     |        `-------------------´        |
something and thinks something terrible | These clothes are the clothes given |
is about to happen. After agreeing to   | to every guard at Hyrule Castle.    |
help, Princess Zelda gives Link his     | Link receives them from Princess    |
‘recruit uniform’, which is his classic | Zelda to blend in with and sneak    |
tunic. After Link changes his clothes,  | past the patrolling guards.         |
Princess Zelda and Link are off on      +-------------------------------------+
their journey. Exit the chamber.

                            | +-----------------+ |
                            | |   The Escape!   | |
                            | +-----------------+ |
The guards are now doing their rounds and their locations will appear on the
map. Princess Zelda will explain to Link that since Link now has the green
tunic, the guards will think he is one of them. Princess Zelda explains how
you can make her move along her own path, rather than following Link. You can
press the switch icon to change control between Princess Zelda and Link. Also,
by the press of a button, Link can whistle over and Princess Zelda will follow

We want to enter from the same path that we came in from, the passage on the
far right side of the map. Just wait until one of the guards is at the very top
of this area, and the other is near the bottom. At this point you can move
along with Princess Zelda at the same time through the middle passage. Maneuver
around the guards and exit through the path at the right. Alternatively, you
can have Link stand in front of a guard so his view is away while Zelda sneaks
past. The guards will not move or turn away while Link is in their line of
                               /  An Example  \
|                         |                         |                         |
|     Zelda's             |     Zelda's             |     Zelda's             |
|      Room _________    -->     Room _________    -->     Room _________     |
|      | | |  L      |    |      | | |    G    |    |      | | |         |    |
|      | |_| G.---.  |    |      | |_|  .---.  |    |      | |_|  .---. G|    |
|      |  Z***|   |  |    |      |      |   |  |    |      |      |   |  |    |
|      |  _  *|___|  |   -->     |  _   |___|  |   -->     |  _   |___|  |    |
|      |~| | ****    |    |      |~| |    Z*** |    |      |~| |         |    |
|          |  .---.  |    |          |  .---.* |    |          |  .---.  |    |
|          |  '---'  |    |          |  '---'* |    |          |G '---'  |    |
|          |_   _ G _|   -->         |_L G_ **_|   -->         |_   _ L _|    |
|            | | | |      |            | | |*|      |            | | |Z|      |
|                GOAL     |                GOAL     |                GOAL     |
|                         |                         |                         |

Now that we are outside, there are even more guards, but luckily, these ones
are quite easy to get by. First things first, jump down to the area below. The
first two guards are stationary and do not patrol the area at all, so Link just
needs to distract them by talking to them, while Zelda sneaks by. Separate from
Zelda and walk around the push on the right. Talk to the first guard here so
that he is facing the top-right. Now switch to Zelda by tapping the button at
the bottom-left of the screen and trace her path to walk right past the guard
and settle between the two bushes. Switch back to Link and catch up with Zelda.
Now send Link alone and talk to the next guard, this time forcing the guard to
the face the top-left. Sneak by with Princess Zelda and wait at the very bottom
of the map.
     ____                           ____
 ___| |2||                         ||2| |___
|   |____|                         |____|   |
|       ||                         ||Z**    |
| .-.  _||                         ||_ *.-. |
| | | |  |	      _            |  |*| | |
| '-' | _|           |2|           |_ |*'-' |
|     ||    .--------' '--------.    ||** G | <-- Have Link stand on the right
|    .'|___/                     \___|'.*  L|     side of this guard here. This
| .. |                _                |*.. |     will keep his sights away
| '' |   _    _______|1|_______    _   |*'' |     from the left side.
| .. |  |1|  |        G        |  |1|  |*.. |
| '' |       |  .--.     .--.  |       |*'' |     Next, have Zelda sneak down
| G  |_______|  '--'     '--' G|_______|    |     to the little topiaries
|                                      G    |     below.
|      .-----.  .--.     .--.  .-----.      |
|      '-----'  |__|     |__|  '-----'      |
 \______________/  \     /  \______________/
                \__/ GOAL\__/

 ....                                   ....
| .. |                _                | .. |
| '' |   _    _______|1|_______    _   | '' |
| .. |  |1|  |        G        |  |1|  | .. |  For this next one, have Link
| '' |       |  .--.     .--.  |       |Z'' |  stand on the left side of the
| G  |_______|  '--'     '--' G|_______| *  |  guard, drawing his sights away
|                                     LG *  |  from the east and south. Have
|      .-----.  .--.     .--.  .-----.   *  |  Zelda go to the bottom of the
|      '-----'  |__|     |__|  '-----'   *  |  large hedge.
 \______________/  \     /  \     * * * *  /
                \__/ GOAL\__/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

This last guard is a bit trickier. He won’t be distracted by just being talked
to, instead he will get go off to investigate any noise. As Link, pick up one
of the rocks that are above him and toss them in that area. The guard will go
to investigate, at which you can then control Zelda and have her move all the
way to the entrance to the Castle Courtyard. Follow Princess Zelda and leave
the courtyard.
 ....                                   ....
| .. |                _                | .. |  First, use Link to toss a rock
| '' |   _    _______|1|_______    _   | '' |  near the "serious" guard, then
| .. |  |1|  | * * * *G * * *L |  |1|  | .. |  run away to the far left side
| '' |       |  .--.     .--.  |       | '' |  so the guard doesn't get you.
| G  |_______|  '--'     '--' G|_______|    |
|                          **          G    |  Quickly switch to Zelda and have
|      .-----.  .--.     .--.* .-----.      |  her go to the bottom of the
|      '-----'  |__|     |__| *'-----'      |  hedge.
 \______________/  \     /  \  **Z         /
                \__/ GOAL\__/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

 ....                                   ....
| .. |                _                | .. |
| '' |   _    _______|1|_______    _   | '' |
| .. |  |1|  | L      G G****  |  |1|  | .. |  As the guard starts going back
| '' |       |  .--.     .--.* |       | '' |  to his post, have Zelda make a
| G  |_______|  '--'     '--' *|_______|    |  run for the exit. Have Link
|                        **Z           G    |  meet up with her to complete
|      .-----.  .--.    *.--.  .-----.      |  the area. Yay!
|      '-----'  |__|   * |__|  '-----'      |
 \______________/  \  *  /  \______________/
                \__/ GOAL\__/

After talking with Zelda, you’ll next appear back by the train with Alfonzo.
Alfonzo notices Link’s clothes and then notices Princess Zelda. After some
small talk, Princess Zelda tells Alfonzo that she wants him to come along with
them on their trip to the Tower of Spirits. We learn that Alfonzo was once one
of the greatest swordsman of the land, but is now just a train engineer living
in the countryside. All aboard and off to the Tower of Spirits!

   /\  1.4 Sneaking Out                                                  [W1.4]
  /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-01.php#c4
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Link begins driving the train towards the Tower of Spirits when all of a sudden
the Spirit Tracks disappear and it almost sends the train tumbling on its side.
Link falls to the ground and Princess Zelda and Alfonzo soon step outside to
see what’s going on and they notice that the Spirit Tracks have gone missing.
Alfonzo then notices something fishy happening at the Tower of Spirits and then
a cloud covers the sky, making things darker. The scene then shifts to the
actual Tower of Spirits and the dark purple clouds surrounds the tower and
after some zaps, the tower is broken into several pieces that hover above where
the tower stood with zaps of lightening filling the air.

Out of the clouds in the sky comes a               o--------------o
fearsome looking train and some very    .----------|  Demon King  |-----------.
dark music plays. This train is in fact |          o--------------o           |
the Demon King that was mentioned in    | The Demon King is the evil force    |
the back story. After we hear a         | from the beginning story that was   |
sinister laugh, Chancellor Cole appears | held back by the Tower and Spirits  |
and after fog moves over his body,      | and it's tracks. Once they starting |
Chancellor Cole’s real appearance is    | disappearing, he was let loose, and |
revealed. His two hats are gone,        | now appears in train form for a few |
revealing two massive horns on his head | seconds for unknown reasons.        |
and his insane looking eyes and mouth   '-------------------------------------'
glaring ahead. Chancellor Cole reveals
that he is not human at all, as he is                 o---------o
joined by his partner in crime, Byrne,  .-------------|  Bryne  |-------------.
a human looking man with a massive      |             o---------o             |
steel arm. Cole reveals that the only   | Bryne is Chancellor Cole's          |
thing he now needs is... Princess       | henchmen, and does most of his      |
Zelda. Alfonzo steps in the way in an   | dirty work. He has a short          |
attempt to protect the princess with    | mechanical arm, and like Cole, is   |
his sword in hand. However, Alfonzo is  | also not human.                     |
soon confronted and greatly over        '-------------------------------------'
powered by Byrne, as he is tossed away
and lands on top of the train.

The impersonal Byrne then walks towards Princess Zelda, but Link stands in his
way only to be slapped away. Chancellor Cole will then float into the air and
zap the Princess with a purple and black cloud that separates the spirit and
body of Zelda. The spirit is seen exiting the body and flies back towards
Hyrule Castle while her lifeless body remains on the ground. Byrne will pick up
the body of Zelda and will walk away with Cole.

                             ~ /  Hyrule Casle  \ ~
The next scene shows Link and Alfonzo back at Hyrule Castle, lying in beds and
Teacher will walk back up to Link once he awakes. Talk to Teacher and you’ll
find out how it is that you are back in Hyrule Castle. However, Teacher does
not know the whereabouts of Princess Zelda until you tell him. You can talk to
the castle guard if you’d like, but afterwards, leave the room. 

Back at floor 1 of Hyrule Castle, make your way to the center of the floor and
a short scene will take place showing the spirit of Princess Zelda appearing in
the Castle trying to talk to the Castle Guards, but she is not getting any sort
of response. She will then float up the stairs. Follow her spirit up to the 2nd
floor and you’ll see Princess Zelda trying to talk to another guard to no
avail. Follow the spirit into her chambers.

Once you enter her chambers, she will turn around and talk to you and she finds
out that unlike the Castle Guards, Link can still see the princess. She gives a
speech summarizing everything that just happened with Chancellor Cole, the
Tower of Spirits, and the Spirit
Tracks. Princess Zelda, starts floating            .--------------.
into the air as she is thinking,        +---------´  Spirit Flute  `----------+
completely unaware that she is much     |         `----------------´          |
lighter without her body. She wants to  | The Spirit Flute is a musical       |
head to the tower once again since she  | istrument that comes from Zelda's   |
must speak with the sage. However,      | for 6 different notes, and is used  |
before she goes, she briefly talks      | to play various songs throughout    |
about the Spirit Flute and asks Link to | the game.                           |
bring it with him.                      +-------------------------------------+

Try to leave the chamber and Princess Zelda reminds you that the Spirit Tracks
are gone and you don’t even have a train, so you’ll have to find a new way to
the Tower of Spirits. She mentions a secret path by the back entrance of the
Castle and that Link should try that out. Exit the chamber and go through the
red door to get back to the ceremony room. The route to the back door is
through the door on the left, so head through it. Head down the steps directly
in front of you.

Speak with the guard by the exit, but he will not let Link pass unless he has
a sword, since there are strange beasts on the other side of the door. Princess
Zelda’s spirit will appear and tells you to find the guard captain and ask him
to loan you a sword. There is a treasure chest to the right of the guard, so
open it up to get 20 rupees!

             .----------.                           .----------.
.-----------'  1st Floor '-------------------------'  2nd Floor '-------------.
|           '------------'             |           '------------'             |
|                                      |                   Zelda's            |
|         Behind The Castle            |   _________   _    Room _________    |
|           ______| |______            |  |         | |1|   | | |         |   |
|          |2||    *     $ |           |  |  .---.  |_|*|   | |_|  .---.  |   |
|          |* * * *        |           |  |  |   |     *|   |      |   |  |   |
|    Break |_______________| Training  |  |  |   |   _ *|   |  _   |___|  |   |
|     Room                   Room      |  |  |   |  | |~|___|~| |         |   |
|     _| |_   _         _   _|*|_      |  |  '---'  | | *     | |  .---.  |   |
|    |.   .| | | Throne| | |. * .|     |  |         | |  *    | |  '---'  |   |
|    |     | | |  Room | | |  *  |     |  |_   _   _| |__ * __| |_   _   _|   |
|    |.   .| | |  |2|  | | |. * .|     |  |$| | | |   |  |*|  |   | | | |     |
|    |     | | |__|*|__| | |  *  |     |  |_____| |   |   *   |   | | Out     |
|    |.   .| |__   *   __| |. * .|     |        | |_  |   *   |  _| |         |
|    |     |____|   * |____|  *  |     |        |_  | |__ * __| |  _|         |
|     \   _______    * * * * *  /      |          | |    |1|    | |           |
|   Out| |       \   /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |Out    |      ____| |___________| |____       |
|  _|2|| |        | |        | ||2|_   |     | $                       |      |
| |______|        Out        |______|  |     |      _____   _____      |      |
|                                      |     |_.---'     | |     '---._|      |
|                                      |                 Out                  |

Go back up the stairs. Before heading to the guard captain, there’s two quick
treasure chest we can get to. One of them is at the bottom-left of this room
and it holds a red rupee. Also, at the far left of this room there is an exit
to the castle, which is symmetric to an exit we used on the other side of the
castle. Go outside and open the treasure chest there to find another piece of
treasure! This will come until use later on. Now backtrack to the ceremony room
with the red carpet. From here exit to the south to get back to the first

Our next destination is the room on the
right side of the map, as that is where              o-----------o
the Castle Guards practice their        .------------|  Russell  |------------.
swordsmanship. Enter the room and speak |            o-----------o            |
with the husky man and he will give     | The Guard Captain is the Captain of |
Link the Recruit’s Sword! Before you    | every single Guard and solider      |
can leave the room, you must master the | located in this land. He gives Link |
art of swordsmanship. This tutorial     | his first sword, and also teaches   |
here will give you the basics as to how | him how to use it.                  |
to use the sword. There are three       '-------------------------------------'
attacks that you will learn and they
are quite easy to perform. Perform each           .-----------------.
attack on the three castle guards to    +--------´  Recruit's Sword  `--------+
move on.                                |        `-------------------´        |
                                        | This is sword is given to every new |
After learning all three attacks, Link  | Recruit upon becoming one, and is   |
can now keep the sword and leave the    | given to Link by the Guard Captain. |
room. Make your way all the way back to | It is a very basic sword, and does  |
the guard at the back entrance of the   | little damage.                      |
Castle. Now that you have a sword in    +-------------------------------------+
hand, he will allow Link to exit.

                           ~ /  Buying A Shield  \ ~
If you've been gathering the treasure chests along the way and smashing pots,
you should have at least 60 Rupees at this point. Now that we have the sword,
you can run around slashing bushes to                 .--------.
get even more "moolah." There isn't     +------------´  Shield  `-------------+
much we can realistically purchase yet, |            `----------´             |
but there is a shield for sale in       | This shield is bought from Castle   |
Castle Town at a nice price of 80       | Town's market, and costs 80 rupees. |
Rupees. It's a good time to grab it if  | It is the most basic shield in the  |
you're up for it, or you can skip it    | game.                               |
for now and pick it up at a later time. +-------------------------------------+

                          ~ /  Behind The Castle  \ ~
Link will encounter his first true enemies here and they are these pesky yellow
spinuts that hobble around. There are a bunch of them in this area but they are
quite easy to defeat. Just two sword slashes, or one jump attack will finish
them off. There is a castle guard here and he mentions that there use to be a
path but it has been closed off because of rocks. He doesn’t remember exactly
where it was, but suggests that you investigate the wall.

Climb up the two sets of small stairs and defeat all the spinuts in your way.
There are two bombs flowers in the area here. The area of the wall that can be 
blown up is the large wall near the top-center of this portion of the map.
Just pick up the bomb flower and toss it
near the wall above and this will cause                Tunnel to
an explosion revealing a hidden cave,           __.---._ The Tower
enter it.                                      / B      '-X-._
                                               |_             '---.
           .---------------.                  /  | |'-._     __ B  \
o---------/  Yellow Spinut  \---------o       |         '---'  '-._|
|         '-----------------'         |       |                  |
|  Attacks:                  Threat:  |        '-._              |
| (1/2) Ram                      1/10 |            ''---.___   .-'
|                                     |                /    | |  \
| A Yellow Spinut is just about the   |                |          |
| most basic enemy in the game. His   |   B = Bomb     '-.         \
| only attack is to ram you, so       |       Flower    .'        .-'
| counter-attack with two slashes of  |                |______   __\
| your sword to take him out.         |                       | |
o-------------------------------------o                   Hyrule Castle

                        | +-------------------------+ |
                        | |   Tunnel To The Tower   | |
                        | +-------------------------+ |
                                 _____________                     2nd      _
                              ~ /  1st Floor  \ ~                 Floor   _| |
                                ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                 ___|~|___| |~|
This cave has a couple of enemies, many of which are           /              \
familiar from previous Zelda titles. Walk straight            |               /
ahead and defeat a bat like enemy known as a Keese.      ____.'           .--'
Turn the corner and defeat four Red ChuChu by using     /                 |_
simple sword slashes. After all the enemies in this     |    ____           |
area of the cave have been defeated, take a look at     |   |    '---.___.--'
the right side of the cave. There is a block at the     |   |
bottom-right corner and a switch at the top-right.      \   /
Click on the block and push and pull it across the       | |
cave so that it is on top of the switch. The nearby     Hyrule
door will open up revealing a treasure chest. Open      Castle
it up to get a small key! Use the small key on the
locked door and head up the stairs.                 .------------.
                                        o----------/  Red ChuChu  \-----------o
               .-------.                |          '--------------'           |
o-------------/  Keese  \-------------o |  Attacks:                  Threat:  |
|             '---------'             | | (1/2) Contact                  1/10 |
|  Attacks:                  Threat:  | |                                     |
| (1/4) Contact                  1/10 | | Red ChuChus are the most basic      |
|                                     | | enemy you will face, and act like   |
| Keese are flying enemies that are   | | it just as much. Their only attack  |
| quite easy to defeat. They don't    | | is to throw their body at you,      |
| attack very often, and only take    | | which does half a heart of damage.  |
| one hit from the sword to be        | | A simple sword slash will defeat    |
| defeated.                           | | them.                               |
o-------------------------------------o o-------------------------------------o

                              ~ /  2nd Floor  \ ~
There are a series of stone tables that will give an answer to an upcoming
puzzle in this room and the initial stone tablet hints that there is a pattern.
Defeat the red chuchu’s and head around the corner and you’ll find three stone
\                         |                      |                           /
 |  The Switch after the  |  Before you hit the  |  Hit the right switch    |
 |  bottom switch is the  |  bottom switch, hit  |  before the top switch.  |
/                         |                      |                           \
                    3rd    Based on this information, we can see that the
                   Floor   correct order is, Right, Top, Bottom, and Left.
             _______| |    We’ll use this shortly. Defeat the red chuchu’s that
            /   2     |    are to the right of the tablets. You’ll notice there
           |          |    are two bomb flowers as well as a treasure chest.
           | 4  +  1  |    Open the treasure chest to get another red rupee.
           |          |    Now use the bomb flowers to blow up the blocks that
            \__ 3  __/     are blocking the path to the north.
               |  |
               |  |        Defeat the four yellow spinuts in this area and then
  .------------'  '---.    hit the switches in the order that the tablets told
 /  || || || ||     $ |    you:
 | .------------------'
 | |                                    Right, Top, Bottom, Left.
 | |
/   \
|   |                      The door in the corner of the room will open up. Go
\   /                      through it and head up the stairs.
 | |
 1st                             _____________
Floor                         ~ /  3rd Floor  \ ~
Defeat the two keese and head up north. The Spirit of Princess      Tower of
Zelda will appear and she notices a squeaking sound. Apparently,    Spirits
Princess Zelda is incredibly frightened of... little, harmless,      _| |_
rats. Just slash away with your sword to defeat the two rats and    |     '.
Princess Zelda will thank you for defeating those ‘beasts’. She     |     .'
even says that the rats were terrifying. (If she is scared of       |     |
these enemies, imagine what will happen when we actually face       \     |
tough enemies?) Anyway, continue northward and exit the cave         |    |
through the stairs above.                                            \__  |
                                                                        | '--.
Link will appear back                        .-----.                    |     \
outside and is just outside  o--------------/  Rat  \--------------o    |     |
of the Tower of Spirits.     |              '-------'              |    |     |
After glancing at the        |  Attacks:                  Threat:  |    |    _/
floating pieces of the Tower | (1/4) Contact                  1/10 |    |   |
of Spirits hovering above,   |                                     |    |   |
Link and the spirit of       | Rats are a pretty easy enemy, but   |   .'   '.
Princess Zelda will make     | also tricky. They run around in     |   /     \
their way into the entrance  | random patterns, and can be tricky  |  '._   _.'
of the Tower of Spirits.     | to hit. One hit from the sword will |     | |
                             | kill them.                          |     2nd
                             o-------------------------------------o    Floor

   /\  1.5 Tower of Spirits                                              [W1.5]
  /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-01.php#c5
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                ~ /  Lobby  \ ~
Upon entering the Tower, Link and Princess Zelda notice a giant train that
appears almost like a statue. Then a voice appears and says that this item is
the Spirits’ Train. This person talking is Anjean, the sage of the Tower of
Spirits. Anjean watches over the Tower of Spirits and Princess Zelda is
ecstatic about meeting Anjean and tells her everything that has happened so
far. Anjean responds giving a funny, yet cruel response, talking about Princess
Zelda’s look as a spirit. It is also apparent that Anjean is quite old and
knows the ancestors of Princess Zelda.               o----------o
(She is referring to our beloved Tetra  .------------|  Anjean  |-------------.
from Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass). |            o----------o             |
Anjean then once again discusses the    | Anjean is the person that watches   |
story of the Tower of Spirits and the   | over the Tower of Spirits. She knew |
Demon King, who is now named as         | Zelda's ancestors, and helps Zelda  |
Malladus. Malladus needs Zelda’s body   | and Link throughout their adventure.|
in order to return.                     '-------------------------------------'

Princess Zelda gets right up in Anjean’s face as she is really quite angry by
the news of her body possibly being used by Malladus. It is learned that in
order to stop this, Link and Zelda are going to need to rebuild the Spirit
Tracks that lead to the four temples across the land. Four stone rail maps are
enshrined in the Tower of Spirits and Link must retrieve them in order to
restore the Spirit Tracks and gain access to the various temples. Princess
Zelda, still in her angry mood, begins to aggressively yell at Link. Anjean
interrupts saying that ascending the tower alone is impossible and Link will
need help. After Princess Zelda names off all sorts of potential helpers,
Anjean suggest that Princess Zelda herself go with Link.

                         ~ /  1st Floor (attempt)  \ ~
After finally regaining control of Link, walk up the stairs at the north. After
a short talk with Zelda, walk up the rounded staircase and go through the door.
Walk straight ahead and Zelda comments about the giant doors... and then a
massive phantom appears! Princess Zelda then suggest that the two get out of
there. Do just that... run back out of this room and you’ll appear back by

Anjean senses that Link looks a bit scared and once again takes a stab at
Princess Zelda’s ghostly pale look. Anjean mentions that Phantom’s once
protected the Tower of Spirits but seem to be turned to the evil spirit.
Anjean suggests an idea to Link. Link must first acquire three Tears of Light,
at which he can then strike the phantoms in the back, which will cause them to
freeze. Afterwards, you’ll regain control of Link. Walk up the stairs, then
around the circular stairway, and back into the room where you faced the

                              ~ /  1st Floor  \ ~
Upon arriving, you’ll notice on the map that the phantom is now patrolling the
inner portion of the room. The three Tears of Light are shown on your map. The
first one to go after is the on the left. Just simply follow the path along the
map and run towards it. On your way, Princess Zelda will tell you that those
shiny purple areas are safe zones. Anjean telepathically talks to you and tells
you these areas are protected by the spirits. As long as you are in them, you
are hidden from enemy view and enemies cannot enter the safe zones. Run across
to the left side of the map and grab the 1st tear of light!

                 ____                                 .---------.
                |++++|                  o------------/  Phantom  \------------o
                |+2++|                  |            '-----------'            |
     ___________|++++|___________       |  Attacks:                  Threat:  |
    |   #######                  |      | Sword Slash (Automatic Death)  5/10 |
    |   #######                o |      |                                     |
    |###|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|++|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|   |      | Phantoms are a very tough enemy,    |
    |###| |¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯| |:::|      | and for a good reason. They guard   |
    |###| |                | |   |      | the levels of the Tower of Spirits, |
 ___|   | |     ______     | |   |___   | and cannot be defeated by normal    |
|++++   |_|    |      |    |_|   ##  |  | means. They can be stunned by being |
|+1++   +++    | ____ |    +++   ## 3|  | hit in the back, but only for a few |
|++++   |¯|    ||    ||    |¯|   ##  |  | seconds, and one Sword Slash from   |
 ¯¯¯|   | |    ||~~~~||    | |   |¯¯¯   | them counts as instant death. Once  |
    |:::| |                | |   |      | you have all the tears of light,    |
    |   | |______    ______| |   |      | you can use them to your advantage  |
    |   |____   _|  |_   ____|   |      | by having Zelda take control of     |
    |        | |      | |        |      | them.                               |
    |________| |_    _| |________|      o-------------------------------------o
                 |  |
 +  Safe Zone    |  |                              .----------------.
 :  Spikes      _|  |_                  +---------´  Tears of Light  `--------+
 #  Abyss      |      |                 |         `------------------´        |
 o  Switch     |_    _|                 | The Tears of Light are 3 tears that |
123 Tears of     |  |                   | allow Zelda as a ghost to take      |
    Light        |  |                   | control of Phantoms and move around |
 ~  Door     Back to Lobby              | in them. They are found in the      |
                                        | starting area of every new section  |
                                        | in the Tower of Spirits.            |

The second tear of light that we want to get is at the top of the map. It’s
rather easy to get to and the Phantom should only be patrolling the right side
of the screen at this point. Run towards it and grab the 2nd tear of light. The
third tear is a bit more complicated. From where you collect the second tear,
head straight to the right. There is a switch here that Link can strike with
his sword. Doing so will create a small bridge that leads to the 3rd tier of
light, but it is only up for a certain period of time. Link will have to
quickly run around the room through the inner portion of the room and get to
the 3rd tear of light.

With all three Tears of Light, Link’s sword is now full of energy and he’s
ready to attack Phantoms in the back. Run over to the phantom, trailing it from
the back and once you are close enough, give it a quick stab. After hitting the
phantom, it will freeze momentarily, but then quickly turn around and go to
strike Link with its massive sword. The spirit of Princess Zelda attempts to
save Link and flies into the phantom. Princess Zelda actually takes control of
the massive phantom! Link is still scared a bit, but Princess Zelda assures
Link that it is her under that suit of armor. She mentions that perhaps she can
be of use while in this massive armor.

Now that Princess Zelda is controlling the phantom, the two of your together
can push the massive door in the center of the room. Link can move the phantom
just as he moved Princess Zelda when he was controlling her in the Hyrule
Castle Courtyard. Just tap the phantom and move her towards one of the doors
and then Link will push the second door. Open the door and head up the stairs.

        3rd                   ~ /  2nd Floor  \ ~
       Floor                    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 ___   _| |_  _____________________________  Walk to the right and you'll see
|   | |o++++| |      |           ###       | that spikes are blocking the path
|   | |+++++| |    __|___________###___    | so Link cannot walk through.
|   | |     | |   |   _____         __ |   | However, the Phantom can walk over
|   |_|     |_|   |__|     |  _____| o||   | spikes. Control the phantom and
|                    |     | |        ||   | trace a path over the spikes and
|    __     __     __|     | |             | hit the switch that is around the
|   |  |   |  |   |  |_____| |   ||____    | corner. Once the phantom htis the
|   |  |   |  |   |   1st    |:::|     |   | switch, the spikes will lower
|   |__|   |__|   |  Floor   |:::|  ___|   | allowing Link to cross.
|                 |  _| |____|   | | ||o   |
|__________     __| |            | |  ~    | Run to the bottom-right corner of
+ Safe Zone|:::|__  |____________| |  ~    | the map and defeat the two yellow
: Spikes   |      |  ______________| ||o   | spinuts that can be seen here.
# Abyss    |      |_|                | |   | You'll notice that there are two
o Switch   |       _                 | |___| switches near a locked door. Call
~ Door     |______| |________________|       over the phantom and have her
                                             stand on one of the switches while
Link stands on the second switch. Doing so simultaneously will open the door
and allow Link to progress in this room.

Have the phantom trail you and you’ll find rats running around and they’ll
surround the phantom. Princess Zelda is too scared to move any further so be
sure to defeat the rats before progressing. There are an endless amount of rats
that will come out of the small rat hole. Push the small block so it blocks the
rat hole, preventing any more of them from torturing the helpless Phantom
Princess Zelda.

There is a phantom standing guarding at the top-left area of this room. Send
Princess Zelda over the spikes and have her hit the switch that is located just
beyond the phantom. This will lower the spikes and allow Link to catch up. Now
use Princess Zelda and talk to the phantom so it is facing northward. Run with
Link and strike the phantom in its back to freeze the phantom, and you can
actually have Princess Zelda switch phantoms here. Afterwards, walk northwards
and head up the stairs.

                              ~ /  3rd Floor  \ ~
At the 3rd floor, Princess Zelda will leave the phantoms body and the phantom
will disappear. Link will also lose the ability in his sword. This signifies
that this floor is safe from phantoms
and is actually the last floor of the             .-----------------.
Tower of Spirits... for now. Walk up    +--------´  Forest Rail Map  `--------+
the stairs and collect the Forest rail  |        `-------------------´        |
map! This will restore, at least some   | The Forest Rail Map is a map that   |
of the Spirit Tracks located in this    | shows previously unaccessible       |
area of the map! A small scene is shown | routes through the Forest. Once     |
just outside the Temple of Spirits and  | found, it will allow Link and Zelda |
the Spirit Tracks are reforming! A blue | to travel along these routes. There |
portal appears nearby. Walk into the    | are other maps like this throughout |
portal and Link will be sent back to    | the game.                           |
the tower lobby where Anjean is         +-------------------------------------+

                                ~ /  Lobby  \ ~
Talk to Anjean and it will trigger another scene. Anjean seems to have quite
the confidence in Link and Princess Zelda! Anjean will point where the nearest
temple is, but unfortunately we can’t quite make it to this area yet and still
have a ways to go. Anjean mentions that she is a member of the Locomos tribe,
and that there are others who can be used to help restore the rail maps and in
turn, more of the Spirit Tracks in the regions. The Locomos have special
instruments and by playing them, they can generate energy that powers the
Spirit Tracks. Anjean also mentions that the Spirit Flute that Link holds is
one of those sacred instruments. It turns out it was Anjean that originally
gave the Spirit Flute to Zelda’s ancestors. Anjean instructs Link and Zelda to
go the Forest and speak with Lokomo Gage.

After realizing that they do not have a train, Anjean grants them access to the
 Spirits’ Train. She performs some magic to turn this apparent statue into an
actual train that is lowered onto rails and ready to be used. Link and Zelda
jump on board, the ground rotates, and off they go! That concludes chapter 1 of
the Spirit Tracks Walkthrough!

    /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\                              /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\
   /__\  Chapter 2  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯        /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\
  /\  /\   The Forest Realm          ____________________/     [W2]     /\  /\
 /__\/__\  _________________________/           \____________________  /__\/__\
|                                                                             |

   /\  2.1 Whittleton Village                                            [W2.1]
  /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-02.php#c1
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Now that we are back on the train, there is a new way that we can travel that
is a bit simpler for long range travel. You now use the stylus to trace your
entire path that you’d like to go along rather than having to make the
decisions as you go along. You can change your route at any time by clicking
the route button or by just changing the rail switch at the bottom of the
screen. Now that we are in full control of the train, you can travel to any
destination you’d like.

Our next destination will be the small village in the center of the map. Just
trace your route to the town whose name is just “???” at the moment. In your
route towards this village you’ll encounter some Moinks that are roaming across
the train tracks. Just pull your whistle to scare them off. Additionally,
you’ll find a few new bird like enemies flying around and they will attack your
train if you don’t do anything to stop them. Just pull the train’s whistle and
it will scare of the birds temporarily. Just do that repeatedly and the birds
will stop bugging you. Finally arrive at the village, which is named,

                             | +----------------+ |
                             | |   Whittleton   | |
                             | +----------------+ |
Whittleton is a small village filled with many lumberjacks who make their
living by cutting down trees and selling wood. There are just four houses in
the town. Real quick, if you didn't get the shield earlier, now is a great time
to do so. The "triangle shaped" house on your map, the one all the way to the
left, is the town shop. Inside, you can purchase the Shield for 80 Rupees. You
should have more than enough at this point. =)

You can walk around and talk to the townsfolk if you’d like but make your way
to the hut at the north end of the village. Enter the house and speak with
Whittleton Chief. He has heard about your journey and mentions that there is a
secret path to get to the Forest Sanctuary and it is just west of town. The
Forest Sage, Gage, lives in this area. The chief warns you that this area is
known as the Lost Woods, and if you go the wrong way, you’ll end up right back
where you entered. He tells you that some of the locals may have more
information for you.

If you wonder into the house on the right navigation, the villager here has
some kind of advice for you. He tells Link to listen to the trees as they talk
a lot, but do not listen to the fourth tree since it has no sense of direction.
Keep that in mind as it will be of use shortly. There really isn’t anything of
importance to do in Whittleton at this moment. You can reach an additional
area past the village by walking to the northeast corner of the map, but there
is little of importance at the moment. Run back over to the Spirits Train and
jump onboard.

   /\  2.2 Lost Woods                                                    [W2.2]
  /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-02.php#c2
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Our next destination is the Lost Woods, located just west of Whittleton. Trace
a route along the piece of track that extends into the forest to the west. Upon
entering, you’ll notice the scenery changes quite a bit as we are now in a new
area, the Lost Woods.

Follow the path straight ahead until you see a brown tree near the tracks that
you ride on. This tree will be either one the left or right side and
immediately after the three, there is a fork in the road and Link must choose
which direction to go. The brown tree has a branch extending outward and this
branch points you in the direction that you have to go. Be sure to take the
correct path otherwise you’ll end up at the entrance to the Lost Woods once

There are four of these forks in road within the Lost Woods. Follow the path
that the trees point to for the first three forks. However, as you heard from
the villager in Whittleton, do not listen to the fourth tree. Whichever
direction the fourth tree is pointing in, be sure to head in the opposite
direction. Your reaction time needs to be spot on, as after each fork, the
train will speed up quite a bit, giving you less time to decide which route to
take. After correctly choosing the four paths, you will arrive at the Forest

   /\  2.3 Forest Sanctuary                                              [W2.3]
  /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-02.php#c3
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

This land is filled with Yellow Spinuts all over the place, as well as a new
foe, a Crow. Crow’s will set on top of tree tops and will fly at Link when he
gets close. The enemies shouldn’t be too much of a problem for you. Walk to the
northeast corner of the map and head up two small steps of stairs, which lead
to an area with two bomb flowers. Before walking across the bridge, pick up one
of the bomb flowers and take it back down the steps, heading to the left where
you'll find some cracked blocks. Tap on the steps just before the blocks to
toss the bomb flowers at them, blowing them up and making a shortcut for later.

Once you've done that, head back to the bomb flowers and walk across the bridge
to find a switch. Hitting the switch creates a small bridge to your left, but
only for a short period of time. If you run across the bridge, you’ll see that
the path is blocked by more cracked blocks that are just begging to blown to

Puzzle Time! Unfortunately, the switch-bridge does not give us enough time to
hit the switch with our sword and get a bomb flower in time to cross the
bridge. In order to solve this rather simple puzzle, head back over to the bomb
flowers. Pick one up, run across the first bridge, and toss it right next to
where the switch is. Before it blows up, run back and pick up the second bomb
flower. By now the first bomb flower will blow, activating the switch and
giving you a few extra seconds. Quickly run across the bridge with the second
bomb flower in hand and toss it at the cracked blocks, opening the new path!

You’ll notice a strange statue that is making some noise. Don’t mind this for
now and we’ll come back to it shortly. Walk down the steps and defeat all the
red chuchu’s in this area. Check out the map in the center of the area and it
tells you to connect the statues that are facing each other. Exit the map and
look around at the 8 statues in this area and you’ll find that the two that are
facing each other are the one at the top-left near the closed door and the one
on the right, just north of the odd looking statue we saw earlier. Go back to
the map and draw a line connecting these two statues and the door above will
open up! Go inside.

You’ll meet up with Gage, the Sage of the Forest. Speak with him and he already
knows your whereabouts and tells you that we must recharge the Tower of Spirits
with the energy of the forest. Link needs to learn a special song that Gage
must play on his cello while Link plays it on his Spirit Flute. Speak with Gage
once again and you can practice how to use the Spirit Flute.

The song appears at the top of the screen and it’s a simple three note tune of
Orange, Yellow, and Purple. Gage will play it first so you can get the sound
and timing down. Afterwards you can try it out for yourself. In order to play
the Spirit Flute you must use the Stylus to slide the flute so that the note
you want to play is in the center. Then just blow into the Nintendo DS Mic to
play that sound. As you are blowing, you can move your stylus on the bottom
screen to change the note that you’d like to play. Don’t lose your breath
trying to play this properly! Just a slight blow into the mic is fine and be
sure to move the stylus quickly as the note changes. Practice a few times and
then click the back button.

Gage explains that for the real deal, Gage will play a different sound and
Link will have to follow up with the orange, yellow, and purple set of notes.
Don’t let his part confuse you and just practice it a few times and you’ll
eventually get it. It took me a few times to get it, so don’t worry if you
can’t get it on your first try. After you get it the basic set of notes three
times in a row, you can watch as Link and Gage play in harmony.

One you got it down, Link will have completed the duet with Gage and the Forest
Rail Map will start glowing, revealing more of the Spirit Tracks! The path to
the Forest Temple is now complete! Leave the area and head back to that odd
linking statute that we hear some noise coming from.

Walk up to the statue and you’ll see two circular light balls come out, one is
a turquoise color and the other is orange. Pull out the Spirit Flute and play
this very simple couple of notes. A short cinema will play and a rocket will
shoot to the sky. Underneath, a statue, similar to that of talking stones from
Phantom Hourglass will appear and talk to Link. That song is known as the Song
of Awakening and if Link plays this song at statues, they will awaken and give
Link valuable information. That’s about all we want to do right now, so head
back to the train.

With the path now opened, our next destination is the Forest Temple to the
north. Trace a path that leads to the entrance. As you are travel on the train,
you’ll bump into a new enemy a skulltula. These spider enemies will hang over
the tracks, but with a simple pull of the train whistle, they will be scared
off and Link can pass quite easily. Continue along the path and enter into the
Forest Temple!

   /\  2.4 Forest Temple                                                 [W2.4]
  /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-02.php#c4
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

After a short pep talk with Zelda, walk northward and you’ll see another one
of those statues. Tap on it and you’ll see a light green, a white, and another
light green note come out of the statue. Whip out your Spirit Flute and play
these three notes. Doing so will cause a fairy to appear and the fair will say
that if you are low in health and play the tune at any point in a dungeon, the
fairy will come and restore your life. The fairy can only be used in temples
though and can only be used once per temple! This song is known as the Song of
Healing. With that out of the way, head through the door above and let’s go
'dungeon exploring!

Straight ahead you’ll see a locked door so turn the corner and walk around
until you see two chestnuts growing out of the ground, much like bomb flowers.
Lift up one of them and carry it to the right, where you will see a switch
across the gap. Tap the switch and Link will toss the chest nut at the switch.
Hitting it will cause a bridge to appear. Walk across and then continue to the
bottom-right portion of the map.

Upon entering, the door will close behind you and three enemies will appear.
Two of them are yellow blobs that we’ve already fought before while the third
enemy is a slightly stronger green blob. After all three have been defeated a
treasure chest will appear and the doors will unlock. Open the treasure chest
to get 100 rupees! Walk up the staircase to get to the 2nd floor.

Avoid the purple fog as Link will take damage if he runs into it. We’ll get
back this area in just a bit, but for now and just make your way to the
northeast corner of the room. The door will close behind you and four Vengas
will appear. These pesky enemies aren’t too difficult to defeat, just sword
slash away. After they have been defeated, they will leave a small field of
purple fog. Defeat all four of them and a treasure chest appears in the corner
of the room. Open it up to get the Whirlwind!

The whirlwind utilizes both the stylus and the Nintendo DS microphone. Equip
the whirlwind from the menu screen. Now at any point you may click the one of
the shoulder buttons on the Nintendo DS,(R or L) and the Whirlwind will appear.
Aim the whirlwind in whichever direction you’d like, using the stylus, and then
blow into the microphone to unleash a whirlwind. This baby can be used against
enemies, to clear purple fog, or to hit switches and solve puzzles.

Walk back to the southeast corner of this room and clear all the fog. A
treasure chest will be revealed that contains a treasure piece! Back at the
northeast corner of the room you’ll see that the path to your left is block.
However there is a switch at the top of the screen that can be twirled. Use the
whirlwind to blow a gust towards it and it will spin, causing the door to the
left to open up!

Run to the top-left corner and you’ll see one of those sleeping statues.
Playing the Song of Awakening (Turquoise then Orange) will awaken the statue.
Just like in Phantom Hourglass, these statues will reveal how many treasure
chests are still left on this floor. Depending on if you got the treasure near
the bottom-right of the floor, he may say there is just one or none at all.
Clear the purple fog with the whirlwind and head back downstairs.

In this room there is a key in the center, but Link cannot reach it on his own.
Pull out the whirlwind and aim at the small key in the center of the room. Blow
into the DS microphone and it will send the key flying to an area that Link can
reach. Run over and grab it!

Run to the right and step on the switch to open the door. We are now back in
an area we previously were, but it is now infested with fog spiders! Defeat
them all and then make your way to the top-right corner of the map. Blow away
all the fog and you’ll notice there is a stamp station. Don’t mind this, but
more importantly there is a switch on the ground to the top-left of it. Step on
this switch and it will cause a treasure chest to appear elsewhere on the
floor! Run back over to the treasure chest and open it up to get another 100

Walk back over to near the entrance of the temple and use the small key you got
on the locked door. Walk to your left and you’ll see another statue that you
can awaken to tell you how many treasure chests remain on the floor. Walk
around to get to the bottom-left portion of the map. The door will close behind
you and several fog bubbles will appear. These enemies cannot be defeated with
your sword unless the fog has been removed from their body. Use the whirlwind
to blow off the purple fog and then slash away with your sword to finish them
off. Afterwards, head up the staircase.

Two more pesky fog spiders can be found in this area. Defeat them and head up
the stairs on the left side of the room. Walk to your left and you’ll see a
chestnut and a switch across the gap. Stand just below the chestnut and blow it
straight upwards and it will hit the switch, causing a treasure chest to
appear. Open it up to get a small key and then return to the floor below.

Use the small key on the locked door near the bottom of the room and walk in to
face a tough enemy known as a Mothula. Mothula will float around quickly in
this area and will occasionally shoot out fog bubbles towards Link. Whip out
the whirlwind and target Mothula. As soon as it shoots a bubble out at you, use
the whirlwind to send it flying right back at Mothula to stun it. Then run on
over and slash your sword.

If you miss time the bubble and toss the gust at Mothula, it will gust it right
back towards Link and stun you! Mothula will then sweep in for a hit and Link
will take damage. Mothula isn’t too difficult thought and after just two hits
with your sword, Mothula will be defeated. Walk up the staircase to get to the
third floor of the temple.

Walk to the south end of the room and Princess Zelda will point out the huge
lock and she’ll say you need a special key to unlock it. That special key can
be seen on the map at the top-right corner, but we must take care of a few
things before we can access that.

At the bottom of the room there are blocks that are in your way to the right
and there is also a new enemy known as a Blastworm. Slash at the slug and it
will turn into a spiked ball. Use the whirlwind and aim the spiked ball so that
it targets the blocks and causes them to blow up!

Walk over to the southeast corner of the map and use the whirlwind to clear up
a crap load of purple fog. Step on the switch that is revealed on the right
side and it causes a treasure chest to appear. Open up the treasure chest to
get a random piece of treasure. You’ll notice another statue here that you can
awaken to find out the number of treasures there are left on this floor. (Hint,
there are none). Hit the switch to the right and it will cause the door to open
near the bottom-left of the map.

Run on over and you’ll find two spiked slugs, several blocks across the gap
above, and then a switch. Just as before, slash at the slugs to turn them into
spikes and then use the whirlwind to send the spiked bombs over to blow up the
boulder. Now repeat this process but this time hit the switch. Doing so will
cause the door at the top-right of the map to open up, giving Link access to
the big key!

Run on over and you’ll notice just behind the big key, there is a map with a
line and two skulls. This is route that Link must take when holding the big
key. If Link picks up the big key and deviates from this route, scary looking
Key Masters will appear and they will come to grab the big key. They’ll pick it
up and toss it back to where it was located originally. Pick up the big key and
follow the path that is shown on the map carefully. Toss the big key into the
giant lock to unlock the door. Head upstairs to get to the 4th floor of the

Break any of the nearby pots to fill up your life. Tap the stone tablet and
this will cause a blue warp portal to appear. Stepping in this warp portal will
allow Link to return back to the entrance of the dungeon. Once you are ready,
out up through the door and you’ll fight the temple boss, Stagnox.

Stagnox will make his dramatic entrance from the top of the Temple and slowly
drop itself to the ground. You’ll immediately see its gigantic horn on its
head, as well as its purple backside cover with fog. As you may have guessed,
that bright purple backside of his is its weak point. After a cry out from him,
the battle with Stagnox will begin.

   /  STAGNOX, Armored Colossus  \________________________________________
   | Attacks :                                |        Difficulty :        |
   |  ( 1 ) Horn Attack                       |     ___________________    |
   |  (1/2) Falling off edge                  |    |*|*| | | | | | | | |   |
   |  (1/4) Arm Swipe                         |     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    |
   |  (1/4) Fog                               |                            |
   |  (1/2) Blastworm                         |                            |
   |  (1/2) Flying Thrust                     |                            |
   |                                                                       |
   | The first phase of the battle is rather simple. Just run around the   |
   | other edge of the circular platform that you are standing on. Stagnox |
   | will slowly turn as well, but will eventually stop to try to attack   |
   | Link. Its attack is an incredibly slow horn thrust that looks quite   |
   | impressive, but it is extremely easy to avoid. When Stagnox misses    |
   | its attack, quick run to its backside and pull out the whirlwind.     |
   | Target the purple fog and send a gust out of the whirlwind and this   |
   | will stun Stagnox and leave its backside vulnerable. Run up and slash |
   | at its backside repeatedly until it gets back up on its feet. Its     |
   | only other attack in this phase is if Link gets to close, Stagnox     |
   | will swipe towards Link with his arm.                                 |
   |                                                                       |
   | Repeat this same process a few times and just keep striking at its    |
   | backside. Eventually Stagnox will give up on this failed strategy and |
   | will then use its wings and fly up in the air. Stagnox will summon    |
   | three spiked slugs and toss them down to the battle platform. Slash   |
   | at these three slugs to turn them into spiked balls. After a few      |
   | moments, Stagnox will try to hit Link with a flying thrust as he      |
   | drops down closer to the surface. Stand below a spiked ball and when  |
   | Stagnox comes to the surface, use the whirlwind to send the spiked    |
   | ball right at Stagnox. This will stun Stagnox and leave his backside  |
   | vulnerable yet again. Run on over and slash away at its purple spot.  |
   | Repeat this same process until Stagnox has been defeated.             |
   |                                                                       |
   |    Summary :                                                          |
   | For the first phase, just run around Stagnox and when it tries to     |
   | attack, use the whirlwind to clear purple fog for its backside and    |
   | then slash away with your sword. In the second phase, slash at the    |
   | Blastworms and when Stagnox comes down to the surface launch a spiked |
   | ball at Stagnox using the Whirlwind. Then finish off the stunned      |
   | Stagnox with your sword.                                              |

After the battle a massive green gem will appear and then a large structure
will be constructed in the center of the boss room. This will power the Spirit
Tracks and you’ll see the power flow through the tracks and all the way to the
Tower of Spirits, where the next block of the tower has been restored!

The Forest Rail map will shine and some more tracks will now be laid within the
overworld. Back inside the boss lair a large treasure chest will appear, as
well a blue warp portal. Open the treasure chest to get a full heart container!
Now walk over and enter the blue warp portal to be sent back to the entrance of
the dungeon… and that concludes Chapter 2!

    /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\                              /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\
   /__\  Chapter 3  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯        /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\
  /\  /\   Tower of Spirits 2        ____________________/     [W3]     /\  /\
 /__\/__\  _________________________/           \____________________  /__\/__\
|                                                                             |

   /\  3.1 Castle Town Goodies                                           [W3.1]
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 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-03.php#c1
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

With the Forest Temple now behind us, our next destination is the Temple of
Spirits. However, there are few goodies for us to find in Castle Town, so trace
a path all the way to Castle Town. Once you arrive in the eastern portion of
the map however, what used to be friendly trains have turned into fearsome bomb
trains! They move much quicker and their only goal is to hit destroy Link’s
train, so be careful!

You may need to alter your path. It’s a good idea to keep an eye out on the map
above and specifically the direction arrows where the tracks split. This gives
away which way the bomb trains will be turning next, so you can plan ahead your
particular route to avoid them. Dodge the bomb trains and finally stop at
Castle Town.

Since we’ve beaten the Forest Temple, the first phase of the “Take Em All On”
game is now open. This is located in the building at the south-east part of
town. It is 50 rupees to play and the goal is to kill all the enemies that you
can, without dying. However, throughout the entire game, there are no recovery
hearts, so the only way to restore your health is by use of potions. You can
purchase potions at the local shop in Castle Town if you need them.

All of the enemies are enemies we have fought before except for one exception,
an octorok. These are common enemies to the Zelda series but these will be the
first ones we’ve encountered in Spirit Tracks. They are quite simple to defeat,
just two sword slashes or one jump attack. Watch out for the rocks they shoot
out of their mouth. Room 7 can be tough with two Mothula’s, but Room 9 is
definitely the biggest challenge here. At Room 10 you fight Stagnox once again.
The battle is the exact same, just that you won’t get any recovery hearts from
around the room. Makes it more of a challenge, especially after already going
through nine rooms!

Room 1 – Six Yellow Blobs
Room 2 – Seven Octoroks
Room 3 – Five Rats, Four Fog Bubbles
Room 4 – Six Red Chuchu’s
Room 5 – Six Spiked Slugs
Room 6 – Six Keese
Room 7 – Two Mothula’s
Room 8 – Three Yellow Blobs, Three Octoroks
Room 9 – Four Yellow Blobs, Four Octoroks, Four Red Chuchu’s
Room 10 – Stagnox, Armored Colossus

After defeating Stagnox, walk through the blue warp portal and you’ll return to
the entrance room. If you are able to get through the whole thing in a
reasonable time, your prize is… a full heart container! You can play the game
over again if you’d like and your reward will be a treasure piece if you make
it through.

It’s a good idea to head on over to the Castle Town shop as well, located on
the right side, just before you enter the Castle courtyard. You should nearly
300rupees by now, so purchasing the shield for 80 rupees is a good idea.
Purchasing the Prize Postcards for 100 rupees is also something you may want to
get as well. Lastly, it’s always handy to have a red potion with you, and they
cost 100 rupees. Leave the shop.

Before leaving, you can run on over to the mailbox and send out the 10 prize
postcards that you just purchased. They might come in handy later on! Run back
over to the train and jump onboard.

   /\  3.2 Tower of Spirits, Part 2                                      [W3.2]
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 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-03.php#c2
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Ride your train over to the Temple of Spirits. From Castle Town to the Temple
of Spirits is a very short ride, so the bomb trains shouldn’t be much of a

Once you arrive at the Tower of Spirits, walk up the stairs like before but
this time Princess Zelda notices that there is now another staircase available
higher up. Walk all the way up to this higher area and enter the 4th floor of
the Tower of Spirits.

                              ~ /  4th Floor  \ ~
Immediately upon entering, you’ll see two phantoms as well as the locations of
the three Tears of Light. The first one you see is hovering over an area of
lava. Stand at the area just south of it, pull out the whirlwind and send a
gust, blowing the tear to the north side of the room. Maneuver around the
Phantom, utilizing the purple safe zones if you need to and collect the first
Tear of Light!

The second tear is the one located on the left side of the map. There are lines
of fire that are in your way. Wait for the fire to go out and then quickly run
past. However, the line of fire at the top-left portion of the map does not go
away. Instead what you need to do is wait for the enemy phantom to be standing
in front of the fire along the top path, and this will allow Link to quickly
run past the fire and collect the second Tear of Light!

Use the same method to get past the fire for a second time and now make your
way to the third Tear of Light. Grab it and Link’s sword will now be powered
up! Run back to the southern portion of the room without getting spotted. Use
the safe zone if you need, but we want to wait for an opportunity where we can
sneak up behind the phantom and nail it with your sword. After doing so, tap
the Phantom once again and Princess Zelda will be able to take control over the
phantom yet again.

Before progressing, you’ll see there is a treasure chest just to the right of
where you got the first Tear of Light. Open up that treasure chest to get a
random piece of treasure.

Now just south of that treasure chest, you’ll notice a large area of lava and
if Link tries to run across, he will burn himself. However, the metal body of
the phantom can walk through the lava unharmed. Send the phantom into the lava
but keep the phantom close enough to the ledge. Now from the ledge, Link can
jump and land on top of the phantom. From here, control the phantom and carry
Link over to the right side and back onto the surface. Tap the ground and Link
will jump off the phantom. Run around the corner and head up the stairs to get
to the 5th floor.

                              ~ /  5th Floor  \ ~
Run around the corner and you’ll find more lava. Send the phantom into the lava
and then jump on top of the phantom once more. Walk across the lava to the left
side and you’ll see a treasure chest. Jump off the phantom and open the chest
to get 100 more rupees! Now jump back on top of the phantom. You’ll notice that
there are two keese flying around this area. Not a problem! While Link is on
top of the phantom, he can still perform a slash attack with his sword and
defeat some of the keese. Link can also use his sneaky whirlwind to get rid of
those pesky keese.

Just north of the treasure chest, you’ll see a small rotating totem. Use the
whirlwind to send a gust and cause it to start spinning. There is another one
of these totem’s to the northeast and you can see them by the small dot seen on
your map. Walk on over and use the whirlwind once again. Once both of these
twirly thingies are spinning, the door will open up.

Walk up the stairs and continue to your left. You’ll notice that an enemy is on
your map on the bottom left part of the map. It’s nothing more than a yellow
blob, except this one is a bit different. This fellow will run away when Link
tries chasing after him. However, since we have both the phantom and Link, we
can double team this sucker. Trace a line for the phantom so that when Link
attacks the yellow blob it will runs towards the phantom and thus get cornered.
Once you’ve got it cornered, slash away with your sword and it will drop a
small key! Pick up the small key and use it on the door above.

Jump on top of the phantom to get across this short gap of lava and then head
up the stairs to the 6th floor.

                              ~ /  6th Floor  \ ~
Once you surface at the 6th floor the door behind you will close and a massive
river zora will appear. Princess Zelda suggests that the two of you work
together to defeat this baby. Well, we’ll do just that! Move the phantom and
then target the river zora. While the phantom is hitting the river zora from
the back, sneak around to the back and deliver several sword strikes of your
own. There isn’t much to this, just keep repeating. It can be quite annoying at
times to repeatedly switch back and forth between Link and the phantom in such
a short period of time, but you’ll eventually get the hang of it.

Walk around the corners to get to the southwest portion of the map where you
will find a Miniblin sitting on top of a moving statue that somewhat resembles
an Armos statue from Phantom Hourglass. Unfortunately, the miniblin is too high
for Link to be able to target him. There is a flame at the bottom of the room
that is blocking the path. Move the phantom so that it stops the flame and then
run past with Link.

Just to the north there is a small staircase that leads to a higher platform.
Set the phantom on the lower platform and then jump on top of the phantom. Now
with Link on top of the phantom, he can take down that annoying miniblin. There
are two more miniblins on top of statues in the square corridor just to the
right so defeat those guys as well.

Remain on top of the phantom and walk to the south end of the room. There are
three consecutive flames that block the path, but the second one is actually
higher up. Walk right past the first one, and then time the flame so you don’t
get burned and then run by the second flame. Walk right past the third flame
and you’ll notice that there is a small key on a higher platform here. Use the
whirlwind to knock the key down to the lower floor. Jump off the phantom and
collect the small key.

Use the phantom to block the fire for the two lower sets of flames. Run on over
to the locked door , use the small key, and head up to the 7th floor.

                              ~ /  7th Floor  \ ~
Once you arrive, Princess Zelda will leave the phantom suite and Link’s sword
will lose its power, signifying that we are at the end of this section of the
Tower of Spirits. Climb up the steps and collect the Snow Rail Map! This will
restore some of the Spirit Tracks to the north! Afterwards step into the blue
portal that is created to warp back to the entrance of the Temple of Spirits.

You can speak with Anjean if you’d like, but we know what our next destination
is, so jump back on the train and let’s take a ride into the Snow! That
concludes Chapter 3 of this here walkthrough.

    /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\                              /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\
   /__\  Chapter 4  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯        /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\
  /\  /\   The Snow Realm            ____________________/     [W4]     /\  /\
 /__\/__\  _________________________/           \____________________  /__\/__\
|                                                                             |

   /\  4.1 Back to Aboda Village                                         [W4.1]
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 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-04.php#c1
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

As soon as you start traveling out with your train, you’ll notice that there
are new enemy bullbo’s running around near the track. Unlike the cow’s that
would be scamper off when you blow the train whistle, these fellows will go so
far as ramming right into your train, causing damage! Princess Zelda suggests
that we go visit Alfonzo at Castle Town, so let’s make that our next stop.

Once you enter, head tower the Castle and you’ll see the mailbox shaking. The
postman will deliver a letter from… Alfonzo, which basically says that you
should come and pick him up to bring him back to Aboda Village. Walk into
Hyrule Castle and make your way to the rest area where we lost saw Alfonzo.

Alfonzo is now back on his feet and is ready to go. After some small talk he’ll
say that he’ll meet you at the train and then limps off. There is very little
to do here in Castle Town at the moment, so you can go ahead and leave the
castle and head back to the train. Jump on board and draw out your route all
the way back to Aboda Village. Remember, you’ll have to navigate around the
bomb trains that block the path, as well as keeping your eyes open for pesky
bird enemies that try to hurt you.

Once you arrive back at Aboda Village Alfonzo will offer to make something for
your train, but it is going to take some time, so he suggest going to see what
Niko is up to while he’s doing that. Just run around town for a bit and then go
and Visit Niko.

Niko is glad to see you and tells you a story of his younger days when he was a
traveler. He loved stamps but never had a stamp book at the time to collect
them all in. However, he now has one and he gives it to Link in hopes that Link
will fulfill Niko’s request to collect stamps from all over the world! Niko
even mentions that he’ll give Link something special if he can collect a bunch
of stamps.

Leave the house and walk to the north where you will find a Stamp Station! Use
the stamp station to stamp Aboda Village into your recently acquired Stamp
Book! You can view your stamp book in your collection screen and it shows a map
of all the locations that you have stamped. We will be filling this out as we

It’s been a few minutes so let’s go check on Alfonzo. Walk over to the train
station and Alfonzo will roll out Link’s newly upgraded train. It is now
equipped with a cannon! The cannon will allow Link to shoot at enemies that
surround his train and also to break boulders that he sees as he goes. Jump
back on the train and move on out!

   /\  4.2 Some Extras In The Forest Realm                               [W4.2]
  /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-04.php#c2
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                             | +----------------+ |
                             | |   Whittleton   | |
                             | +----------------+ |
Before heading off to the Snow area, there are a few completely optional quests
that Link can now take part in! We are going to make three quick pit stops at..
Whittleton Village, the Forest Sanctuary and the Forest Temple... Why you ask?
Well, because of the Stamp Book we just got! First run ride over to Whittleton
Village and then run to the north part of the village, via the exit at the
northeast trees. There is a stamp station here, so be sure to stamp your newly
aquired stamp book with the second stamp!

                          | +----------------------+ |
                          | |   Forest Sanctuary   | |
                          | +----------------------+ |

Our next stop is at the Forest Sanctuary. There is a stamp station near the top
middle portion of the map. Use bombs on the switch to cross the bridge or blow
up the boulders if you haven't already. Once you can reach it, stamp your
notebook for the third stamp! There is one other thing to do here at the Forest
Sanctuary. At the south part of the map, there is a treasure chest with a
cucco. Stand on the higher platform to the left and use the whirlwind to blow
off the cucco. Then run and pick up the cucco and return to this platform. Use
the cucco to float over to the treasure chest and open it up to get 200 rupees!
Return to the train.

                           | +--------------------+ |
                           | |   Forest Temple    | |
                           | +--------------------+ |

Our last stop is at the Forest Temple. There is a stamp station at the top-
right portion of the first floor of the temple. Use the whirlwind to clear the
fog that is blocking your path. Stamp your notebook and then head back to the
train. Afterwards, onward to the north lands of Hyrule! 

                          | +-----------------------+ |
                          | |   Rabbitland Rescue   | |
                          | +-----------------------+ |

When you finally reach the new Spirit Tracks on the far west portion of the 
map, you’ll notice that a large boulder is blocking the path! No fear, use the
newly acquired cannon a few times and blast away at this nuisance. Continue
onward and you’ll notice there is a stop. Make a short pit stop to realize you
are in the Rabbitland Rescue! What a strange place. It’s a rabbit haven!

Talk to the nearby rabbit man and he’ll tell you all about the place. Tell him
how excited you are about the place and after you’ve convinced him, he will
give Link the Rabbit Net! The rabbit man then tells you how to catch bunnies.
When riding on the train, you’ll notice that there are some rabbits peeking
out from behind some boulders. Once you spot it, blow your whistle and the
rabbit will jump up making it easier to spot. Blast away at the boulder that
it hides behind and then the hunt is on. You’ll automatically switch to the
rabbit net. Just try to tap the rabbit with the right timing to catch it.
There is a treasure chest in the center pond of this station. Link can reach
this area by jumping from the higher cliff to the northeast. It's a tough jump
but certainly reachable. Open the treasure chest to get a random piece of

There is nothing else of importance here, so get back on the train. Since we
now have the Rabbit Net, we can actually catch Rabbits #1, #2, and #3 within
the Forest Realm. Rabbit #1 is located just south of the Rabbitland Rescue,
west of the tracks. Rabbit #2 is located east of the tracks near the Forest
Temple. Rabbit #3 is located on the east end of the tracks leadings towards
Aboda Village.

Let's finally make our way north to the Snow Realm. The path is rather clear
once you pass the Rabbitland Rescue. There are a few bullbo’s in your path
that you can blast away with your cannon… and then you finally make your way
to the Snow Realm.

   /\  4.3 Anouki Village                                                [W4.3]
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After you are done marveling at the great snow filled land, you’ll realize that
at the moment there are very few places that you can travel to in this new
territory. There is a small village, which is the only village where Link can
currently stop his train at in this territory. However, this new land does open
new possibilities for Link. Link can access his first warp gate. Warp gates are
stone arches that extend over the Spirit Tracks. Each warp gate has two located
throughout the overworld, a main location and a secondary location. Link first
needs to visit the main location of each of these warp gates and strike the gem
that is on top of the stone arch. This will activate the warp gate, at which 
Link can then use it to warp between the gates that are in the overworld.

At the first fork in the road, turn to the right and straight ahead you'll find
Warp Gate A. Strike the triangle above the stone arch with the cannon to
activate the warp gate. Now anybody you ride your train by the warp gate,
simply pull the train whistle and a portal will appear. This particular warp
gate will send you to the center part of the Forest Realm, just north of
Whittleton Village.

Our next stop is Anouki Village, which is the only town we have access to, so
ride over with your train. If you'd like, you can take a quick detour and find
the first snow rabbit. It is located just west of the village on the north side
of the tracks. After you've captured the bunny, ride on over to Anouki Village.

The Anouki are a snow based tribe that live in very cold climates. If you
played Phantom Hourglass, you may remember the Anouki habited the Isle of
Frost. There are six buildings here and there are Anouki all over the place.
You can run around and speak with all the Anouki if you’d like.

Running around the village, you'll notice a familiar enemy is appears from the
snow. A ChuChu, but this time it is of the ice variation. Don't touch them or
else Link will be freeze and take damage. Instead, use the whirlwind to stun
them, and then finish them off with a few simple sword strikes.

Also, since we are in a new town, there is a new stamp station location for us
to find! It is located at the northeast corner of the village. From the train
station, just run to the east, and then north, navigating through the trees to
find the stamp station. Use the station to stamp your fifth stamp into Niko's
stamp book.

Right in the center of the village there is another one of those statues that
make noise. Walk up to it and click it and you’ll see four notes coming out
from the statue... orange, yellow, orange, and turquoise. Play the song and the
statue will shoot into the air and Link will have learned the Song of
Discovery! A treasure chest appears in place of the statue. Open up the
treasure chest to get a red potion!

Continue talking to the Anouki if you’d like and you’ll find out that the
honcho lives in the house that is on the highest hill... and honcho isn’t just
a title, it’s his actual name. You’ll soon learn that there are monsters all
over and Honcho is trying to put together a village watch and wants to pair up
all the Anouki. Honcho needs your help as several of the Anouki have a lot of
strict requirements as to who they will work with. It is up to Link to find out
who is paired with whom!

There are six houses and an Anouki is either inside or just outside each one of
the houses. We will number these houses from top-left to bottom-right to keep
things organized.

|1)        Yeko           |2)       Honcho          |3)        Kofu           |
|  --Yellow, Big Horns--  | --Purple, Small Horns-- |  --Blue, Big Horns--    |
| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
| NO small horns          | Happy with anyone       | NO big horns            |
| NO blue                 |                         |                         |
|4)        Yefu           |5)        Noko           |6)        Bulu           |
| --Yellow, Small Horns-- |  --Blue, Small Horns--  |   --Blue, Big Horns--   |
| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
| NO big horns            | NO yellow               | No beards               |

Based on all that information, we can come to the conclusion that the pairs
will be 1 and 6, 2 and 4, and 3 and 5. Run back to Honcho and speak with him.
He gives you a sheet and you have to connect a line between the Anouki that
should be paired with one another. Match the Anouki based on the numbers above
to solve this dilemma for them. As a thank you gift, Honch will give Link a red
                            Yeko    /      Kofu
                               '-. /        /
                                  /-.      /
                                 /   '-.  /
                                /       '/.
                            Yefu        /  'Bulu

Mort impotently however, Honcho will now talk about the next sage, Steem and
the Snow Sanctuary. Honcho mentions that they do not have access since a
“ginormous monster” lives in the cave that blocks the path.

Now that we are all through here and know where the Snow Sanctuary is, lets
head back to our train and jump aboard.

   /\  4.4 Snow Sanctuary                                                [W4.4]
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Ride the train to the tunnel and enter it and you’ll find that it is in fact
inhabited by a giant one eyed gohma looking creature. As you probably could
have guessed, its massive eye is its weak spot. It will continuously try to
crawl towards Link and use its large body to jump onto the train. What you need
to do to prevent this monster from doing so, is to continuously hit him in the
eye with your cannon. Just never stop tapping where you are anticipating the
eye to be and it will keep the monster at bay. Just repeat this process several
times until Link finally makes it past the cave and through to the other side.
You’ll immediately appear at the Snow Sanctuary.

You can enter the nearby hut to see that a full heart container is for sale,
but it’s selling for a very pricey 3000 rupees! We will certainly be back later
on to pick up this gem, but for now, let’s skip over it. This is also the first
time Link can get his hands on the Purple potion, which will fill up 8 hearts
rather than just 6 like the red potion. They have a shield here, but it is
pricier here than in other shops. There is really nothing of interest of
interest outside the heart container so let’s leave the shop.

There are several Ice Chuchu’s here as well as a new enemy, white wolfos. The
wolfos will appear from underground and will dash at Link. They are also quite
skillful at dodging Link’s attack. Just continuously try to hit the wolfos and
you’ll eventually get to them.

Just walk around and defeat the various enemies that appear. You’ll notice that
there is a stamp station near the left side of the station. Climb up to it and
use the stamp station to stamp the Snow Sanctuary into your stamp book. Now
continue navigating this area, progressing to the top-right of the map.

Navigate through the rest of the area, defeating several ice chuchu’s along
your path and enter the cave at the top-left corner. Tap the tablet and you’ll
see that once the switch is stepped on, you cannot cross in the line of the
statues. It’s a good idea to run around and see where all the statues are
looking at, so you can understand the path you need to take.

Once you are ready, step on the switch. Take the path that is just left to the
statue right in front of you and walk northward to the middle statue. Wrap
around the middle statue and make your way to the right side of the room,
walking below the middle statue on the right. Wrap around the statue on the
right and then walk diagonally to the door. It really isn’t overly difficult to
find the right path. Walk through the door.

Walk up the steps to meet up with Steem, the locomotive of the Snow Sanctuary.
Just like with the Locomotive we met at the Forest Sanctuary, Steem has a new
song to teach you. This one is a bit more challenging as it has four notes. It
starts with the turquoise note, and then quickly goes silver, turquoise, and
orange. Be sure to practice a bit with Steem for awhile and then get ready for
the real deal. This one was a bit more challenging for me so it may take a bit
more effort. Once you’ve finally got it down and have played the duet with
Steem, portions of the Spirit Tracks in this realm will return, allowing Link
to access the Snow Temple! Link also has quicker access to the Anouki Village
from here. Leave the area and head all the way back to the train.

   /\  4.5 Getting To The Snow Temple                                    [W4.5]
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/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

If you try head to the Snow Temple, you’ll get stuck in a blizzard and will not
even be able to progress close to it. So instead, we want to make a pit stop
back at Anouki Village, so trace the path accordingly. Along his way, Link will
encounter… snowmen on the sides of the track that will try to hurt his train by
tossing snowballs out at it! Just target them with your cannon to defeat them.

                          ~ /  Heart Container #3  \ ~
There is also one more rabbit that we now have access to and it is an important
one, as it is our fifth rabbit. As you make your way south from the Swno
Sanctuary to Anouki Village. The rabbit is on the right side of the tracks. Hit
the boulder and capture the 2nd snow rabbit, and 5th rabbit overall.

Now that we have captured five rabbits, let's head back to the Rabbitland
Rescue to show the rescue owner. Once you arrive, speak with the owner, and as
a reward for catching five rabbits, he will give a new heart container! This
brings out total life up to 6 hearts! Leave the rescue and ride back north to
Anouki Village.

Run up and enter Honcho’s house. Talk to him and after hearing that Link wants
to get past the blizzard and enter the Snow Temple, Honcho mentions that there
is one guy by the name of Ferrus who lives to the east that is crazy about
trains and that he might be able to help you. Leave the building and head back
to the train.

                          | +-----------------------+ |
                          | |   Wellspring Station  | |
                          | +-----------------------+ |

Our next destination is the eastern portion of the snow, near where the bomb
train is patrolling on the map. There are several more snowmen trying to hurt
you, but it certainly is nothing that cannot be handheld. Head east along the
winding path and you’ll see a station where you can stop your train. Do so and
you’ll find the Wellspring Station.

If you run around the area you’ll find several white wolfos jumping around as
well as a crow perched on top of a tree. Disregard these enemies and enter the
small house on the right side of the map. Nobody is home but there is a note on
the table that Princess Zelda points out. Run over and read it and you’ll see
some scribble resemblance of a map to the area that is just east of where you
are, where the bomb train is patrolling. Mark these locations on your map.
There is also a note along the wall in the room and it discusses other forms of
travel. The note mentions that one of these special locations is located south
of Anouki Village. Anyway, leave the hut and head back to the train.

We want to take a look at these locations that were on the map. Head eastward
and at the next fork in the road, make a right and travel all the way to where
the first location was on the map. You will see a man beside the rails and he
is taking snapshots. Slow down the train and stop right in front of him and
this will trigger a conversation. The person introduces himself as Ferrus and
asks where you are headed. Tell him you are headed to the Temple. He mentions
an alternate way and then shows you an outdated map. Blow on the microphone to
wipe it clean and you’ll noticed a path is drawn on the map. Be sure to jot
down that route on your map.

Back on the train, trace a route all the way to the Snow Temple, using the
route that Ferrus showed you on his map. You can maneuver around one of the
forks in the road to turn your train around so you are facing the right
direction. Follow along the long path, defeating various snowmen that you see.

The blizzard portion of the track will greatly reduce your line of vision.
However, since we have the path already traced on our map, there is no reason
for us to get lost. Travel all the way into the hut and enter into the Snow

   /\  4.6 Snow Temple                                                   [W4.6]
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/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                              ~ /  1st Floor  \ ~
Walk north through the door and enter the main portion of the temple. Walk
straight ahead and defeat the keese. You can’t really do much else so walk
straight northward to another part of the room.

Upon entering Princess Zelda notices a large bell, and it becomes apparent that
these bells will play a big role in this dungeon. If you look on the ground,
you’ll see that there are three squares with bell symbols on them. There are
three bells that we will find in this dungeon and we want to push the bells to
land on top of these bell looking squares.

The first large bell is right here and the square it falls on is just to the
north. Push the bell so that it falls on top. The bell is now lower so Link can
strike at it with his sword. Just north of the bell there is a sign on the
wall. Check it out and you’ll see two bell notes along the middle line. This is
actually a clue on what you need to do, but at this point it’s so easy that it
might actually seem confusing. Just run over to the bell and slash at it twice
with your sword and this will cause the door at the bottom-right of this area
to open up.

Walk through the door and you’ll see a small staircase here, but you cannot
jump across to the platform to the right as the gap is too large. Elsewhere in
the room, you’ll see a block sitting on top of some ice. (Enter classic Zelda
puzzle solving). We want to get this block to the top of the room so that we
can jump on it to get across the gap to get to the right side of the screen.
It’s quite simple actually, just push the block all down and it will slide
across the ice. Push it to the left, up, to the right, and then up to get it in
place. Now climb the steps, jump onto the block, and then jump over to the
right side.

Walk south to corner of the map and you’ll find a brand new enemy located here.
These enemies are known as Octives and they act very similar to water octoroks
or water toadpolis from previous Zelda titles. They will come up from
underwater and will shoot rocks out of their mouth. If you walk to the edge,
you’ll see there is a switch across the water. Pull out the whirlwind and then
time the rock that is being shot of the enemy’s mouth. The goal is to send out
a gust that will cause the rock to hit the switch. It may take a few tries, but
upon successfully doing so, a bridge will form. Cross the bridge and head down
the staircase.

                          ~ /  Basement 1 - Boomerang  \ ~

Push the block to the right and it will glide across the ice and fall into the
water. Jump on top of the block and then pull out the whirlwind. Aim to the
left and use the whirlwind, and this gust will cause Link and the block to
float to the right. There is totem over here, so pull out the whirlwind once
again and use it to cause the totem to spin. This will open up a door that is
just to the north.

Also to the north is a new enemy known as a freezard. If Link hits them or
blows them with the whirlwind, they will move at crazy speeds along the ice.
Use the whirlwind to get over to the freezard and then use your sword or
whirlwind and it will send the enemy flying and hopefully into the water where
it won’t cause any more problems. Use the whirlwind if you need to in order to
get to the platform, and then head up.

There is another block here so push it to the left and it will land in some
more water. There are more octives here that will shoot rocks out towards
Link. Use the whirlwind and redirect the rocks back at them in order to defeat
them. Use the whirlwind to move along the water and to the area at the south,
there is a treasure chest containing a red rupee.

Jump back on the block and make your way around the water and defeating all
the octives in your way. There are three of octives in the water and if you
defeat all three, a treasure chest will appear. Open it up to get a random
piece of treasure.

Walk up and to the left and a door will close behind you. This room is filled
with three ice keese. These bats are covered in flames of ice and will freeze
Link if he tries to hit them. Instead, use the whirlwind on the keese and this
will cause them to lose their ice surroundings and stun them, making them
vulnerable to Link’s sword. Defeat all three of these enemies and a large
treasure chest will appear. Open it up to get the dungeon item, the boomerang!

Walk back to the room to the right and pull out the boomerang. Across the gap
there are two switches. Use the boomerang and trace a path so that it will hit
both of the switches. Doing so will create a bridge and allowing Link to cross.
Do so and then head up the staircase here.

                           ~ /  1st Floor - 2nd Bell \ ~

Walk around the corner here and you’ll see a few ice keese flying around. Use
the boomerang to defeat them and then trace a path with your boomerang so that
it hits the switch here. This causes the door to the left to open up and this
door leads to the main room of the dungeon. Also, if you defeat both of the
keese here, a treasure chest will appear in the corner of the room. Run on over
to it and open it to get a random piece of treasure.

Now run over to the bell and just above it, you’ll notice another sign on the
wall. Take a look at it and it will show a series of bells. If you recall, the
middle line was for the bell already in the center room, so the top line must
be for this bell. The goal is to push it back to the main room and onto the
square bell switch on the right side. In order to do that, push the bell in the
following order and just let it slide across the ice. Push it down, left, up,
and left, and it should now be in the top-left corner. From here push it down,
right, down, left, and then down and it will fall onto the square block.

Now if you remember the sign we just saw, the order was middle, top, top, and
middle. Since the middle represented the center bell, that is the one we hit
first. Pull out the boomerang and trace a line so it hits the middle bell, then
the right bell, then the right bell again, and finally the middle bell. If done
correctly, this will cause the door at the southwest corner of the room to open
up, so head through it.

There is one lit torch and four unlit torches here, but the trick in this room
is that you must light the torches in the proper order. If you use the
boomerang and then trace paths over all of the snow, they will melt away so
Link can see the ground. On the ground next to each torch, you can see a symbol
with a number of dots and this reveals the proper order to light the torches
in. The order is; top-right, bottom-right, top-left, and then bottom-left. This
will cause the door at the corner of the room to unlock, so head down the

                              ~ /  Basement 1  \ ~

Walk past the locked door and you’ll see one of those statues here. You can
awaken it by playing the Song of Awakening, but all it will do is ask for 20
rupees in order to tell you where two treasure chests are on this floor. Since
we’ll be getting these treasure chests anyway there is little reason to pay the

There is a flame of ice in the center platform here. Use the boomerang, and
then trace a path in the water with your boomerang and this will change parts
of the water into ice! The ice is sturdy enough for Link to run across, but it
won’t last forever so you’ll have to move quickly. Trace a path to the right,
where there is a treasure chest that contains a small key. Now get back to the
left and use the key on the locked door.

Walk up and the door will close behind you. There are four freezards in this
room as well as a torch flame. Use the boomerang and target the torch, and then
target the freezards. Hitting a freezard with the flamed boomerang will cause
it to turn into a standard octorok. Finish all four octoroks off and two doors
in this room will open up.

Walk to the right and you’ll see there is a totem in the water but it is frozen
solid. Use the boomerang and target the torch back in the room and then trace a
path all the way to the totem and it will cause it to melt.

You cannot use the whirlwind on the totem from here as the wall blocks the
direct line of sight. Instead, use the boomerang to the flame of ice that is in
the middle of the water and create a path extending over the water. Walk onto
the newly created ice, pull out the whirlwind, and use it to spin the totem,
which will open the door to the right. Finish off the path of ice with the
boomerang and then head up.

There are several octives that will pop up from underwater. Use the whirlwind
and launch their rocks right back at them to defeat them. Alternatively, you
can stun them using the boomerang and when you are close enough, strike them
with your sword to defeat them. Make a path within the water, using the blocks
of ice and make your way to the northeast portion of the water.

There is a stamp station located here so pull out your stamp book and get the
book stamped. There are four water enemies in total here, as well as several
torches. Use the boomerang to light up the torches while creating paths for
Link to walk on. Defeat all four of the enemies and a treasure chest will
appear at the platform in the corner of the room. Make your way to the corner
of the room and open the treasure chest to get 100 rupees! Walk up the stairs
to get back to the 1st floor.

                          ~ /  1st Floor - 3rd Bell  \ ~

You’ll notice the third and final bell is found here but there is something
else we want to do before dealing with this guy. Walk south and head into the
room there. There are four fire keese that are found in this room. Use the
boomerang to defeat them quite easily. There is a bunch of snow on the ground,
as well as two torch flames. Use the boomerang to target the torches and then
trace over all of the snow to melt away everything. What is revealed underneath
is the third and final order that you need to play the bells in. Remember, the
new bell that we are getting here represents the bell not on the bottom line.
The order is bottom, middle, middle, top, middle. Walk back up to the room with
the third bell.

Push the bell up, right, down, left, and then up so the bell is along the left
side near the middle of the ice. If you look across the water, Link can now
make a direct line of ice so that if he pushes the block, it will slide all the
way back to the main room.

However, there is a door that blocks your way. There is a switch just south of
where the door is located. Use the boomerang on the flame of ice and create an
ice path so that you can access the switch. Step on and the door leading to the
main room will open up. Also, at the very top of the screen here, there is a
treasure chest, so trace a path of ice to get to it and then open up to get a
red rupee!

Now let’s use the boomerang and create some ice over the water so that we can
push the block. Once a full line of ice is created, run over to the block and
push it to the right, sending across the ice and into the main room.

There is an unlit torch in the main room. Use the boomerang to target the torch
from the room to the left and then light up the torch in the main room. Now use
this torch and the boomerang to create ice over much of the water area below.
Once ice is created, we want to push the block down, then left, and then down
to send it to the solid ice area below. From here, push it left, up, and right
and it will fall into place.

With all three bells in place we can now hit the bells once more. Remember, the
order was bottom, middle, middle, top, middle. Relating this to three bells in
this large room, this means we need to hit them in the order of left, middle,
middle, right, middle. Trace a path with the boomerang so that it hits the
torches in this exact order and it will cause the door above to open up!

Walk towards the door and you’ll see an unlit torch on the right side. Use the
torch we just recently lit up on the left side to light up the right one, and
this will cause a treasure chest to appear along the north wall. Open it up to
get a red rupee! There is a statue here, but like all the statues in dungeons,
it just tells you how many treasure chests are available on the current floor.
Disregard it as well as the freezard and head up the stairs.

                          ~ /  2nd Floor - Big Key  \ ~

Walk to the south and you’ll find three more ice chuchu’s as well as the big
key lock. However, now that we have the boomerang we can stun the chuchu’s more
easily. Defeat all three and then walk around the corner and you’ll see a sign
on the wall. It shows six torches and labels three as fire and three as ice.
You can jot this information down on your map if you’d like and then head to
northwest corner of the map.

There are two lit torches and six unlit torches. The sign on the wall showed
which torches need to be lit with fire and which with ice. The two torches on
the left, as well as the one at the bottom-right are the ones that Link needs
to light up with fire. The other three need to be lit up with ice. However,
Link must light up all six of the torches with one toss of the boomerang.
You’ll first want to light up the ice torches. Use the boomerang and trace a
line from the ice torch to the one at the top-right, top, bottom, then to the
fire torch, the top-left, bottom-left, and then bottom-right. This is close to
the maximum length that you can trace your boomerang so there is little room
for error with the tracing. Once you’ve lit allt he torches a door on the right
side will open up, so head through it.

The door will close behind you and four white wolfos can be seen in this room.
Just aggressively go after these enemies and once all four of them are done
away with, the door to the right will open up.

Walk around the corner and you’ll reach some ice. On the north side of the ice
there is a switch. Step on it and it will create a bridge. Now stand just close
to the edge, pull out the whirlwind and target the big key. The gust for the
whirlwind will land the key on the bridge that you just created. Walk around
and pick up the big key! Walk across the bridge and toss it on the giant lock.
Walk up the staircase.

There are pots on both sides of this room. You can use the boomerang on the
pots in order to refill your hearts. Tap on the stone tablet here and it
creates a warp point to the beginning of the dungeon. Once you are ready for
battle, head on up the stairs to take on Fraaz, Master of Icy Fire.

A scene is shown where a torch is lit with fire and the other is lit with ice.
Then balls of fire and ice will combine to form Fraaz, who resembles a giant
miniblin if you ask me. The battle works similar to that of past fire/ice
battles in Zelda games, such as the legendary Twinrova sisters from Ocarina of
Time. You want to use ice to destroy the fire and fire to destroy the ice.

   /  FRAAZ, Master of Icy Fire  \________________________________________
   | Attacks :                                |        Difficulty :        |
   |  (1/2) Fire                              |     ___________________    |
   |  (1/2) Ice (+1/4 every 3 seconds frozen) |    |*|*|*|*|*|*|*| | | |   |
   |                                          |     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    |
   |                                                                       |
   | There are alternating forms of Fraaz as well as two phases. The first |
   | form is when Fraaz is together as one large goblin like creature.     |
   | Fraaz will suck up energy of either fire or ice and this can easily   |
   | be distinguished whether he light up blue or red. If Fraaz sucks in   |
   | ice, use the boomerang and target the fire torch and then target      |
   | Fraaz. The boomerang will pick up the flame and then hit Fraaz,       |
   | causing his body to shrink. If Fraaz has already sucked in a lot of   |
   | air and his body his huge, then it will take two hits with the other  |
   | element type to stun Fraaz. Once Fraaz is stunned run on over and     |
   | slash away with your sword. Repeat this process until Fraaz separates |
   | into two smaller creatures.                                           |
   |                                                                       |
   | This form of Fraaz can be quite annoying. One of the creatures will   |
   | light up with fire and the other with ice. The goal in this phase is  |
   | to use the elements against each other. Hit the one of fire with ice, |
   | and vice versa. When the creatures stop running, target one of the    |
   | torches and then glance at your map above. Each of the seperated mini |
   | goblins will have a blue or red icon, signifying what element they    |
   | are. If you target the blue flame, then target the creature with the  |
   | red icon. Once you've stunned this mini part of Fraaz, run on over    |
   | slash away with your sword. Once one of them is down, the other one   |
   | might try to revive its partner by using a purple and blog spirit     |
   | ball. Just defeat both of them as quickly as you can to prevent them  |
   | from thing this. After both have been defeated, they will combine to  |
   | form the larger Fraaz once again.                                     |
   |                                                                       |
   | Fraaz then gets intelligent and will destroy the two torches that are |
   | in the boss arena. During this phase, you have to wait for Fraaz to   |
   | shoot either fire or ice at Link. Dodge the attacks but fire or ice   |
   | will remain on the floor. When Fraaz switches to the opposite         |
   | element, use the boomerang to target the fire or ice and then hit     |
   | Fraaz to stun him. Once stunned, slash away with your sword. Repeat   |
   | this process until Fraaz once again breaks until smaller forms.       |
   |                                                                       |
   | Since there are no torches, you’ll have to wait for the little        |
   | versions of Fraaz to shoot out either fire or ice. They’ll leave      |
   | their mark on the ground, at which you can use the boomerang to once  |
   | again to grab the fire and ice and hit the respective creature.       |
   | Repeat this process until you’ve both of the little guys. Remember,   |
   | you have to be quick otherwise they will revive one another.          |
   |                                                                       |
   | The final phase is a combined Fraaz once again and this time he more  |
   | relentless. He shoots out fire and ice even quicker than before and   |
   | of more amounts! Just repeat the strategies that we have been using   |
   | to finally defeat Fraaz.                                              |
   |                                                                       |
   |    Summary :                                                          |
   | When Fraaz is filled with fire, use the boomerang to target ice and   |
   | then hit Fraaz. Vice versa if Fraaz is filled with Ice. When Fraaz    |
   | splits up, hit one of the mini incarnations with the boomerang to see |
   | what element it is, and then hit it with the alternate element. After |
   | Fraaz breaks the torches, wait until it shoots out its own fire or    |
   | ice and it will leave a spot on the floor. Use this against him when  |
   | he changes element. Repeat until Fraaz is defeated.                   |

After the rather difficult battle with Fraaz is complete a cutscene kicks in.
It is very similar to the scene when we beat the Forest Temple. A statue is
formed and a silver force gem can be seen. The Spirit Tracks are revived and
the next floor of the Tower of Spirits is now put back together!

Afterwards the snow rail map glows, and a new path is opened up, which serves
as a shortcut to getting to the Tower of Spirits. After some small talk from
Princess Zelda, walk over and open the treasure chest to get a full heart
container! Then step into the blue warp portal and you’ll be sent to the temple
entrance. That about concludes chapter 4 of the Spirit Tracks Walkthrough!

    /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\                              /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\
   /__\  Chapter 5  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯        /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\
  /\  /\   Tower of Spirits 3        ____________________/     [W5]     /\  /\
 /__\/__\  _________________________/           \____________________  /__\/__\
|                                                                             |

   /\  5.1 Get To The Tower!                                             [W5.1]
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/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Our next destination is the Tower of Spirits. However, there are a ton of
collectible items and extra treasure chests we can now get before heading to
the Tower of Spirits. If you’d like to continue along with the main quest,
just travel to the Tower of Spirits at the southeast part of the Snow Realm
and skip down to section 5.2 of the chapter.

                           ~ /  Five More Rabbits  \ ~
When leaving the Snow Temple, you’ll notice that the blizzard is now gone
and the sun is actually out! Additionally there are two dark trains now out
to kill you in this area of the map. Since the blizzard is now clear, there
are five new snow rabbits that we can now reach.

Snow Rabbit #3 - East of the Snow Temple. Take the first path east and then
at the next fork in the road, take a right and the rabbit is on the east
side of the tracks.

Snow Rabbit #4 - Head directly south from the Snow Temple. When you cannot
go south anymore, the rabbit will be on the west side of the tracks.

Snow Rabbit #5 - In the middle of where the blizzard was, there are four
horizontal sets of tracks. The 5th rabbit is located on the 3rd horizontal
track from the top and it is located at the southern part of the tracks.

Snow Rabbit #6 - From Rabbit #3, head south just a bit and take the east path.
The rabbit is on the north side of the tracks.

Snow Rabbit #7 - At the southeast corner of the blizzard area. The rabbit is
located on the east side of the tracks.

                           ~ /  Beedle's Air Shop  \ ~
The next time you stop at station with a mailbox, you'll be getting a letter
from Beedle telling you to stop by his Air Shop. When traveling the overworld
on the train, Beedle's icon will appear on the map near some tracks. Ride on
over near the air balloon and pull the train whistle. This will cause Beedle to
land his shop near the train tracks. At this point, we want to stop at the air
shop just as if it was a station.

Beedle has several items for sale, with the most notable being the bomb bag!
This will allow Link to carry up to 10 bombs himself. It costs a reasonable 500
rupees. If you've been following along the walkthrough and have gathered all
the treasures thus far, you should easily have enough rupees. Beedle also sells
some treasure, some bombs, and a red potion.

Once you have purchased an item from Beedle, he'll mention a membership program
that he has. Tell him that you are interested and he will mail you the Beedle
Club Card. Next time you reach a station with a mailbox, you’ll get a letter
from Beedle. For every 10 rupees that you spend at Beedle’s shop, you will earn
1 membership point. Earning lots of points will upgrade your membership status
and will earn you some discounts at the store. The grand prize is after you
accumulate 500 points where Beedle will give you a heart container! This is a
long ways away though.

                          ~ /  Wellspring Station  \ ~
We want to make a quick stop over at the Wellspring Station where we can now
reach a Stamp Station. Walk to the north of the house here and stand near the
small lake. Use the boomerang on the ice torch and create a bridge of ice on
the lake. Use this bridge in order to get to the stamp station that is just to
the left of the ice torch. Stamp your notebook, which should bring your stamp
total up to eight! Head back to the train and leave Wellspring Station.

                    ~ /  Anouki Village - Secret Rupees  \ ~
With our newly acquired bombs, there is a secret cave we can now access within
Anouki Village. Just east of Honcho’s hut, you’ll notice a crack against the
north wall. Use a bomb to blast open an entrance to a cave. There is a tricky
block puzzle here that Link must solve in order to reach the treasure chest.
Push the block across the ice in the following directions. West, North, East,
North, East, North, East, South, East, South, West, and North. With the block
now in place, we can jump on top of it and reach a treasure chest to the right.
Open it up to get a big red rupee which is worth 200 rupees! Exit the cave.

There is one other treasure chest we can reach in Anouki Village. Run to the
west part of time and you’ll find a small pond of water. Use the boomerang on
the ice torch across the water and create a bridge of ice. Walk across and open
the treasure chest to get a big green rupee! That’s all to do in Anouki
Village, so head back to the train.

                          ~ /  Castle Town Goodies  \ ~
You may have gotten a letter in the mail from Russell, the swordsman at Hyrule
Castle. That will be our next step, so ride south back to the Forest Realm and
make your way all the way to Castle Town.

Before heading north up to see Russell, there are goodies right here within the
actual town. Now that we have the bombs, we can blast away the boulders located
at the northeast part of town. Doing so will allow you reach the rampart of the
town. Run south and around the corner to reach a treasure chest to get a red

Walk back around and make your way to the northwest corner of Castle Town. Here
you will find a stamp station, so stamp your book to increase the number to
nine! Run south and around the corner to find another treasure chest which
contains a red rupee. That’s all there is here for now, so jump down and head
north to Hyrule Castle.

Enter the castle and head right. Run up to where you first got your sword and
speak with Russell. For just 50 rupees, you can practice your swordsman skills
and earn a nice price! There are three guards that will surround you in this
area. The goal is to get 60 hits in with your sword before taking 3 hits

The best strategy is to stand between the guard that is at the right and the
one on the bottom. Just strike one of the guards over and over, but keep your
eye on the other guard. Once it is gearing for an attack, quickly turn around
and strike it before it can hurt you. As long as you stand between the two
guards on the right and the bottom, the one on the left won’t bother you. After
achieving 60 hits, Russell will reward you with a full heart container!

That just above does it in terms of things we can do for now, so run back over
to the train. Ride eastward and enter the Tower of Spirits for the 3rd time.

   /\  5.2 Tower of Spirits Secrets                                      [W5.2]
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5.2 is an entirely optional section of the Spirit Tracks Walkthrough. Now that
we have acquired both the whirlwind and the boomerang from the previous two
temples, we can revisit several of the previous floors of the Tower of Spirits
to reach new chests that contain some pieces of treasure! Once you arrive at
the Tower of Spirits walk up the steps and enter the first door to get to the
1st floor of the Tower of Spirits.

                              ~ /  First Floor  \ ~
If you glance at the map you will notice there are gaps at the northwest part
of the map which you cannot cross. However, now that you have the boomerang,
you can trace a path over these gaps and you will be able to hit a switch. This
will cause a treasure chest to open up at the north end of the room. Run on
over and open it to get a random piece of treasure!

Before heading up to the second floor, collect the three Tears of Light once
again as we will need them in the floor above. Once you have done so, climb up
the steps in the center of the room to get to the 2nd floor.

                              ~ /  Second Floor  \ ~
Walk over to the northeast corner of the room and you will notice that there is
a gap that is too large to jump across. Move the phantom to the edge of the gap
and then pull out the whirlwind. A gust with the whirlwind will be enough to
send the massive phantom over the gap. Who would have thought that these
whirlwind gusts were that powerful! With Zelda across the gap, have her step on
the switch next to the treasure chest and this will create a small bridge where
Link can cross. Cross the bridge and open the treasure chest to get a rare
piece of treasure!

Have the phantom jump off the ledge to the left and then jump on top of the
phantom’s shield with Link.  Walk around the corner and then head back east.
There is a treasure chest here that is on a higher platform. Since we are on
top of the phantom, we can no reach this higher ledge. Jump onto it and open
the treasure chest to get another piece of treasure.

Our last stop on this floor is the northwest corner of the room. Have Zelda
distract the enemy phantom and run around to the northwest corner where you
will find a cracked wall. Place a bomb to blow it up, but beware as this will
alert the stationary phantom! Remember, Link cannot go through the passage that
is revealed unless the phantom is nearby. Your best option here is to blow up
and whole, but then run away so that the enemy phantom cannot see you. Then
once it returns to its spot, safely run over to the corner and call over Zelda.
Walk through and open the treasure chest found in this small chamber to get
another rare piece of treasure!

Our next stop is the fourth floor of the Tower of Spirits. Your best bet is to
head up the stairs to the third floor, and then step into the blue portal to
get back to the Tower of Spirits entrance. From here, scale the staircase and
enter the 4th floor of the Tower.

                              ~ /  Fourth Floor  \ ~
There is nothing new on this floor that we can currently reach. There is an
area on the east end of the map that we will soon get to, but we must first
make our way to the fifth floor. In order to do so, we need to take control
over a phantom. Run around and collect the three Tears of Light just as we did
before. Once you have taken control of a phantom, just like before, jump onto
its back and walk across the lava. Make your way to the staircase and head up
to the 5th floor of the Temple.

                              ~ /  Fifth Floor  \ ~
Navigate through this room just like you did before. Jump on top of the phantom
and cross the lava. Defeat the flying keese and make your way to the west side
of the map. There is a lava area to the north that we previously skipped over
since we had no use for it at the time. Send the phantom into the Lava and then
jump on top of it. While standing on the phantom stand on top of the platform
in the center of the lava. From here, pull out your boomerang and trace a path
around the corner to the north. You’ll find a switch on the left, so hit it
with the boomerang and it will cause the door to the right to open up!

Walk to the right and cross some more lava, ignoring the door to the north for
now. There are two paths with three flames blocking the way. The middle flame
is higher up and will only affect you if you are on top of the phantom. Send
the phantom across the top route and while it is blocking the flames, run
across with Link until both have reached the northeast corner of the room.

Place a bomb against the cracked wall at the northeast part of the room. Enter
the small chamber and open the treasure chest to get another nice treasure
piece. Return to the main part of the floor and now head to the southeast
corner of the room. Walk down the steps to get back to the 4th floor of the

                              ~ /  Fourth Floor  \ ~
There is a small gap on the right side here and we need to use the same
whirlwind trick we did earlier to get across. Have the phantom stand right next
to the gap and then blow her across using the whirlwind. Once across, have the
phantom stand on a nearby floor switch and this will cause the torch on your
side of the gap to light up. Use the boomerang and trace a path from the lit
torch south of the gap to the unlit torch that is north of the gap. With both
torches now in flames, a small bridge will appear allowing Link to cross it.

There is a large flame that is blocking the path to the north and beyond the
flame there are a set of four blocks that can be blown up with bombs. Pull out
a bomb and then tap the phantom to give the bomb to Zelda. Have the phantom
walk through the flames and over to the boulders. Drop the bomb next to the
boulder and once it explodes, the phantom will be able to cross. Stop on the
switch and this will cause the flames to disappear, so Link can reunite with
the phantom. Run on over with Link and open the treasure chest to get another
rare treasure piece!

There is nothing left to do on this floor so let’s backtrack to the staircase
at the south end of the room and head back up them. On the fifth floor, make
your way back to the northern part of the map. Jump onto the phantom and walk
across the lava to get to the staircase at the north end of the room. Walk up
the staircase to get to the 6th floor.

                              ~ /  Sixth Floor  \ ~
Once you arrive on the sixth floor of the Tower of Spirits, you will be greeted
by not one but TWO Geozards! Use the phantom to double team each geozard. After
hitting each geozard several times, they will finally be defeated and the door
to the south will open up.

Walk through the door and you’ll see several treasure chests that are ready to
be opened up! The three smaller chests each contain some pieces of treasure
with the large one containing a rare piece of treasure!

That is all the secrets that we can find in the first few floors of the Tower
of Spirits. We can now carry on with the main quest. You can return all the way
back to the fourth floor of the Tower and then back to the large spiral
staircase. Alternatively, you can just save your game at this time and once you
load it back up, you will be at the entrance of the Tower of Spirits. Climb up
the spiral staircase and enter the 8th floor of the Tower of Spirits!

   /\  5.3 Tower of Spirits, Part 3                                      [W5.3]
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/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

If you haven't already, you can speak with Anjean and you'll find out that your
next destination is the next section of the Tower of Spirits. Walk up the
stairs and then scale all the way to the top of the new set of spiral stairs.
Enter the door to tackle the next part of the Tower of Spirits.

                            ~ /  Eighth Floor  \ ~
Right off the bat you’ll notice that there is no map to this section of the 
Tower. This place is pitch black… other than the torches that light up some of
the select areas. Begin making your way to the right and you’ll eventually see
some unlit torches. Use the boomerang and first target a lit torch, followed by
an unlit torch and this will light it up. Continue to the east and the path
will split, where you can either go up or down. Go up first and use the
boomerang to light all the torches. There are two already lit torches against
the northern wall. After lighting the torch on the right, you’ll see a bomb
flower. Pick up the bomb flower and toss it so it explodes between the two lit
torches. Walk into the hole that it creates and grab the treasure piece from
the treasure chest!

Return to the room below and now head southward, lighting up all the torches
along the way. You’ll eventually run into a ghost like enemy that is floating
around in the dark portions of the room. These enemies are known as nocturn and
Link cannot defeat them in his current form. You’ll also see a tablet here, but
since it’s dark you cannot read it. All it does say, is that the wall to the
right (which we also cannot see for now), can be bombed. We cannot do anything
about it right now, so just head to the right and then up the stairs to the 9th

                            ~ /  Ninth Floor  \ ~
Upon arriving you’ll see two of the three Tears of Light, as well as new, torch
phantoms! This next room can be rather frustrating as there aren’t nearly as
many torches. Light the torch to your left by using the boomerang. Continue to
the left and you’ll see a tablet next to several unlit torches. Light up the
three torches while avoiding the nocturns and then read the tablet. The tablet
says to blow out the lonely torch in the corner where the phantoms tread. It
might sounds a bit confusing, but we’ll make use of this statement in just a

Run northward and you’ll see a large safe zone with two torches. Use one of the
torches to light up the unlit torch to the right. When the coast is clear, use
this now lit torch to light up another torch just above it. Keep heading north
and you’ll find a safe zone on the left, along with a bomb and some unlit
torches. Once again, use the boomerang to light up these two torches.

Walk to your left and you’ll find several nocturn. Continue to the left and
you’ll find another unlit torch so light it up! There are several nocturn down
the corridor here but there is an unlit torch as well. You need to move into
the darkness a bit, and then use the lit torch to light up the unlit torch. Run
over to the newly lit torch and you’ll see a safe zone to your left. Walk to
the bottom left corner, enter the safe zone, and collect the first Tear of

Back track all the way to the safe zone that is located right next to a bomb
flower. Walk out to the right and then head down just a bit. Once you reach the
first torch, walk against the wall on the right side. You’ll be able to see a
safe zone, but it is blocked by a wall. Just walk down, right, and then up to
reach the safe zone and collect the second Tear of Light!

Wait until no phantom is on the right side, and then head down and then right.
Stay against the wall on the right and head up and you’ll eventually find an
opening on the right side. Now run all the way to the northeast corner of the
room where you will find a torch. Remember that the table said there was a lone
torch in the corner by where the phantoms tread? Well, this is that torch. Pull
out the whirlwind and blow out the flame. Look what you see! It is a kind of
scary looking crack in the wall.

Use one of your bombs or run on over to the safe zone to the left to get a bomb
flower to blast away the cracked wall. Walk inside to get the 3rd Tear of

Leave the room and follow one of the phantoms and strike at its back with your
powered up sword. Tap on the phantom and Princess Zelda will now gain control
of the armored beast. The phantoms swords act as flames, which will light up
the area where the phantom lies. Additionally, the phantom can now kill the
nocturn that float around the halls.

With Princess Zelda now in phantom status, get back to the south end of the
room. If you recall, there was a stone tablet on the previous floor that we
could not read because it was dark. Now that we have the torch phantom we can
read it. It's optional, but if you'd like some goodies, head back down to the
eighth floor. Read the stone tablet and it tells you to bomb the wall to the
right. Walk with the torch phantom and you'll see the crack in the wall. Blow
it open and then head inside to find a treasure chest containing a random piece
of treasure! Now return to the ninth floor.

It’s a good idea to let the phantom lead the way and then follow right behind
with Link. Walk to the left and the path now extends over a large bottomless
pit. Lead with the phantom and carefully follow suit with Link. Another cool
perk about the phantoms sword, is that it can light torches on its own since it
is on fire.

Lead with the phantom and make your way all the way to the bottom left of the
map and you’ll see there are two unlit torches and a closed door. Use the
phantom and slash at the two torches to light them up. Walk up the staircase to
get to the 10th floor.

                             ~ /  Tenth Floor  \ ~
Walk to the right and you’ll see a switch here. Have Link step on it and then
send the phantom to the right and then up. You’ll see a second switch, so step
on it. With both switches pressed down, the door near Link will open up. Call
the phantom over and head through the door. There is a stone tablet here that
tells you to illuminate as much as you can to find the answer.

Walk all the way northward until you get to a wall. From here go to the left,
and then down until Princess Zelda gets scare of the rats running around. Kill
the two rats, head left, and then up. Use the phantom to light up the torch and
then open the treasure chest to get a random piece of treasure!

Backtrack a bit and walk on over to where you see a locked door that is
indicated on the map. You’ll notice there are a bunch gold colored squares on
the ground. This is what that tablet was referring to. Walk around so that you
can see all of the gold colored squares and you’ll notice that it makes the
shape of a ‘Z’.

With that out of the way, walk on over to the southeast corner of the map,
allowing the phantom to lead the way. You’ll see a red door here. Tap on it and
it tells you to draw a symbol. Draw the letter ‘Z’ as was shown on the floor
and this will open up the door. You’ll see the big key here, but it has an
electric shock, so Link is unable to pick it up himself. Call the phantom over
and have the phantom hold the big key.

Once the phantom picks up the key, three Key Masters will appear. Their goal
is to pick up the big key and put it back to where it originally is. The
phantom must carry the big key to the locked door at the top of the screen, but
Link must protect the phantom from the key masters. These key masters will
appear even after you defeated them, so don’t bother try to kill them all over
and over again. Just clear the phantom and then quickly have the phantom run
by. Once you are close enough, have the phantom toss the key into the key hole
to open the door. Walk up the stairs.

                          ~ /  Eleventh Floor  \ ~
Once you walk up the stairs, the door will shut behind you. A mighty looking
geozard will appear. This ferocious looking enemy is a geozard chief but it’s
really not that much harder than the geozard. The general idea is the same.
Just set the phantom after the geozard while you sneak behind him. Double team
the geozard with constant sword slashing and the enemy will eventually jump
away. The geozard will also spit out fire from its mouth that will harm Link,
so tried to avoid that. Just repeat this process until the geozard has been

Once defeated a treasure chest will appear. Run on over and open it to get a
rare piece of treasure. Walk up the staircase to get to the 12th floor of the

                           ~ /  Twelth Floor  \ ~
This is the final floor so Princess Zelda will leave the phantom’s body and
Link’s sword will revert to normal. Run up the steps and pick up the Ocean Rail
Map. Walk into the blue warp portal to be sent back to the entrance.

Talk to Anjean and she’ll instruct you that the Locomo at the Ocean Realm is
Carben. Jump on the train and that concludes chapter 5 of the Spirit Tracks

    /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\                              /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\
   /__\  Chapter 6  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯        /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\
  /\  /\   The Ocean Realm           ____________________/     [W6]     /\  /\
 /__\/__\  _________________________/           \____________________  /__\/__\
|                                                                             |

   /\  6.1 Repairing the Bridge                                          [W6.1]
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/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Now that we have the Ocean Rail Map, let’s head to our next destination! You'll
find some new enemies along the way and they are in the form of bulblin riders.
Just blast away with your cannon to defeat them. If there are more than one,
alternate your cannon shots so that you don't let them shoot of a bomb arrow at
your train.

Journey to the southeast portion of this map and as you make the final curve on
the tracks, keep your eye to the right. You'll see a rabbit peaking out from
behind a stone. Blast away and capture the rabbit to get the 5th grass rabbit,
and 12th rabbit overall. This rabbit is really tucked behind a rock that is
over the hill. You will soon restore tracks to make it easier to reach this
rabbit if you cannot reach it already.

Continue heading east and as you draw near, you’ll notice that the bridge that
least to the new area is broken! You’ll also notice that there is a station
here. Pull up at the station to arrive at the trading post.

                              ~ /  Trading Post  \ ~
Run on over to the only house that is at this train stop and you’ll meet up
with a very familiar face. Linebeck the III. He runs a trade post, but because
the bridge is broken and the Spirit Tracks are disappearing, it is affecting
his business. He mentions that he knows a bridge repair specialists that lives
up in the Snow. The bridge worker he is referring to lives over at the station
that is conveniently known as the Bridge Worker's Home. After defeating the
Snow Temple, you did gain access to this station, so you might have already met
him. Leave the house and head back to the train.

Leave the trading post and head towards the Tower of Spirits. This is actually
the fastest way way to get to the east part of the Snow Realm. Once you get off
the train, just talk to Anjean and get right back on, but this time select the
Snow Realm. Once you are in the Snow Realm, just ride forward and the very
first stop is the Bridge Worker’s Home, so stop right there.

                          ~ /  Bridge Worker's Home  \ ~
Run straight to the house and speak with the carpenter here a few times and
tell him about the broken bridge in the Forest Realm. He’s ready to go right
now and he’ll head off to the train.

Before heading on over, there is a quick secret here at the Bridge Worker's
House. Just to the east of the house you will find four rocks. Toss the four
rocks aside and then play the song of discovery. This will cause a treasure to
appear, so open it up to get a big green rupee!

No run off towards the train and you’ll actually run into Ferrus, our
photographer friend. He tells you that you have to follow all the train signs,
as well as the train speeds. You cannot make any sudden stops or forget to pull
the train whistle at marked signs; otherwise the carpenter will get off your
train and yell at you. All aboard! Now go back to the Tower of Spirits and then
all the way back to the Trading Posting station. Remember to adhere to all
railroad signs, while always watching out for enemies!

                         ~ /  Trading Post Revisited  \ ~
The Carpenter will then head off to start working on the bridge. Run on over to
check it out and you’ll be joined by Linebeck III. Linebeck doesn’t want to pay
the 5,000 rupee cost to fix the bridge, so that burden will fall on Link. Once
the discussion is over run over to Linebeck’s house to talk to him and he makes
you an offer. His grandfather left him a note about the very rare Regal Ring
that is worth 8000 rupees, but he was never able to figure it out.

Leave the house and head to your left. If you haven’t learned the Song of
Discovery yet, play the Song of Awakening for the statue here to learn it. Now
enter the cave to the left.

Inside the cave you’ll see a Like-Like. Be careful as these fellows will steal
your shield if they suck you in. They are tough to defeat so it may be best to
just run right passed them. If you do choose to stay in fight, your best bet
would be to toss a bomb into its mouth while it is trying to suck you in.

Run forward and you’ll notice that there is a stamp station on the left side.
Jump over to the left and then use a bomb to blow up the boulder that is
blocking the way. Jump on over and stamp your stamp book at the stamp station!
That gives us the all important 10th stamp into our notebook, which we will
soon get a reward for! Exit the cave at the north end and you’ll appear back
outside but now you are north of the train tracks.

You can read the tablet to find that the legendary Captain Linebeck is buried
here. How sad. You will see a statue with small notes being playing out of it.
The order is Purple, Yellow, Orange, Turquoise, and Silver. Pull out the Spirit
Flute and play these notes. The song is absolutely brilliant and it’s known as
the Song of Light. A crystal will appear from the ground and it shines its
light to the northeast.

Walk to the edge where the light is shining. Pull out the boomerang and trace a
path where the light is shining and you’ll find a switch out in the water. Hit
it and it will create a small bridge to the east.

Run on over and cross the bridge and you’ll find a cracked hole in the wall.
Use your bombs or the bomb flowers from across the bridge to blow up the hole.
Enter the cave.

Defeat the six octoroks in this cave and you’ll notice two crystal switches and
a treasure chest. However, there is something very fishy about that treasure
chest! It’s shaking and if you try to open it, it is actually a Like-Like so
don’t do it!

Pull out Linebeck’s letter and you’ll read several clues to finding the ring.

  1. To enter the hiding spot, sound the light and follows its beam.
  2. Inside, go 4 steps north and 6 steps west from where the lights cross.

Pretty simple right?

Stand directly next to each of the crystals and play the newly acquired Song of
Light. The crystals will activate and create beams that intersect one another.
Linebeck’s Note says we are supposed to go 4 steps north and 6 steps west from
where the lights cross. Do just that and then whip out the Spirit Flute. Play
the Song of Discovery to uncover the hidden treasure! Remember, the song is
Orange, Yellow, Orange, Turquoise.

An old treasure chest will appear. Open it up to get the Regal Ring! Leave the
cave, and head all the way back to the house and talk to Linebeck III. Show him
the Regal Ring and is very excited to see it. The bridge repair man has also
just finished his work and jumps into the conversation about the Regal Ring.
The bridge repair man agrees to take the ring as repayment and then walks off.
Linebeck tells you that from here on out, bring any treasure to him and he’ll
even help you customize your train a bit.

That's all that you need to do right now, so you can head right back to the
train and make your way over to the Ocean Realm... However, there is still
plenty of optional quests to do before then! Now is a good idea to finally
trade in a bunch of the pieces of treasure that we have aquired. If you've been
following the walkthrough, you should have well over 1000 rupees by now.
However, we would like to be at 2000 rupees so we can purchase that heart
container that was for sale at the Snow Sanctuary shop up in the Snow Realm.
Trade in whichever treasure you'd like, and then exit the hut.

You can go check out the brand new bridge if you'd like. The repair man is just
standing there… so I guess he doesn’t want a ride back home. Make your way over
and board the train.

                              ~ /  Aboda Village  \ ~
If you have been following along, we have collect 10 stamps in Niko’s Stamp
Book. Trace a path to Aboda Village and ride on over. Once you arrive, go and
visit Niko and tell him of the good news! Niko is happy to hear of your
accomplishments and he rewards you with the Shield of Antiquity! This is the
same shield used by the Hero of Winds from Phantom Hourglass! The shield acts
identically to the shield that Link had already been using except for one
noticeable change. This shield cannot be gobbled up by Like-Like enemies that
roam some of the caves. At any point if you’d like to switch back to your old
shield, you can just talk to Niko and he’ll switch it for you. Afterwards,
head back and board the train.

                             ~ /  Snow Sanctuary  \ ~
Our next stop is over at the Snow Sanctuary within the Snow Realm. You need to
have at least 2,000 rupees on hand to get the next item. If you don't have
enough rupees, you can trade in some treasure to Linebeck III. If you are still
short, you can just progress with the game and then come back to this at a
later point in time.

Ride on over to the Snow Sanctuary. Use warp gate A, which is just north of
Whittleton Village, in order to quickly reach the Snow Realm. Once you’ve
arrived at the Snow Sanctuary, enter the shop that is near the station. Up for
sale is a full heart container for a pricey 2,000 rupees. Pay the clerk to get
the sixth heart container! Leave the shop and board the train once more.

Use Warp Gate A if you'd like and make your way all the way back to the Trading
Post at the southeast corner of the Forest Realm. Ride your train eastward
across the bridge and enter the Ocean Realm.

   /\  6.2 Ocean Sanctuary                                               [W6.2]
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 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-06.php#c2
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Enter the Ocean Realm and ride on. Skip the first stop, which is Papuchia
Village and keep heading east to the Ocean Sanctuary. (We’ll return to Papuchia
in just a bit). Once you arrive, make your way to the cave. There is a strange
looking enemy known as a lobarrier blocking your way. It wields a large stone
like item that it hits Link with if he comes to close. Use your boomerang and
trace a path to hit the lobarrier in the back to stun it. Run around and slash
at it to defeat it. Enter the cave above.

There is another lobarrier waiting for you here. Defeat it using the same
method and then walk around the cave until you reach an area with a gap. There
are two bomb flowers here but across the gap you’ll see several breakable
boulders and a switch. Lift a bomb flower and toss it over the gap so that it
will hit the breakable boulders. Then pull out the boomerang and hit the switch
to create a bridge to cross. Continue through the cave defeating another
lobarrier and then head up the stairs.

You will now be back outside in a rather larger area. If you look around and
look at your map, you’ll notice that there six face statues located on a series
of islands here. There is one locked red door and it hints that the way to find
the correct path is to trace which direction all the face statues are looking.
Run around the island defeating the octoroks on the left, as well as several
more lobarriers. All the statues can be seen on the map with a small circle.
Run towards them and trace which way all the statues are facing.

In order to reach the island on the left, use the boomerang to hit the crystal
switch behind the octoroks. To reach the island on the right, grab a cucco and
float to the island from the high up area at the top-right of the map. You can
also use a cucco to get to the island just south of here where you will find a
treasure chest containing a random piece of treasure.

Once you’ve drawn out the path of all the faces, you’ll see that with the
crossing lines, it creates two equivalent diamond-like shapes right next to
each other. A sideways 8 or a mathematical infinite sign might be a better way
to describe it. Run over to the red door and draw out this shape and the door
will open up. Enter the sanctuary.

Carben, the Locomo that we are looking for doesn’t seem to be here. However, a
note is left instead and it reads, “I’m at Papuchia Village visiting my sky
friends”. Exit the sanctuary to get back outside. Walk to the southeast
portion of the map and head down. Step on the switch here to create a bridge
allowing for quick access. Run back over to the train and then take off
towards Papuchia Village, which is just to the west.

   /\  6.3 Papuchia Village                                              [W6.3]
  /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-06.php#c3
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Run around the town and talk to some of the town folk if you’d like. Princess
Zelda will see Carben, seemingly floating around in the air with the birds.
Don’t mind that for now and run over and enter the largest of the four houses
on the island. Speak with the Fortune Teller and after all the mumble jumble,
she tells you that there is a hidden stone near the lonely tree, underneath the
sky dwellers.

Walk back south across a bridge and stand right next to the lone palm tree.
Whip out the Spirit Flute and play the Song of Discovery. Right below the palm
tree, another one of those statues that hum notes will appear. Tap on the
statue and you’ll see the set of notes; Purple, yellow, and purple. Play this
song and the bird creature that is holding Carben will set him down.

Speak with Carben and he seems upset with Link for playing the Song of Birds,
which has the power to summon birds. After some small talk with Princess Zelda,
Carben will ask you to take him back to the Ocean Sanctuary.

Before leaving, there is a treasure chest we can get. Walk to the northeast
portion of map and the jump across the small islands to the west. Open the
treasure chest here to get a random piece of treasure. Now run all the way back
through the village and board the train.

   /\  6.4 Find the Ocean Temple!                                        [W6.4]
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 /\  /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-06.php#c4
/__\/__\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Set your target for the Ocean Sanctuary. Since you have a passenger on board
you must adhere to all the traffic signs along the way… but there aren’t any
signs at all. As you are driving over the bridge, your train will be invaded by
a group of miniblin pirates. A battle sequence inside the train will follow. A
seemingly endless amount of miniblins will jump onto the train through the
windows. Just slash away at them with your sword one by one, trying to avoid
letting them get too close to Carben.

After the miniblins are done away with a giant monster carrying a large club
will be the last foe tackle. It moves incredibly slow so just slash away with
your sword. Once it is gearing to attack, back away to avoid its club strike.
Repeat this process over and over for a seemingly endless number of times.
Eventually miniblins will also start jumping from the windows to attack Carben.
Defeat the miniblins and then finish off the big moblin.

After that distraction is done away with, finish off the path to the Ocean
Sanctuary. Upon arriving, Carben will give Link a Force Gem and this causes the
Forest Rail Map to shine and a new path is opened at the southern portion of
the map! Carben will then take off to the Sanctuary.

Follow Carben and run all the way to the Sanctuary. Remember, you can use the
shortcut we made on the east part of the station. Speak with Carben once again
and you’ll then get to practice the next song! This one is a bit more
complicated as it goes turquoise, orange, and then purple. It skips yellow so
you will have to move very quickly to purple. After some practice do the real
thing and perform with Carben. It can be quite aggravating but make sure you
don’t perform your notes until AFTER Carben plays the notes. The Ocean Map will
start glowing and access to the Ocean temple will open up! Carben will then
give you’re a letter with directions to the temple. Leave the sanctuary and
return to the train.

The new tracks that are now opened up in the Forest Realm are not overly
important at the moment. The new area will allow easier access to grass rabbit
#5 if you haven't captured it already. It will also lead to the second Warp
Gate, which leads to the Snow Realm. You can activate this now if you'd like,
but you can just skip ahead.

                            ~ /  Six Ocean Rabbits  \ ~
Now that a bunch of the Spirit Tracks in the Ocean Realm have been restored,
there are six new ocean rabbits that we can now capture.

Ocean Rabbit #1 - East of the Ocean Sanctuary on the south side of the tracks.
Ocean Rabbit #2 - East of Ocean Rabbit #1 on the north side of the tracks.
Ocean Rabbit #3 - North of Ocean Rabbit #2 on the north side of the tracks.
Ocean Rabbit #4 - At the northeast part of the Ocean Realm on the south side of
the tracks.
Ocean Rabbit #5 - West of Ocean Rabbit #4 on the southeast side of the tracks.
Ocean Rabbit #6 - West of Ocean Rabbit #3 on the north side of the tracks.

                            ~ /  Carben's Three Orbs  \ ~
Open up Carben's letter and you’ll see the numbers listed on some of the
places. The number 1 on Carben’s letter corresponds to the small island on the
east end of the map. As you ride over you’ll see Ferrus once again taking
photos. He gives you a hint that you need to pull your train whistle and it can
activate orbs. Ride on over to the island that Carben marked as a 1. Look
around and you’ll notice an orb as you draw closer. When the orb is in view,
just pull on the train whistle and the orb will turn blue. The timing is a bit
off so just keep pulling your train whistle while looking for the orb and
you’ll get it.
The number 2 on Carben’s letter corresponds to an island northwest from our current location so ride on over to this spot. Ride up all the way north and then take the west path. The orb is on the right side of the mountain. So stare it at either before you go into the tunnel or after you come out of it and pull on the train whistle. This orb will also turn blue. The third and final orb is found to the southwest of here. Ride on over and enter this area of the tracks that seem to just end by looking at the map. As you draw closer you’ll see the orb on the left. Look at it and pull the train whistle to cause it to turn blue. Since we’ve activated all three orbs in the proper order… a fish appears at the end of the tracks… so ride right into its mouth! ____________________ ~ / Underwater World \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Upon arriving in the water, our next stop is the Ocean Temple. Just trace a path directly to the Water Temple. There are a few ocean octoroks floating around, so just shoot water missiles out of your cannon to defeat them. You'll also see some black sea urchin floating around. Hit these with your water cannon and you'll be rewarded with some rupees. As you draw close to the temple itself, an evil armored train will appear, so you have to avoid it. These armored trains are much smarter than the dark trains we've faced off with before. They move faster and will switch their route in order to attack Link's train. The best way to avoid the first armored train is to just travel to the northwest portion of this area. As you get closer to this corner a second enemy train will appear and come out from the right side of the temple! Just continue along the course you are on as you make your way to the top-right portion of the map. The armored train on the right will come to a fork in the road and whichever path it takes, have Link take the alternate route. Now that you are past the 2nd armored train, and the 1st train is trailing behind, make your way to the Ocean Temple. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ 6.5 The Ocean Temple [W6.5] /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-06.php#c5 /__\/__\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________ ~ / 1st Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Once you get off the train, head right on up to enter the main portion of the temple. Walk up and take a left and you’ll find some yellow chuchu’s. These chu’s have an electric shock to them, so be careful. First stun them with your boomerang and then slash away with your sword. There are four stone tablets here, and they are basically labeled with numbers 1-4. However the tablets say that whatever it is referring to is ‘above’. The order goes Left, Right, Top, and then Bottom. Just keep a note of this as we’ll use it in just a bit. Walk over to the north and you’ll see some arrow shooters along the north wall. Just stick to the bottom of this area and run across to the right. You can awaken the statue here to find out about treasure on this floor, but we will be getting this later anyway Walk up the stairs to get to the 2nd floor. _____________ ~ / 2nd Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There is a wall to your left that can be cracked open, so bomb it open if you have bombs to find secret portion of the second floor. Once you enter, you'll notice that there is another entrance on the right side of the room. Walk back south and then place a bomb against the wall on the right side to reveal a secret opening. While we have access to this secret room, we cannot do much as we need the temple item to progress. So just leave this room and we'll be back in just a bit. Walk down and stand on the platform here and it will move Link across the gap. Make sure you keep your shield facing northward to block the arrows that are shot at you. Walk south and stand on another moving platform. Remember the order, Left, Right, Top, and then Bottom. There are four switches here, so use your boomerang and hit them in that precise order and the door on the right side will open. Let the platform take you there and go through. Walk to the right and you’ll see around the corner there is a switch. The boulders that are rolling down the path and will fall into a hole. If you hit the switch, the hole will move a few spaces to the south. We want to stand at the bottom hallway and use the boomerang to hit the switch to change where the trap doors are. While its effect might not be clear now, what this does is change where the boulders fall on the floor below. Use the moving platforms to get back all the way to the first floor of the dungeon. ______________________ ~ / 1st Floor Revisted \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Run all the way back to just north of the entrance and now the path on the right can be passed. On the far right side there is a strange, colorful vine that prevents you from getting by. Ignore this for now and head up the stairs to the north. ________________________ ~ / 2nd Floor - East End \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Defeat the two yellow chuchu’s on this floor. You'll notice that there is a statue on the right side. You can awaken it to find that there is a treasure chest at the bottom corner of this room that we currently cannot reach. No worries though, as we'll soon be able to reach this area. Walk to the right side of the room. Walk up the stairs to get up to the 3rd floor of the temple. _____________ ~ / 3rd Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Walk to the room to the left and you’ll find an enemy known as a snapper. This enemy will swing its whip and grab Link. When it pulls Link closer to its body quickly slash away with your sword, preventing him from getting off a punch. Link will now be free of the whip. Link can use the boomerang to hit the snapper and then slash away with his sword. The snapper will also sling Link back and forth with his whip. Just keep slashing away until the whip man has been defeated. Open the treasure chest that is left to get the dungeon item, the whip! ____________________ ~ / Secret Treasures \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Now that we have the Whip, we can get some secret treasure chests from some previous floors as well as finding the temple stamp station. These are completely optional, so you can skip ahead if you'd like. Run back to the east end of the room and head down the stairs. At the south end of the room, use your newly aquired whip on the wooden poles. Swing across from pole to pole, tapping on them with your stylus and Link will make it across, Indiana Jones style. Open the treasure chest here to get a piece of treasure! Run over to the staircase and return to the first floor. On the east end of the room, use the whip on the colorful vines that are blocking your way. Pull off the two spikes and you'll be able to cross. Open the treasure chest to get another piece of treasure. Run to the south end of the room and swing across several wooden poles to make your way to the southwest corner of the room. Use the whip on the fish statue here to pull on the handle. This will cause a treasure chest to appear at the top part of the room. Run on over and open the treasure chest to get another piece of treasure! Climb up the stairs to get back to the 2nd floor. _________________ ~ / Stamp Station \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ At the north end of the 2nd floor, place a bomb on the right side of the staircase if you haven't already. Then walk north to the secret area of this floor. Use the whip on the spikes to clear a passage for Link. Run up north and then use your boomerang to hit the crystal switch on the right. This will cause a wooden pole to appear on the left side of the room. Exit to the south and then run around to get to the west side of the secret floor on the 2nd floor. Use the whip to hook across three wooden poles to get to the north end of the room. Use the whip on the fish statue to pull on the handle. This will cause a door just to the right to open up. Walk to the south and keep an eye out for the moving platform. When it is all way to the left. Hook over to the wooden pole and then just let it drop you on to the moving platform. Let it carry you over to the right side and then run on over to the stamp station. Stamp your notebook to get the 11th stamp! That's all the secrets that we can get thus far. Backtrack all the way through the temple to get back to the 3rd floor of the temple where we fought the snapper. _____________ ~ / 3rd Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From the central room Link can now go in four directions. Go west for now by using your whip on the wooden pole that hangs above the gap. This will allow Link to swing across the gap and will land on the other side. Walk up the stairs to get up to the 4th floor of the dungeon. _____________ ~ / 4th Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There is a stone tablet that hints to you that there are three handles, but Link should only pull the furthest of the few. Run south and use the whip on the wooden pole to swing across. Defeat the few yellow chuchu’s here by either using the boomerang to stun them first or by whipping them twice with your newest weapon. Grab onto the handle in the corner of the room and it will open the door to the middle of the room. There are three platforms extended over the large gap here. Remember what the stone tablet said, pull the handle that is the furthest, which means the one on the right. This will create a staircase that leads to the bottom of the room. Run over and head down the staircase. ______________________ ~ / 3rd Floor Revisted \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Run all the way to the left side of the room and you’ll see two fish statues against the north wall. Use your whip to pull out a sword from the fish statue on the left. Keeping the whip equipped and thus the sword attached, hit the second fish statue to stick the sword in. This will make a treasure chest appear and will make a wooden pole appear, allowing Link to access the middle of the room from here. Open the treasure chest to get a small key and then use the whip to get to the center of the room. Use the whip on the pole to swing to the north side of the room. From here, head to the right and attach the whip to the pole. Wait until the platform is underneath you before landing. Land and open the treasure chest to get a random piece of treasure. Backtrack to the north side of the room and then head west. Defeat the two yellow chuchu’s, unlock the door, and then head back up to the 4th floor. _________________________ ~ / 4th Floor - North End \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Pull the lever on the left with your whip if you’d like and this will cause the door below to open up. We don’t need to go that way though since we’ve already been there, so instead we want to head eastward. There are three consecutive wooden poles here that Link can whip towards. While you are swinging and are all the way to the right, quickly tap the next wooden pole to attach your whip to it. Repeat this process to get all the way to the right side of the room. Walk south and you’ll find two helmet chuchu’s. Use the whip to pull off the chuchu’s helmet to reveal a plain old red chuchu. Defeat them both and the doors will open up. Head up the stairs to get to the 5th floor of the dungeon. _____________ ~ / 5th Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You’ll see another one of those vines here. Just ignore it for now and head to the center of the room. Defeat the two snappers that are in this room. They aren’t too difficult to defeat, just use your whip to stun them and slash away with your sword. Walk to the west side of the room and defeat the helmet chuchu. Walk all the way to the left and use the whip on the handle and a floating propeller is pulled out. Use the whip and hold onto the propeller as it floats off and it will take you all the way to the southwest corner of the room. Walk up the stairs to get to the 6th floor. _____________ ~ / 6th Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There are two blue chuchu’s in this room. These fellows have an electric shock and are not vulnerable to the whip or the boomerang. Instead, use the whip on the statue above to pull out a sword. Keep the sword on the whip and use it to attack the blue chuchu’s. Defeat both and a wooden pole appears at the far right of the room. There isn’t anything else we can do here, so leave the room and get back to the 5th floor. ____________________ ~ / 5th Floor Part 2 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Pull on the lever here and let the propeller float Link back up to the platform above. Use your whip and pull out the swords that are sticking out of the fish statues. Toss the swords aside so that they break. After you pull all three swords out, the wood poles at the top will drop, allowing Link to cross. Walk to the northeast corner of the room and use your whip on the colorful vine creature to pull off some of its tentacles. Walk through the open path and then use the whip to get across the huge gap. Climb the stairs at the top-left corner of the room to get back to the 6th floor. ____________________ ~ / 6th Floor Part 2 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There are five wooden poles along the top of this room so swing across. The fifth wooden pole however, is much lower than the others and you must allow yourself to fall a bit before grabbing onto the last pole. Just keep tapping on the last pole as you are falling. This can be extremely frustrating but just keep trying at it and you’ll eventually get it. Once on the right side, hit the crystal switch and it will lower the 2nd closest of the wooden poles, making it easier to use these in the future. Walk south and defeat the helmet chuchu. Read the stone tablet and it tells you to remember the placement of the blades. Walk around the floor and be sure to note in which fish statues swords are located in. You can mark these on your map. Walk to the east end of the room and use the whip on the wooden pole to swing yourself across the gap. Open the treasure chest to get a small key. Swing back down and walk to the west side of the room. Remove the spikes from the vine using the whip and then pull the handle out. This will cause a treasure chest to appear in the room. Run on over and open it to get a random treasure. With the small key in hand, along with knowing which fish statues have swords in them, return to the staircase at the top-left corner of the map. Walk back down the stairs to get to the 5th floor. ____________________ ~ / 5th Floor Part 3 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Swing back across and then arrange all the swords so that they are in the same arrangement as the room above. If you didn’t jot it down on your map, these are the locations. Top-left-– There is a sword in the middle and the far right. Top-right-– There is a sword in the middle and the far right. Bottom-left-- No swords. Bottom-right-– There is a sword on the left and the right. After all four sections have been copied to look like the floor above; a door at the bottom-right portion of the room will open up. Walk to the south end of the room and use the small key on the locked door. Swing across using the wooden pole and then climb up the larger stairs here. Climb up to get back to the 6th floor. ______________________________ ~ / 6th Floor Part 3 - Big Key \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Pull the handle that is located here and another propeller with a handle will popup and starting floating off. Grab onto this handle using the whip and hang on as it flies you over to the left. Once you are above the moving platform, let go to land on it and then walk over and step on the switch to the left to create a bridge. Lift up the big key and walk northward and you’ll be greeted by three key masters! These ones can be quite aggressive and you’ll actually have to fight them all off. Quickly kill all of them and then carry the key up the long steps and unlock the big lock. The floor masters to respawn after a few moments, so you may need to defeat any of them that appear in your way. Walk up the stairs to get up to the 7th floor. _____________ ~ / 7th Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Use the whip to cross the gap and get to the north portion of the room. Use the whip to clear the vines in the room and then tap the stone tablet on the left to create a wrap portal to the temple entrance. Slash at the pots in the room to recover some of your life and then once you are ready, head up the stairs to face off with the temple boss! The door will close behind you and a short cinema of the place will be in full display. Once you gain control of Link start scaling this tower-looking area by using your whip to hook across the gaps. There is a vine hanging from one of the wooden poles and it has a large eye in the center of its body. Use the whip to pull out one of its spikes and then launch that spike into the vines eye to defeat it. Continue scaling the tower by using the whip on wooden poles to get across gaps. Link will eventually reach a handle so pull on it and then grab a hold of the propeller and make your dramatic entrance to the battlefield to take on Phytops, Barbed Menace. __________________________ / PHYTOPS, Barbed Menace \___________________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Attacks : | Difficulty : | | (1/4) Gunk Shot | ___________________ | | (1/2) Vine Whip | |*|*|*| | | | | | | | | | (1/2) Fall off edge | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | The first part of the battle will have Phytops stick out two of its | | tentacles, which will put a constraint on where Link can go. The body | | of Phytops, including its eye, is covered by the purple smudge that | | is in the way. Use your whip on one of the tentacles to pull out a | | spike. Hold onto the spike and then launch it at the face of Phytops. | | If the spike hits Phytops it will clear a small area of the purple | | smudge that covers its eye. Repeat this same process a second time to | | remove more purple smudge. After two direct hits, the eye of Phytops | | will be uncovered. Grab another spike from its tentacle and launch it | | at the eye of Phytops, and the boss will fall to the ground stunned | | for a short period of time, leaving its eye vulnerable to further | | attacks. Run on over and slash away at its eye using your sword until | | Phytops gets back up. | | | | Phytops has one main attack in this early phase and that is when it | | will shoot a gunk shot out at Link. However, once Phytops is revived, | | he will go on a tear with a serious of vine whips that are hard to | | avoid. They aren’t too damaging though as each hit will only take ½ | | damage. | | | | The first phase of the battle will repeat, so do the same thing and | | grab the spikes from its tentacles, remove its gunk, and then hit | | Phytops in the eye. After several consecutive hits like this, Phytops | | will start combining its two phases in one by having all four | | tentacles in the arena at once. It will use its gunk shot but will | | also use its vine whip with its two back tentacles. It’s hard to | | avoid the vine whips and the gunk at once, so you may take a few hits | | at this part of the battle. Just repeat the same process and remove | | its gunk and then nail it in the eye. | | | | The only other thing that Phytops does differently in the final phase | | of the battle is that it will rotate around a bit, making it harder | | for Link to reach the tentacles on the sides. This is just a minor | | nuisance and the rest of the battle will be just like the previous | | form. Nail Phytops in the eye a few more times to defeat this barbed | | menace. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summary : | | Use the whip on the vines of Phytops to pull out spikes. Then target | | the front of Phytops and launch the spike to remove some of its | | purple shield. Repeat this process until its eye is unveiled. Now | | deliver a spike into the eye of Phytops to stun the boss. Run over | | and slash as its eye. Phytops will toss more aggressive attacks | | towards Link, but just repeat this same attack process until Phytops | | has been defeated. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ After Phytops has been defeated a blue force gem appears, another statue forms, more of the Spirits Tracks are restored, and another section of the Tower of Spirits is put back together! Grab the heart container and walk into the blue portal that appears to warp back to the temple entrance. Jump on board on the train and leave the ocean temple behind. This concludes chapter 6 of the Spirit Tracks Walkthrough! /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\ /__\ Chapter 7 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\ /\ /\ Tower of Spirits 4 ____________________/ [W7] /\ /\ /__\/__\ _________________________/ \____________________ /__\/__\ | | \___________________________________________________________________________/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ 7.1 Lots of Goodies [W7.1] /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-07.php#c1 /__\/__\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that we have the Song of Birds and the Whip, there are a ton of overworld secrets we can get. Additionally, there are several more Force Gems that we can now acquire. However, this entire section consists of sidequests. If you’d like to continue on with the main quest, just head straight for the Tower of Spirits and skip over to section 7.2. ___________________ ~ / Ocean Rabbit #7 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There isn’t too much to do in most of the Ocean Realm, so let’s first knock out this Ocean Rabbit. Ride along the new tracks that have been restored, riding towards the Tower of Spirits. When you are directly north of Papuchia Village and the tracks start turning northward, keep an eye out on the west side of the tracks. The 7th Ocean Rabbit is found here so capture it! _______________________________________ ~ / Ocean Sanctuary - Stamp Station #12 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Our next stop is nearby at the Ocean Sanctuary. Once you arrive just take a look at your map and you’ll see an island at the top portion of this area. We previously were unable to reach this island but now we can. Just south of the island there is a palm tree and a bird is flying nearby. Play the Song of Birds and then use your whip to latch on to the handle. Let the bird carry you northward and land on the small island. Open the treasure chest here to get a piece of treasure. Get back across using the bird and then make your way to the north part of the Ocean Sanctuary. Just outside the entrance to where Carben is. There is a bird floating around just south of Carben’s lair. Use the Song of Birds and attach onto the bird. It will take you to the higher platform where you fill find a stamp station. Be sure to Stamp Niko’s stamp book to get your 12th stamp overall! Before leaving, head to the northwest corner of the map and you’ll find another bird floating around. Play the Song of Birds and latch on to get to the small island at the corner of the map. Open the treasure chest that is here to get another piece of treasure. That’s just about it for the Ocean Sanctuary, so let’s make our way back to the train. ________________________________________ ~ / Papuchia Village - Stamp Station #13 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Once you arrive at Papuchia Village, run over to where Carben was floating around with the birds. Latch on using your whip and the bird will take you to the southeast part of the map. From here, walk south to get to the southern portion of Papuchia Village. There are numerous islands in this part of the village. The large island in the center of the map has a treasure chest containing a big green rupee, while the island just to the west has a treasure chest with a random piece of treasure. Just latch on to any nearby birds and use them to get from island to island. If there are no birds nearby, play the Song of Birds to summon one. After getting both treasure chests, make your way to the island at the southwest part of the village. Here you will find the village stamp station, so stamp Niko’s book to get the 13th stamp. Afterwards, use the birds to get back to the northern portion of Papuchia Village. ________________ ~ / Force Gem #2 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Enter the center house in the village and you’ll find a woman who seems desperate to find a husband. She is looking for somebody with a beard, a large nose, and who has a rugged, burly appearance. Sounds exactly like somebody we know from Whittleton Village! Leave the hut and return to the train. Our next stop is to find this lady a husband! Trace a path back to the Forest Realm and over to Whittleton Village. Once you arrive, head on over to the village chief’s house. He lives at the northern most of the small huts at the station. Speak with him and he seems a bit skeptical of getting married since he is kind of old. However, he agrees to it and will meet you back at the train. Follow suit and board the train. Trace a path along the tracks back to Papuchia Village. Once you arrive, the village chief will immediately make his way to the woman and Link will follow. They are so happy with one another and are going to get married immediately! (If only it was really this easy). Their happiness will reward Link with the second Force Gem! This will restore more Spirit Tracks near the east end of the Forest Realm. This will allow us to gain access to grass rabbits #6 and #7. Leave the hut and return to the train. ___________________________ ~ / Grass Rabbits #6 and #7 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Trace a path back to the Forest Realm. Once you enter the realm take the new tracks that lead northward. Immediately on the east end of the tracks you'll find a rabbit hiding behind a boulder. Hit it with the cannon and then capture it with the rabbit net. Continue along the newly formed Spirit Tracks. Don't mind the new path to the north as it leads to a dead end for now. You'll find another grass rabbit peaking its head here, so capture it with the rabbit net. Continue heading west and stop the train at Whittleton Station. ____________________ | +----------------+ | | | Whittleton | | | +----------------+ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Back in Whittleton Village, run to the northeast corner and then head up to get to the north part of the village. Use the newly acquired whip to swing across the gap to the north. Open the treasure chest that is nearby to get a piece of treasure. You can blow all the leaves that are in this area with the whirlwind, as cheap pieces of treasure are found all over the place. Swing back across and head to the south part of this area. Swing across to the right and defeat the yellow spinuts that are all over the place. After blowing away some leaves if you’d like, make your way to the northeast corner of the map. You’ll find a villager who runs a mini-game all the way in this secluded part of the woods. Pay the 50 rupees to participate in the whip race. _______________ ~ / Bomb Bag #2 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The game is quite simple and all you need to do is climb the area. Use the whip to go from pole to pole as you climb your way around. In some cases you’ll need to drop down a bit to swing over to the next pole. You’ll also bump into some vines along your way which you will need to pull the spikes off in order to pass. If you finish the race in between 1:15 and 1:30, you will be rewarded with the medium bomb bag! This will allow you to carry 20 bombs! ______________________ ~ / Heart Container #8 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ If you can win the race in less than 1:15, Link will be rewarded with an even greater prize of a heart container! There is little room for error in trying to get to the 1:15 mark, so it may take several tries. The good thing is that even if you don’t quite get 1:15 there are alternate prizes in the form of treasure pieces for still scoring under 1:30. Once you are down with the game, leave down and head all the way back to the train station. _____________________ | +-----------------+ | | | Castle Town | | | +-----------------+ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There are several things that we can do in Castle Town, but our first stop is going to be at the "Take 'Em All On" challenge. It is the building at the southeast part of town so run on over and enter it. _______________ ~ / Bomb Bag #3 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The second challenge of the "Take 'Em All On" game is now open. This one is quite a bit more elaborate than the first time around. You'll face off with numerous enemies as well as fighting Stagnox, Fraaz, and Phytops once again! Be sure you've collected as many heart containers and have at least one, if not two, potions with you. Remember, there are no recovery hearts throughout the entire challenge. Once you are ready, pay the 50 rupees and take on the second challenge! Room 1 - Six Yellow Spinuts, Six Keese Room 2 - Four White Wolfos Room 3 - Six Freezards Room 4 - Five Ice ChuChus Room 5 - Two Geozards Room 6 - Stagnox, Armored Collosus Room 7 - Twenty Rats Room 8 - Four Octives Room 9 - One Geozard Chief Room 10 - Fraaz, Master of Icy Fire Room 11 - Two Snappers Room 12 - Sixteen Green Spinuts Room 13 - Eleven Octoroks Room 14 - Phytops, Barbed Menace After getting through this long and difficult, yet very fun challenge, you will be rewarded with the big bomb bag! This will allow you to carry up to 30 bombs! _____________ ~ / Cucco Fun \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There are a few other things we can still do here in Castle Town. Run to the west part of town and you’ll see a cucco on top of the building. Play the Song of Birds and the cucco will fly down. Pick it up and then run to the northeast part of town and climb up to the ramparts. There are treasure chests on top of the roofs of the buildings at the southwest and southeast part of town. Link can use the cucco and float on over to each of the buildings. Both treasure chests contain a piece of treasure. There is a third treasure chest on top of the building just to the right of the cucco stable. Use a cucco and fly on top of the building at the northeast corner of the map. Fly over to the building just to the left. This next part is a bit tricky. We need to fly to the southwest and land on top of the lion statue. From there, you need to jump to the next lion statue that is to your west. From there, fly over to the building to the northwest. These jumps can be quite tricky and there is little room for error. Just keep trying it until you get it. Open the treasure chest here to get a treasure that is a bit more rare. ________________ ~ / Force Gem #3 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Before leaving town, enter the building that is on the west side of Castle Town. Her husband loves rabbits but seems to have vanished. We know this man as the Rabbitland Rescue owner. Tell the woman you know where her husband is and then agree to take her to him. She'll then head off for the train. Make your way to the Rabbitland Rescue, avoiding the Dark Trains along the way. As you pass through the Forest, you'll bump into larger Skulltulas known as big skulltula. These larger spiders take two shots to defeat and are not much of a threat. Ride on over and stop at the Rabbitland station. Once you arrive, the woman will walk over to her husband. She really does yell at him quite a bit. The man really cares for the rabbits and the woman is so fed up, she demands you take her back to Castle Town and then walks back towards the train. Walk on over to her and speak with her once again to find that she has had a change of heart and wants to stay. As a reward for bringing her to the Rabbitland Rescue, she'll give Force Gem #3! This will open up some tracks nearby. Climb back on board the train. ___________________________ ~ / Grass Rabbits #8 and #9 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ride along the newly restored tracks just west of the Rabbitland. After going through a forest portion the area will open up again. On the east end of the tracks you’ll find grass rabbit #8 peaking out so capture it! Just seconds later you’ll find another rabbit peeking its head out from behind a boulder on the south end of the tracks. Break the boulder and capture it with the rabbit net. ________________ ~ / Force Gem #4 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There is one more Force Gem we can get. Ride the train back to your home town of Aboda Village. Once you arrive, speak with the young boy here and you’ll find out that he has dreams of seeing the world from the sky. Offer to bring him along for the trip and then return to the train. Our destination is actually Beedle’s Air Shop. Keep an eye out for it on your map. If it isn’t around, just ride around a bit until it appears. Once it is close by, pull on the train whistle to get it to land. Ride on over and stop at the air shop. Once you have stopped, the boy will question whether this thing can actually fly and there is a funny exchange between the boy and Beedle. The boy thanks Link for bringing him here and will give away Force Gem #4! This gem will restore some of the tracks that are just west of Castle Town. It gives you easier access to rabbit #4 if you haven’t gotten it already, but otherwise, it is just a shortcut in the tracks and nothing more. ___________________ ~ / Pick Up Teacher \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You probably noticed a man standing right by the station in Castle Town. This is actually Teach, although he has disguised himself for whatever reason. He is searching for Zelda and wants you take him to various places. Where he wants to go will depend on what day it is. He may ask you to take him to Aboda Village, Anouki Village, or Papuchia Village. At a later time, Teacher will ask you to bring him back to Castle Town or take him to another village which we haven't uncovered yet. Taking Teacher from place to place is exactly like taking regular passengers. Once you arrive at your destination, instead of a Force Gem, Teacher will pay you some rupees. The amount of rupees will depend on how happy Teacher is when he arrives, so make sure to follow all the signs while on the train! That's all there is to do. So you can finally head on over to the Tower of Spirits to tackle the next set of floors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ 7.2 Tower of Spirits, Part 4 [W7.2] /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-07.php#c2 /__\/__\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you haven't already, jump on the train and head to the Tower of Spirits. With the new Spirits Tracks in place, we can get there right from the Ocean Realm. Be careful as along your way, you’ll run into new ships that are on the sea. These ships will target Link’s train with cannons of their own. Just repeatedly tap on the enemy ships to shoot your own cannons at them. Once you arrive at the Tower of Spirits, you may talk to Anjean if you’d like, but then head up into actual tower. Climb the even larger amount of stairs to get to the new area near the top of the tower. ____________________ ~ / Thirteenth Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The map in this room looks a bit intimidating with all the enemies, but it isn’t that bad when taken one at a time. The phantom that is crawling around in this room is a warp phantom. The glowing enemies in the room are known as phantom eyes and they will patrol some of the hallways in the room. If a phantom eye spots Link, it will make a noise and the warp phantom will then join him. While it appears that there are a limited number of phantom eyes in this room, you cannot get rid of all them as they will rejuvenate. The boomerang can be used to stun phantom eyes and then Link can finish them off with a sword slash. The first Tear of Light can be seen on the right side of the map. Wait until the phantom is patrolling the left part of that square area hall, and then run down the hall to the east. You’ll notice that there is a lit torch. Continue to the east and you’ll see an unlit torch. Use the boomerang to light up the unlit torch and this will create a treasure chest at the upper part of the room. Walk around the edge on the right side and head up. Use the boomerang and hit the phantom eye that is guarding the Tear of Light. Run on over and slash at it to defeat it. Collect the first Tear of Light! When there are no enemies nearby, run to the north and slash the crystal switch that is in the safe zone. This will create a bridge at the southwest corner of the room. Run down and left to get around the corner and then climb the steps. Walk to the edge at the top of this area and pull out your whip. Use the whip to pull the sword out of the middle fish statue and place it in the right statue. This will make a treasure chest appear at the bottom-left portion of the map. If the phantom eye nearby responds, be sure to get rid of it as it could cause you trouble. Walk around the corner on the left and open the treasure chest here to get a small key. There is a patrolling phantom eye on the left side here that covers a lot of ground. Without being seen, use the boomerang to stun the phantom and then slash away with your sword. Quickly run back to the higher platform on the right and from here pull out the whip and target the wooden pole on the left. After using a second wooden pole you’ll surface at a higher area. Walk up and then use the whip a second time on the wooden poll to get to the top-left portion. Then quickly use the whip on the two consecutive poles that head southward. Run to the right and use the whip on the pole here as well. The phantom eye will see you, but just run into the safe zone and get the 2nd Tear of Light! Wait until the warp phantom returns to its regular spot and then run to the right and swing across the gap over using the whip. Jump down and pull out the boomerang and defeat the patrolling phantom eye that has respawned. Now run all the way to the northeast corner of the map and use the small key on the locked door. Head up the stairs to the 14th floor of the tower. ____________________ ~ / Fourteenth Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Walk south to the safe zone and then head down this corridor. There is a stationary phantom eye here, so stand around the corner and use the boomerang to stun the enemy. Run on over and slash at it. Walk around the corner and there is another phantom eye here. Use the boomerang to stun this enemy and defeat it with the sword. The warp phantom on the right is the only thing protecting the Tear of Light. Stand around the corner just to the left of the phantom. Pull out the boomerang and trace a path so that it hits a wall to the right of the phantom. The phantom will go and investigate what is going on and this will allow Link to run and collect the third Tear of Light! With the sword now powered up and all three Tears of Light collected, strike the phantom and Princess Zelda will take control of the armored beast. Now that Zelda is in the form of a warp phantom, you can trace a path to any phantom eye and the phantom will automatically warp on over. Trace a line to the phantom eye on the right side of the map and the phantom will warp over to the spot. Have the phantom step on the switch nearby and then let Link run all the way around the room to meet up with the phantom. Open the treasure chest here to get a random piece of treasure. There is nothing left to do in this part of the room, so let’s walk back to the northeast corner of the room and head down the stairs. _____________________________ ~ / Thirteenth Floor Revisted \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Run to the southwest portion of the room and get rid of the phantom eye that is patrolling this area. Climb the steps here and run across the bridge to get to a treasure chest. Open it up to get a small key. Run to the west side of the room and use the small key on the locked door. There is a crystal switch here, but we need to hit two crystal switches as once in order to make use of it. Just leave Link here from now and switch to the Phantom. Use the phantom and trace a line to the phantom eye at the northwest portion of the room. The phantom will warp on over and then slash at the phantom eye. Walk south and to the west and you’ll see a crystal switch. Hit this crystal switch with the phantom and then switch to Link and hit the crystal switch that he is standing by. With both switches hit at the same time, the nearby door will open. Switch back to Link and run to the staircase at the top-left corner of the map. _____________________________ ~ / Fourteenth Floor Revisted \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Walk around this room and a blue chuchu will appear. Link’s sword cannot defeat a blue chuchu, but the phantoms sword can! Defeat the two blue chuchus and make your way to the southwest corner of the room. There is sand that Link can cross here, but the phantom cannot. However, there are two switches, one on each side. Have the phantom stand on the one on the left and let Link stand on the one at the right. This will create a bridge so that Phantom can easily cross. Walk to the right and you’ll see a set of spikes. Keep walking around the corner and you’ll see a strange looking tile on the ground that glows when you stand in it. Leave Link on this title, but then send the phantom to walk across the spikes. There is another one of these tiles in the corner here. Stand on it and what it will do is switch the locations of Link and the Phantom. Now control the phantom once again and walk it past the spikes. Pull out the whip and walk to the left side of this area. Pull out the sword that is in the fish statue and place it in the other statue. This will open the door so head up to the 15th floor! ___________________ ~ / Fifteenth Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Control the phantom and send it over the spikes at the right side of the room. Have it walk all the way to the wall on the right, turn to the south, and then walk left all the way to the glowing triangle. Now control Link and walk over to the triangle on his side of the wall and this will flip the positions of Link and the phantom. Control Link and you’ll find a blue chuchu. Just run by it and head northward across the sand. Run right by the Zora Warrior and you’ll find a block on the ground. Push it to the left and then up. There are two switches to stand on. Push the block onto one of them and then have Link stand on the other one. This will lower the spikes that we had just crossed with the phantom. However, once Link gets off the switch, the spikes will be back up. Switch to the phantom and send him onto the glowing square near the center of the map. Switch to Link and run to the southwest portion of where he is and stand on the square to switch places with the Phantom. Now send the phantom on the switch and it will lower the spikes. Run over to the east end of the map with Link and then bring the Phantom in this direction. Team up with the phantom to double team the Zora Warrior that is found here. Once the enemy has been defeated, have Link and the Phantom work together to open up the massive door. Open the treasure chest to get a small key. Control Link and just to the left where we fought the Zora Warrior there is a staircase that will allow Link to jump back to the middle part of the room. Run through the corridor at the west wide of the room and stand at the very edge. Pull out the boomerang and trace a path to the northwest and hit the switch that will come in view. This will create a bridge straight above. Control the phantom and warp it over to the phantom eye at the northwest part of the map. From here head down, cross the bridge, and walk over some spikes to get all the way to the bottom-left part of the room. Walk with the phantom onto the circle to the right and then switch back to Link. Run to the south part of the room and step on the glowing circle here to switch places with the phantom. Control the phantom once again and warp to the phantom eye at the northwest part of the room once again. Walk almost all the way to Link and step on the switch that is just to the right of the spikes. This will cause the spikes to raise and allow Link to run free. Walk to the left with Link and you’ll notice that between the rolling boulders and the spikes, the path is blocked. Control the phantom and cross the spikes to the north. Walk to the source of the boulders and right after a boulder passes, run with the phantom as far up as you can go and then immediately switch back to Link. The Phantom will hold off the boulders for a little awhile, so quickly run with Link around the spikes. Step on one of the switches nearby and then have the Phantom step on the other switch, and this will cause another bridge to form nearby. Walk with the phantom northward but don’t cross the bridge, you just need the phantom to be close by. Now walk across the bridge with Link and stun the phantom eye with the boomerang but do not slash at it with your sword. Rather, use the whirlwind to send the phantom eye to the northwest corner of the map. Each time you use the whirlwind on the phantom eye, it will reset its stun time. Once the phantom eye is in the corner of the room, switch to the phantom and quickly trace a path to the phantom eye so that it will switch places. Have the phantom step on one of the switches and have Link step on the other. This will cause the door near the north part of the map to open up. Run with Link all the way back to the center of the room. Use the phantom and warp to the phantom eye near the top of the room. Now have the characters joined together, open the locked door, and head up to the 16th floor. ___________________ ~ / Sixteenth Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Run around the corners and read the tablet here. It says to move from the green tile to the red tile and it will form a symbol. Use the phantom and warp over to the phantom eye on the left side of the map. The trick in this room is that the phantom needs to mimic the exact same route as the phantom is doing on the right side of the map. In order to do this, step on the green tile and then walk to the top-right most block. Then walk diagonally to the bottom-left most block. Then walk upwards but don’t quite touch the top-left most block. (Otherwise it will reset). Finish off the puzzle by walking diagonally to the bottom-right most block and step on the red title. This will cause the door in the center of the room to open up. Walk all the way to the stairs with the phantom and then join along with Link. Together, walk up to the 17th floor of the Tower. _____________________ ~ / Seventeenth Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Link’s sword will lose its power and Princess Zelda will leave the body of the Phantom. Walk up the steps and collect the Fire Rail Map! After a short celebration between Link and Zelda, Byrne shows up to ruin the party. (Finally, we haven’t seen the main villains since the beginning of the game!) Byrne jump up and looks like he is about to destroy Link, but he is stopped by Anjean of all people. It turns out that Byrne was actually the apprentice to Anjean, but he would never listen. Anjean explains that the Spirits sent the Locomo to protect the good. The fact that Byrne is trying to resurrect the Demon King is unfathomable to Anjean. Byrne stopped following the Spirits, because they would never answer him and he could become just as powerful as them. Byrne believes that Malladus is the only thing more powerful than the Spirits. Anjean has given up hope on convincing Byrne otherwise and tells Link and Zelda to head towards the Fire Temple. Anjean then warps the two back to the entrance of the Tower of Spirits. A battle between Byrne and Anjean seems to be apparent, but the next we see, we are back at the entrance with Princess Zelda and Link. After some small talk, it is decided that the Fire Temple shall be the next destination. Jump on the train and head towards the Snow Realm. This here concludes the 7th chapter of the Spirit Tracks Walkthrough! /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\ /__\ Chapter 8 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\ /\ /\ The Fire Realm ____________________/ [W8] /\ /\ /__\/__\ _________________________/ \____________________ /__\/__\ | | \___________________________________________________________________________/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ 8.1 Goron Village [W8.1] /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-08.php#c1 /__\/__\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you haven’t already, leave the Tower of Spirits for the Snow Realm. Just ride on northward and take the first right turn and then enter the Fire Realm. Drive on forward and you’ll hear a loud noise and you’ll see a view of a volcano. Be careful as you ride forward, as many of the rocks will fall from the volcano above and land on the train tracks. Just shoot these rocks with the cannon and they will blow up. There are two known stops that can be accessed here. The first one is the Goron Targeting Range, but because of the recent eruption, they are closed. Ride eastward and stop the train at other marked location on the map, Goron Village. Upon entering the village, you’ll see that it isn’t in the best of shape. You can run around and talk to some of the villagers, but you cannot get to the main part of town. Climb up the path on the left and head to the west part of the village. Walk to the northwest and open a treasure chest to get a random piece of treasure. Walk to the west and you’ll see a series of boulders rolling down. If you watch carefully you’ll notice pattern to the boulders. They come two in a row, then one, then two, then one, etc… Since the path curves, if Link stands in some corners, the boulders won’t be able to hurt him. Time your way and run past the boulders when you can and hide against corners of walls. Work your way to the west side of this area, dodging a series of rolling boulders. You’ll eventually see a switch next to a large field of lava. Hitting the switch will cause a bridge to appear to a short time in an area to the northwest. Leave this alone for now and run to the corner of the map. Pull out the whip and use it on the wooden poles to swing across the gap. Walk up north and you’ll see another gap, so swing across the wooden pole with the whip. Immediately upon crossing, you’ll bump into a new enemy known as a Fire Baba. Theses plant like enemies will try to bite Link and will also shoot fire out of their mouth. Use the boomerang or whip to cut its head off from the rest of its body and then finish it off with the sword. Alternatively, you can just use bombs to defeat them. Walk over to the northwest corner of the map, defeating more Fire Babas on the way and you’ll eventually encounter a Stamp Station. Stamp Niko’s Stamp Book for the 13th stamp! Backtrack all the way to the southwest corner of the map and run back over to the nearby switch we saw. Activate the switch and quickly run back to the west part of the area. Pull out the whip again and swing across the gap, using the wooden poles. Run across the bridge before time expires. Walk up to the north to enter a new part of the village. Talk to the Goron and tell him you’d like to reach the Fire Sanctuary. Turns out in order to do this, you have to meet the Goron Elder, but there is currently no way to reach him. After he finds out that Link has a train, he agrees to meet you there. Leave this area and head east. Use the whip on the wooden poles to get across the gap. Walk up the stairs and open the treasure chest to get a random piece of treasure! Now run south and follow this higher ledge to the center of the map. Right near the center of the map, jump off the ledge to the south. Run to the south a bit and open the treasure chest here to get a piece of treasure! Jump off the ledge, and head back east to the main part of town. Run all the way back to the train and on your way, a scene will show a goron talking to Kagoron, the special Goron that we just met up with. After they talk, we find out that Kagoron wants to get Link a freight car for his train! Kagoron wants Link to use the freight car to bring something back that is cold enough to cool the lava. Jump back on the train, and let’s set our path back to the Snow Realm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ 8.2 Mega Ice! [W8.2] /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-08.php#c2 /__\/__\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________ ~ / Anouki Village \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Our next destination is all the way in Anouki Village so head on over! Once you arrive, run to the northwest to find an Anouki standing near the water. He talks about something known as Mega Ice, but unfortunately the water in Anouki Village is no longer useful as it has been contaminated by chuchus. After hearing that you have a passanger car, the Anoukie will ask if you can take him to someplace with fresh water. Agree to do so and he'll take off for the train. Run on over and jump aboard. ______________________ ~ / Wellspring Station \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Trace a path to Wellspring Station to the east. Remember, you have a passenger on board now, so you cannot afford to get hit too many times and you cannot make sudden stops. Once you arrive the Anouki will head off to the water. Walk over to the water yourself and talk to the Anouki. In thanks for bringing him here, the Anouki will give Link the 5th Force Gem! This will cause the Snow rail map to light up and create some new Spirit Tracks! The new tracks that are formed will form don't offer any new rabbits or new stations, but they do however, offer the third warp point. Located just east of Anouki Village, you will find Warp Gate C. Activate it and this will connect you to the Ocean Realm just east of the Ocean Sanctuary. There are numerous Force Gems that we'll soon be able to get, and thus Warp Gate will be useful, so be sure to activate it once you get a chance. The Anouki needs time to make the Mega Ice. In the meantime, run to the northwest part of Wellspring Station and pull out your whip. Use the whip to swing across the wooden poles to the east to get to the northeast part of the map. Open the treasure chest here to get some rupees! Jump down and enter the house on the right side of the map. Just exit immediately and then run back to the Anouki to find some Mega Ice. For the low cost of 25 rupees, the Anouki will load up some Mega Ice on your freight car. Agree to the deal and then the Anouki will explain some things about Mega Ice. When transporting it, you need to be careful of enemies or sudden stops, as it might cause some of the ice to fall out. Also, since Link is carrying ice, it will melt when he is in warm places, so Link needs to move quickly. Walk back over to the train and head off to the Goron Village back in the Fire Realm. Once you enter the Fire Realm, you’ll notice that there is now a third dark train here that is located right next to the Goron Targeting Range. This prevents us from heading directly to the Goron Village, so we’ll have to take an alternate path by heading north at the first juncture. Avoid the two dark trains in this area as you navigate your way to Goron Village. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ 8.3 Fire Sanctuary [W8.3] /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-08.php#c3 /__\/__\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________ ~ / Goron Village \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Once you arrive at the Goron Village, run to the west and speak with Karagon. After telling him that you have the Mega Ice, Karagon will work with the Goron’s and cool down the lava so that the path to the north is now open! The Goron Elder is at the highest cave in the village. Run on over and talk to the Goron Elder. You will be joined by the elder’s grandson who tells the elder of the work that Link did for the village. The Goron Elder will then move aside, revealing a passage behind him. Walk through the passage to get to enter a cave. There are several fire keese in your path. Have Link run around and either use the boomerang or the whip to get rid of the keese. Walk to the north and use your whip to swing across the gap. Step on the switch and a bridge will appear, leading to the east side of the cave. There are several pots here, some of which are shaking, signifying that there are some Like-Like’s here. These guys are incredibly annoying so your best bet is to just avoid them. If you do choose to fight them the whip actually works quite well against them. Alternatively, if you have the bombs, toss one into its mouth while it is trying to suck you in. Climb the steps and then walk all the way to the left. Open the treasure chest here to get a random piece of treasure. Walk back to the right and head up some stairs to get some stairs. Walk north and you’ll enter the Fire Sanctuary! __________________ ~ / Fire Sanctuary \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Run to the north and defeat the fire keese here. You’ll bump into several more fire babas in this area. Remember, bombs are the best way to defeat them, but alternatively you can use your whip or boomerang to cut of its head. This will make it easier to finish them off with your sword. Walk to the east and you’ll see several torches as well as several fire babas. Defeat all the annoying fire babas first, and then the boomerang and light up all the torches. Lighting up the first three torches will create a bridge in the center of the map. Lighting up the bottom two torches creates two more bridges. Climb the nearby steps, and cross the bridge to the left. Walk to the northwest corner and open the treasure chest here to get a random piece of treasure. Cross the bridge to the north here and you’ll find a stamp station, so mark your stamp booklet with the 15th stamp! Return to the middle of the map and then head right across the bridge in the center. Keep running to the right and you will find numerous face statues. Tap the stone tablet and you’ll hear a story about two men falling in love with one woman. After rivalry over the woman, the friendship shone like a light, uniting the pair... it as if a door had been unlocked. A strange tablet indeed but it does give a hint to the puzzle. Look around at the eight face statues here and you will see that all the ones on the outside are staring right at the middle one, except for the one on the right. Stand in the middle between the middle statue and the one on the right and play the Song of Light. (Purple, Yellow, Orange, Turquoise, Silver). This will cause a crystal to appear and it will shine at the door above, opening it up. Walk inside and speak with Embrose, the Locomo of the Fire Sanctuary. After some small talk, agree to play a duet with him, just like the other Locomo. First let Embrose show you the song, and it goes, Purple, Yellow, Purple, Yellow, and then Turquoise. It’s quite hard and the rhythm is a bit complicated. It might take a lot of practice, but keep trying it out and then perform the duet with Embrose. After finally successfully completing the song, the Fire Rail Map will start to glow revealing a ton of new Spirit Tracks! Embrose gives Link advice to talk to some of the villagers before heading to the Fire Temple. Leave the Sanctuary at the southwest corner and you’ll be back in the cave. Jump off the ledge on the left and then exit to get back to the main part of the village. The Goron Elder will tell you that the gate to the Fire Temple is locked by three locks. There are three monsters that stole the keys. The Elder mentions that the villagers may know more about the monsters. Leave the house and talk to the Goron in the house to the left to find out the monsters don’t like certain noise. The noise is one short noise, and then one long one. This is a hint to use the train whistle against these monsters. Another one of the Goron’s in one of the houses tells you not to try to get behind them, but rather, hit them straight on. The Goron on the east end of the village is in need of 10 blocks of Mega Ice, as his house is still blocked off with lava. Agree to bring him ice, but you don’t necessarily have to do this right now if you don’t want to. Now that we have the freight car and have access to the Fire Realm, there are nine new Force Gems we can collect. These are completely optional though and if you'd like you can skip right ahead to the Fire Temple. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ 8.4 Force Gem Galore [W8.4] /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-08.php#c4 /__\/__\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This part of the walkthrough is entirely optional. If you’d like to continue along with the main quest, you can head straight to the Fire Temple at this point. Just skip down to section 8.5 of the walkthrough. However, now that we have the freight car and access to the Fire Realm, there are a ton of side quests we can take part in. This includes the collection of numerous force gems, and in turn, access to several new stations, rabbits, treasures, warp gates, and more. ________________ ~ / Force Gem #6 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There is still some lava on the east end of Goron Village, so why don’t we get rid of it? Talk to the nearby Goron here and he seems down because he cannot get to his house. Agree to bring over some Mega Ice and return to the train. Ride back westward to the Snow Realm and stop at Wellspring Station. You'll get a letter in the mail and it is from Ferrus. Don't mind this for now as we'll get to it in just a bitTalk to the Anouki here and purchase some Mega Ice. Then head back to the train and board. Ride your train and make your way over to Goron Village. You need to arrive with at least 10 units of Mega Ice. Run on over to the Goron on the east side of the village near the lava. This will cool off the lava and the Goron will be delighted since he got now reach his home. In exchange for your work, you will be rewarded with Force Gem #8. This will open up some new tracks that lead south of the Goron Target Range. You'll be able to access a new Warp Gate and capture your first desert rabbit! _____________________ ~ / Four More Rabbits \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There are three mountain rabbits that we now can capture since there are no longer and dark trains roaming the northern area of the map. From Goron Village travel west just a bit and then take the path northward. Just continue riding northward, passing the first intersection and when you come to the next intersection, turn right. The first mountain rabbit is just to your left, so hit the boulder and then capture the rabbit with the rabbit net. Ride northward and the tracks turn to the west. The next rabbit is located on the north side of the tracks, just before the tracks turn to the south. Capture it to get the 2nd mountain rabbit! The next rabbit is located on the southeast side of the tracks... directly west of the Goron Target Range. Ride on over and break the boulder and capture the rabbit for mountain rabbit #4. Let's now navigate the new tracks that were opened up by Force Gem #6. Travel directly south of the Goron Target Range and when the tracks turn to the west keep an eye out at the southeast corner. A rabbit peaks its head out from behind a boulder. Hit the boulder and capture your first desert rabbit! Ride westward and activate Warp Portal D. Pull the train whistle and ride forward and you will be warped over to the Ocean Realm. ________________ ~ / Force Gem #7 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Our force gem quest begins nearby at Papuchia Village so ride on over. There is a woman in Castle Town who has been talking constantly about fish and coincidentally there is a fish merchant in Papuchia Village. Once you arrive run over to the woman on the west side of the village. She’ll call over so go and talk to her. She offers to sell you 20 fish for 50 rupees. She tells you that you cannot just leave the fish out in the sun and also to watch out for birds. Head back towards the train. Set a path back to the Forest Realm and then back to Castle Town. Once you enter the Forest Realm, it seems random what types of enemies will appear. You’ll either see two dark trains at the north part of the tracks near Castle Town or you’ll encounter snurgle and new enemy tanks. The snurgle are especially attracted to the fish that you are carrying, so be sure to get rid of them quickly. The tanks are new enemies that you may have already encountered in the overworld. They usually come in groups of two or three and they will shoot cannons out you. Each tank takes two hits to defeat. If you see a cannon being shot at you, shoot it before it hits your train. Make your way all the way to the train station and stop at Castle Town. Once you arrive run over to the person in the center of town near the small waterfall. The woman will call you over once you are close by. After hearing that you have fish, agree to give them to her and she’ll reward you with Force Gem #7! This gem opens up some new tracks at the east end of the Forest Realm. These new tracks will allow Link to reach the Grass Rabbit #10 and Ocean Rabbit #8! Jump back on your train. ____________________ ~ / Two More Rabbits \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There are two new rabbits that we can now capture from the new Spirit Tracks that were unlocked. From Castle, ride towards the Tower of Spirits and then head south towards the new tracks. Turn to the west and keep an eye out on the south part of the tracks. Blast at the boulder here and capture the 10th and final grass rabbit! Travel to the east and you’ll enter the Ocean Realm. The track only extends briefly into the Ocean Realm. The Ocean Rabbit can be found at the southwest of the tracks. Now that we have all 10 grass rabbits, we can finally make our way to the Rabbitland Rescue to get a reward. You will be rewarded with some treasure pieces for your hard work. These aren’t the cheap treasure either, these are the expensive ones that are worth 500 rupees at Linebeck’s Trading Post. Your next rabbit quest is to collect all 10 rabbits from the Snow Realm. We’re almost there actually, but for now, just head back to the train. ________________ ~ / Force Gem #8 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Our next force gem quest begins over in Castle Town. Ride on towards Castle Town and stop the train. Run over to the cucco man at the northwest part of town. His cuccos have grown and it is now time to sell them. He offers to sell you 5 of them for 50 rupees. Agree to purchase them and they’ll be put on your train. Remember the man back in Aboda Village wanted to raise cuccos? Well, that is our next destination so jump on board the train. Set the course for Aboda Village and be sure you do not get hit by any enemies on your way or else you will lose cuccos. Once you have arrived run over to the man at the northwest part of the village and show him the cuccos. He is happy, but he wants 10 cuccos all together. This means we’ll have to make a second trip to Castle Town to pick up some more cuccos. Ride on over, purchase 5 more cuccos for 50 rupees, and safely bring all 5 cuccos back to Aboda Village. Once he finally has 10 cuccos, he will be so delighted that he will reward you with Force Gem #8! This new gem will restore some new tracks that are north of Aboda Village. The highlight of these new tracks is Warp Gate E, which will connect the Forest Realm to the Fire Realm. Ride on over to the Warp Gate and activate it. One your way you will find two new enemies. One if a big skulltula, which you may have already encountered. These larger skulltulas take two hits to defeat. You will also find tektites right near the warp gate. These spikder like enemies will climb on the walls and will jump and try to land on top of your train. One cannon shot will do them in. When you pass by the warp gate, pull the train whistle, and then ride right through to get to the Fire Realm. Ride on over and stop at Goron Village. ________________ ~ / Force Gem #9 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ If you haven’t already, ride on over and stop your train at the station at Goron Village. While at Whittleton Village, you may have overheard that they were in need of some iron to forge new axes. Well, you can purchase some right here in Goron Village! On the west part of Goron Village, pay up some rupees in order to get some iron from the Goron. Run back to the train and take off. The path to Whittleton is a bit distant and there really are no good shortcuts at the moment. You can take warp gate A or B if you’d like, or even the new tracks that were formed from Force Gem #5. However, the best route is through the Tower of Spirits. You need to make sure that you have five units of iron when you get there. Once you arrive at Whittleton speak to the villager just west of the station. He’s happy and will get Link Force Gem #9. This gem will unlock some tracks just west of the Forest Temple. It really is completely useless as there is nothing of interest at these new tracks other than it being a small shortcut. _________________ ~ / Force Gem #10 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ One of the Anouki back at Anouki Village was in need of some lumber, as well as somebody that can be of use as a builder. Well, we can knock out one of those things right here in Whittleton Village. Talk to the lumber man and purchase some lumber for 100 rupees. Then head back to the train. We also need a handy man that can help build the fence for us. The Bridge Worker should be able to do the trick. The last we saw of him, he was still at the Trading Post in the Forest Realm. Use the train and ride on over to the Trading Post. Speak with the Bridge Worker, who apparently hasn’t moved for days now… and he’ll jump on board. Use Warp Gate A to get to the Snow Realm and then travel to Anouki Village. Once you arrive with the Bridge Worker, speak with the Anouki and will give you a treasure for bringing the Bridge Worker. Since you've brought the lumberhe as well, he is so happy that he’ll reward you with Force Gem #10. This new gem will restore new Spirit Tracks west of the Snow Temple and will actually be of good use! __________________ ~ / Snow Rabbit #8 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The new tracks that have opened because of Forece Gem #10 will allow us to reach a new rabbit. Jump on the train and make your way all the to the northwest part of the map. Watch out for the dark train as well as the armored train that are patroling the tracks here. Once you reach the new tracks keep an eye out for the north side of the tracks as the rabbit will pop its head out from behind a boulder. Capture the rabbit with the rabbit net to get the 8th Snow Rabbit. Ride up north and stop at a new station here. ___________________________ | +-----------------------+ | | | Snowdrift Station | | | +-----------------------+ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You’ll arrive at what is known as Snowdrift Station. The outdoor portion of this station consists of a lot of snow, some fencing, and a bunch of white wolfos that come up from underground. Defeat any enemies that pop up and maneuver around the fencing to get to the northwest part of the map. Enter the cave and you’ll find yourself in a dungeon like area. This place is known as the Snowdrift Station Dungeon. You’ll see a stone tablet straight ahead and it warns you that you shouldn’t get the order wrong. This tablet is referring to the five switches that are just to the north. Don’t hit the switches as we need to first learn the proper order. There are four staircases on your map along with a few freezards roaming around. Let’s start off by heading to the northeast corner of the room and head down the stairs. _____________________ ~ / Northeast Chamber \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This room is dark but there are ice torches that light up the room. Walk to the west and you’ll see an unlit torch that is actually in water. Use the boomerang to light it up and then create a path of ice with your boomerang. Continue lighting a series of torches with the boomerang as you head west, north, east, north, and then west. You’ll eventually come to a stone tablet. Read it and it says… "Don’t hit the false one in the middle." This is a clue that of the five switches on the floor below, you do not need to hit the one in the middle. Walk to the north and then all the way to the east. Jump off the ledge and head back up the stairs to get to the main chamber. Our next spot is the southeast chamber, so walk on over and head down the stairs. _____________________ ~ / Southeast Chamber \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Walk to the right and then up and the door will shut behind you. This water filled room has several octives in the water and a few ice keese floating around. Keep the boomerang out and get rid of the ice keese. Stun the octives while creating paths of ice to walk on. Go around the room creating ice while defeating all the octives. Once all the enemies have been taken care of, the doors will open up. Create a path to the north and get back onto land. Walk up and read the stone tablet here and it says... "The second switch from the left is the third switch to hit." Be sure to remember that and then head back south. Cross the water and then climb the stairs to get back to the main chamber. Run over to the southwest chamber and head down the steps. _____________________ ~ / Southwest Chamber \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This room is very straight forward but can be a bit frustrating. There is a switch once you enter the floor and stepping on this switch will open up a door within the room but only for a short period of time. You have to race across the ice, making sharp, efficient turns in order to get to the door before the timer run out. It might take you several tries to get the hang of it, but once you’ve got it down, you’ll make it passed the door. Walk forward and read the third stone tablet and it says… "The first and the last are on the ends. Now head back south and backtrack up the stairs to get back to the main chamber. Let’s now head to the top-left part of the room and head down the stairs to enter the northwest chamber. _____________________ ~ / Northwest Chamber \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Walk to the right and you’ll see what looks like a rather intimidating block pushing puzzle. The goal here is to push the block around on the ice in order to get it into the water on the right. The best order is to push it as such… North, East, South, West, South, East, North, and then East into the water. Jump on top of the block and you’ll find there are four octives in the water, as well as some annoying arrow shooters coming from the north wall. Use the whirlwind to propel yourself across the water. Also use the whirlwind to deflect the rocks of the octives back at them. As you are crossing the water, you can face northward with your shield and it will block the arrows that are being shot towards you. It can be rather annoying, but eventually you’ll make your way across to the right and surface on the land. Run up and read the stone tablet here and it says… "The second one and the fourth one are next to each other." Climb up the steps and run back to the west side of the room. Climb up the steps to resurface at the main chamber. ________________ ~ / Main Chamber \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ We now have all four clues and they are as follows. 1. Don’t hit the false one in the middle. 2. The second switch from the left is the third switch to hit. 3. The first and the last are on the ends. 4. The second one and the fourth one are next to each other. If you use all the clues then you can solve the puzzle. From left to right, the proper order is 1st, 4th, 2nd, 5th. Stand on the higher platform and carefully trace a path with your boomerang so it hits these four switches in this particular order. Properly hitting the four switches will cause a bridge to form. Cross it and head north. You will find a tiny room filled with freezards and there is ice on the ground! Stay in a corner with your shielf facing the center of the room and then slash your sword at the freezards. They will move at fast speeds across the ice but they will slowly begin to shed some of their protective ice. Keep slashing away until you weaken the freezards. A faster way to defeating freezards is by tossing bombs at themb. Once all four freezards have been defeated, walk up north and open the treasure chest to get a extremely rare piece of treasure! This isn't just some regular treasure. This is an Alchemy Stone, which alongside the Regal Ring, are the rarest of all treasure. They are worth 2,500 rupees at Linebeck's Trading Post. You can also trade in an Alchemy Stone in order to get Golden Train Parts! That is about all there is to the Snowdrift Station, so exit the dungeon and return to the train. _________________ ~ / Force Gem #11 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The next force gem that we can collect stems from a letter that we got in the mail from Ferrus. If you haven’t gotten it yet, just stop by any village with a mailbox and you will get the letter. It shows a picture of a bomb train in the snow, with the forest in the background. Ferrus tells you to find him here and pick him up. The exact location of where Ferrus is just southeast of the Snow Temple. He is along the vertical tracks that are just east of the Snow Temple. He is near the southern part of this area and on the east end of the tracks. Just ride in this area and you will hear his camera clicking. Once you pick up Ferrus, you’ll find out that his destination is Aboda Village where he wants to visit Alfonzo. Use either Warp Gate A or B in order to quickly get to the Forest Realm. From here just ride straight towards Aboda Village on stop the train. Ferrus will head off to find Alfonzo. Follow suite and enter Alfonzo’s house. Ferrus is really excited and even asks to get Alfonzo’s autograph. It turns out that Ferrus is completely wrong about Alfonzo and he wasn’t a legendary engineer, but rather a legendary swordsman. In any case, Ferrus rewards you with a Force Gem, which restores tracks just west and north of Castle Town, leading to the Snow Realm. These are just more rather useless tracks who’s only purpose is a shortcut along the tracks. ______________________ ~ / Engineer's Clothes \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ If you've been following along in the walkthrough, you should have collected 15 stamps in Niko's Stamp Book. If you have done so, run on over to your house and speak with Niko. He is happy that you have collected 15 stamps and in return, he will give you the engineer's clothes. These are actually the same clothes Link had at the beginning of the game, but it is kind of cool to be able to use them. You can come back to Niko at anytime and switch between Link's green tunic and the engineer's clothes. That's about all there is to do here, so let's jump back on the train. _________________ ~ / Force Gem #12 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The next force gem quest begins back at Papuchia Village. Ride on over to the Ocean Realm and stop at Papuchia Village. Once you are at Papuchia, run on over and speak with the Wise One who is in the large building at the center of the village. After going through her usual round of questions, tell her you are having bad luck and she will offer to sell you a vessel for 50 rupees. Purchase it and then head back to your train. It has been quite awhile since you met with Steem, the Locomo at the Snow Sanctuary, but if you have spoken with him, you would know that he is looking for something nice to decorate his chamber. The Snow Sanctuary is our destination but since you are carrying this expensive vessel, you cannot allow any enemy at all to hit you, or else the vessel will break. Using Warp Gate C to the east is the fastest way to get to the Snow Sanctuary, but it isn’t the easiest as you’ll encounter some pirate ships. Alternatively you can use Warp Gate A or B within the Forest Realm. Whichever route you take, ride on over and safely stop at the Snow Sanctuary. Once you arrive Steem is waiting there right for you. Talk to him and he’ll be happy you brought him a nice vessel and will give you Force Gem #12! This gem will restore some tracks at the north end of the Snow Realm! Leave Steem’s sanctuary and run all the way back to the train. __________________________ | +----------------------+ | | | Slippery Station | | | +----------------------+ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Let’s check out the newly restored tracks at the north end of the Snow Realm. Ride on over and at the very end of the tracks you will find a station. Once you come to a stop you’ll be at a place known as Slippery Station. There is a bunch of ice chuchu’s running around here. Use your boomerang to stun them and finish them off with your sword. Enter the cave here to find another mini dungeon. Once you enter you’ll see a few stone tablets. Read the one on the right to find you are at a skating rink. There are three courses: Amateur, Pro, and Champion. These courses obviously correspond to the switches to your left. The bottom of the three switches is the Amateur Course. Step on the switch and a door at the north end of the room will open up. Just like in the Snowdrift Station Dungeon, the door is on a timer and you have to run across the ice and get there before it closes. The Amateur one is not too hard, just try to make as sharp as turns as possible as you run towards the door. Once you’ve successfully made it, open the treasure chest here to get a big gold rupee. These things are worth 300 rupees! Step in the blue warp portal to be sent back to the entrance. The middle of the three courses is the Pro Course. This is basically the same thing as the Amateur one, except the door is at the top-right part of the map, but you have slightly more time. You need to try to cut corners as best as you can. Also there are spots where there are breaks in the ice and there are regular platforms. If you run on to these platforms you will be able to move a bit quicker through the course. Once you’ve successfully reached the end, open the treasure chest to get a rare piece of treasure. Step into the blue warp portal to be sent back to the entrance. The top of the three courses is the Champion Course. Once you step on the switch, the door at the bottom-right part of the room will open up. You have to run across the entire room and you must cut every corner as best you can. Whenever there are breaks in the ice, use them to pick up a few valuable seconds in the race. Remember, the more you run in a straight line, the better you will do. After a bunch of tries you will eventually get it. Once you do so, open the treasure chest here to get another uber rare Alchemy Stone! Step into the blue warp portal to be sent back to the entrance. That’s all there is to do here at the Slipper Station. Leave the skating rink and then run back over and board the train. That is finally all we can do for now, so let's make our way over to the tracks outside of the Fire Temple. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ 8.5 Enter the Fire Temple [W8.5] /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-08.php#c5 /__\/__\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ride eastward and you’ll go through a small cave. This cave is filled with three of these much smaller cave dwellers that are easily defeated with some cannon shots. Once you exit the cave to the east, you’ll see the three monsters that are holding the keys. They act similar to bomb trains as they follow a set path and their next turn is shown. Remember the advice that the Goron’s gave, do not try trailing them, but instead, just head straight on. Once you are in direct path of the monster and get its attention, pull your train whistle just as the Goron advised you. A short pull, following by a long below and this will cause the monster to be stationary while it closes its ears. Use the cannon to shoot the monster and get the first key! There really is not much different in the process of going about getting the keys. While you are trying to hunt down the three monsters, if you travel to the far north-east portion of the tracks, you’ll find a mountain rabbit hiding behind a rock. You can try to catch it if you’d like. Just be patient with the route the monsters take as it can be annoying when they are going in different directions. Once you have collected all three of the keys, the door will open to the Fire Temple, so trace a path and ride on over! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ 8.6 Fire Temple [W8.6] /__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ /\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda13-spirit-tracks-walkthrough-08.php#c5 /__\/__\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________ ~ / 1st Floor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After some small talk with Princess Zelda, walk on up through the door to get to enter the main part of the Fire Temple. Walk straight upwards and defeat the several fire keese that will block your way. You’ll see two locked doors and a close door, just head left for now and make your way around the corridor. This area is filled with spikes on the floor and a rotating set of flames. Carefully maneuver around the spikes and the flames as you make your way around this room and get to the northwest part of the map. Walk to the south and the door will shut behind you. There are three skeleton enemies known as stalfos. They will jump when Link tries to swing his sword at them, but just keep slashing away and you’ll be able to hit them. The whip also works great against these guys. Once all three have been defeated, the door to the bottom will open up. There is a stone tablet here that hints that the trapped doors in this room are symmetric same as on the other side of the map. The trap doors are easily distinguished on the ground here, but not so much on the other side of the map. Make sure to note on your map where the symmetric trap doors are. There are enemies in this area known as moldola. They are invincible to Link’s attack so just try to avoid them. Maneuver around the trap doors and up the stairs to get to the 2nd floor. ____________________________ ~ / 2nd Floor - Small Key #1 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Jump onto the cart you see here and it will ride Link around the room and he will land by a treasure chest. Open it up to get a small key. Jump on the court again and then walk back down to the first floor. ______________________ ~ / 1st Floor Revisted \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Walk back south, and turn around the corner and walk up the stairs here. Don’t jump down though. Instead, pull out the boomerang and hit the switch that is to the northeast. This will cause a circular platform to fall to the floor. Jump down and pick it and carry it to the right side of the room. There is some lava that Link cannot jump onto. Instead, toss the platform onto the lava and then Link can use this to get across the gap. There is a block here in the corner and some fire that blocks your way on the right. Pull the block down two spaces and then push it right one, all the way and all the way to the right. The block will cover Link from the fire that is coming out of a statue at the corner of this area. Run to the southeast part of the room and you should have noted on your map where the trap doors are. If you haven’t, the path to get across is to go down, then left, then up, then left, and then down twice. From here you can run to the right and open the treasure chest to get some red potion. Then run all the way to the left and then head up to get back to the 2nd floor. ____________________________ ~ / 2nd Floor - Small Key #2 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There is another cart here, but if you look at the path, it is a bit trickier. As you ride on the court, you’ll notice switches that Link can hit on his way. The first time through, hit only the first switch you see, and this will take you to a platform that has a treasure chest. Open it up to get a random piece of treasure. Ride the cart back to the staircase. Now the second time around we want to hit both switches that we see. Doing so will allow the cart to ride all the way to the northwest part of the map. Defeat the stalfos enemy here and open the treasure chest to get another small key. Ride the cart back to the staircase and head back down to the 1st floor. ____________________ ~ / 1st Floor Part 3 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Run south, wrap around the corner, and head north, climbing the stairs. Make your way over to where the two locked doors were. Use small keys on both of the locked doors and you’ll find two switches. If you hit one of the switches, it will activate but only for a short while. You don’t have the time to run to both switches and hit them with your sword. The best way to go about this is to stand right in front of the closed door and in one long path, trace a boomerang so that it hits both switches. Alternatively, you can use bombs if you have the bomb bag. Once the door is opened head up to get back to the 2nd floor. _____________________________ ~ / 2nd Floor - Bow and Arrow \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Walk up to fight a mini-boss battle with a giant turtle known as heatoise. Also in the room are those electric moldola that will stay around the edge of the room. Slash at the head of heatoise, and it will then cover under its shell and start spinning towards you. You need to lure it so that it will spin into a wall when a moldola is nearby. It can be a bit tricky to dodge the turtle shell though so be careful. Once the heatoise hits the moldola, the heatoise will be stunned for a short moment, which will allow Link to slash away at heaad of heatoise. Repeat this process until heatoise has been defeated. Afterwards a treasure chest appears and it contains the bow and arrow! Walk to the right and break the chestnut in order to get some more arrows. Target the red switch on the wall with your bow and arrow and this will cause a bridge to form walk across and head back down to the 1st floor of the dungeon. __________________________________ ~ / 1st Floor - Northeast Corridor \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Use the bow and arrow and shoot the blue arrow orb that is across the gap. This will shoot an arrow to the right and hit another orb, which will shoot an arrow to hit the red switch, creating a bridge that Link can cross. Jump over to the right side and open the treasure chest to get a random piece of treasure! Return to the first blue arrow orb and slash at it so it is facing northward. Pick it up and walk to the edge of the platform on the left and toss over so it lands on the platform that is over the gap. Use your bow to shoot an arrow at this orb which will eventually hit another red switch, creating a platform for Link to cross. Run over and hit the orb once again until it faces west. Pick it up and toss it to the platform to the north. Shoot an arrow at the orb and this will hit another switch creating yet another platform for Link to cross. Run across the bridge and head down the stairs to get to the Basement 1. ____________________ ~ / Basement 1 and 2 \ ~ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There is
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